Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 954 Eternal War (Second Update)

Ms. Maximov, this is the security department of Los Angeles General Hospital. We have hired a professional security company to monitor 24 hours a day to ensure safety. Our network of health centers across Los Angeles also works closely with the Los Angeles Police and the health services department. Collaborate to provide housing, health and care services to immigrants, youth, homeless people, victims of domestic violence, people with substance abuse disorders...

Dr. Christina Galli's secretary led Wanda to the room at the end of the corridor with ease. Her tone was unhurried, as if Wanda were a visiting member of society. Wanda listened patiently, and she understood that the subtext of what the secretary was saying was that the hospital had very complete security measures. The disappearance of Robbie Reyes was not the responsibility of the hospital, and the hospital would refund the medical expenses and give The conditions for compensation are quite generous because the hospital's financial strength can afford it.


The lights in the corridor suddenly went out, and the secretary's dull introduction was suddenly replaced by a scream. Wanda subconsciously turned around and found that the young secretary who was still talking was lying in the shadows. Wanda became nervous. She subconsciously stretched out her hand to cast a spell, and saw a huge figure walking out of the shadows that almost filled the passage. Even though there was only the faint light of the emergency light, the body was made by the greatest craftsman in the galaxy. The exquisitely carved golden armor still looks extremely gorgeous, and the large and beautifully cut rubies inlaid on the shoulder armor, breastplate and helmet sparkle. The powerful joint servo motors are silent, and the Guardsman approaches its prey quietly like a golden cheetah, its slender halberd flashing with silent electric light. That is technology from Asgard, and coupled with the powerful kinetic energy, it can allow the already sharp blade to cut through the armor plates of heavy armored vehicles.

If it weren't for the slight crackling sound of the tiles shattering under the steel boots, few people would have noticed his existence. The physiological enhancement brought by genetic alchemy and the life-support system of the power armor can keep him as long as a golden statue. Latent, motionless. Wanda suddenly felt suffocated - in her etheric vision, this huge figure was shining with golden light. Even far away in the horizon, Salomon's presence still shines on the Praetorian Guard. This is the soul connection between the Praetorian Guard and him, as if he has poured majesty and violence into this superhuman body, and is some difficult person. The scaly claws of a great mind imagined.

When Constantine looked at her, Wanda subconsciously felt that her teacher was staring into her eyes. She felt that the skin behind her ears was tight, her scalp was tense, and her heartbeat was involuntarily speeding up. She tried not to think about the panic she was feeling because she knew she had screwed up, that she was too wrapped up in the feeling of taking care of her child.

Constantine, I'm on a mission! She tried to lower her voice, And what did you do to her!

Don't worry, it's just a little sedative, she will wake up. The Guards said dryly, You failed to complete the mission. Not only did you fail to get the contract, Robbie Reyes also escaped because of you I failed to take a good look at him.”

What can I do! I have to take care of Gabe, he's a disabled kid!

This is no excuse. Our Lord's mission is not allowed to fail. Constantine walked over and looked down at Wanda Maximov through the electronic eyes under the blood-red goggles on his helmet. I have been waiting for you here for three days. Hours later, you came too late, and I had already obtained enough clues - without causing too much damage. Although the security personnel fired, I did not break their necks - the reason why I I am waiting here just to tell you. Although you are my lord’s apprentice, it does not mean that you can disobey my lord’s will.”

Are you going to find him?

Yes. Constantine nodded, Then complete the task you failed to complete.

I'll go with you. Wanda immediately stood in front of the guards. I don't know whether the order you brought is arrest or execution. Gabe cannot lose his only relative. I will make up for my mistakes. I I believe that the teacher will agree with what I am doing. He is a gentle man and he saved me from the castle. Constantine, he also hopes that you can have humanity.

No, you don't understand. I am just a tool to fulfill that great dream. Not only me, but my Lord also views himself this way. Constantine said in the same cold tone as always. He gently pushed Wanda's shoulder away with his fingers, and just a little force made the witch stagger. But that's not what I'm talking about. The fate of Robbie Reyes is closely linked to an extremely dangerous magic book. Not only did you fail to bring back the contract, you also missed the opportunity to find the book, so That's why I'm here. Your delay is about to lead to disaster, and I am responsible for preventing or even destroying this disaster. I want me to tell you: compassion is a good thing, but compassion that cannot bear the consequences is called hypocrisy. If you can't Bearing the consequences of your own compassion will only lead to more innocent people being harmed, just like the Avengers did.

Wanda Maximoff took a deep breath, What...what do you, teacher, plan to do?

I will use non-lethal weapons first. Constantine tilted his head, I need you to return to Reyes' house to prevent Robbie Reyes from returning. We are not sure of his danger and whether he will Damage to Gabe Reyes. I'm going to give Robbie Reyes a chance, but it's entirely up to him whether he takes it or not.

The worst-case scenario is...

Execution, Constantine said calmly, completely eliminate its danger.

How dangerous is Ghost Rider? Stephanie raised her eyebrows, I have never seen a report on this.

You can take a look now. There is a research report by Karma Taj on Johnny Blaze, the first Ghost Rider, in the file. Not many people can see that report. I also joined the research team, And came to a conclusion, which points directly to the nature of extra dimensions. Salomon said, Remember what I told you about the nature of Ghost Rider?

Angels, even though they look like things from hell, vengeful spirits are still angels.

Yes, the essence of the spirit of vengeance is an angel, a spirit living in the seventh and third levels of heaven. Stephanie keenly felt that the next step was the time for education. Sure enough, Salomon snapped his fingers and summoned the invisible servant to bring the dessert. In most people's impression, angels should have wings, right? This impression is not wrong, because the spiritual bodies in the lower layer of the seven and three heavens, that is, the outer dimension close to the curtain of reality, look like this, which is more The easily summoned heavenly spirits have wings. However, very few people can go deep into heaven, because there is no order there, there is only the chaotic essence of the outer dimension, and the spirit of vengeance is the spirit there. The so-called outer dimension is actually A ring wrapping the real world, there is no difference between heaven and hell - the concepts of upper and lower planes I mentioned to you are just distinctions made to facilitate the understanding of the human brain. In fact, outer dimensions are not Something we can understand.”

Then why...

Why did the spirit of vengeance shrink back from my power? Salomon said, pointing to a line on the report.

Yes. Stephanie nodded, When I read the report, I thought you were going to fight the Ghost Rider!

Because of my essence, Stephanie. My body and soul are the product of the deep combination of extradimensional power and reality. They are the orderly manifestation of the power of chaos and the most powerful weapon in an eternal war. In this self-universe battle, In the war between chaos and order that began with the Big Bang, my dream is for mankind to win this war and end it forever. We must win, because the consequences of failure are worse than death.

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