Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 946 Latvinia (Second update)

The so-called meeting is to go to the deputy director of the CIA's house, open the safe, steal documents, and defraud congressmen of a sum of black money that they plan to store? Stephanie nodded with interest and sat on the single soft sofa in the hotel. Go up, If I had known I would have gone with you. My deal was so boring. The black-armored interrogator has confirmed the identity of the prince, and everything else is going according to the process. I have to do it. It's all about being a stupid buyer. This is a gift from the other party, a box of cigars, which is today's harvest. What do you want to find in the safe of the deputy director of the CIA, my lord? This kind of thing can obviously make our Assassins or spies will do it, you don’t have to do it yourself.”

It's a promise, Stephanie. Salomon walked to the window and opened the curtains. The afternoon sunlight poured through the glass, reflecting the sparkling waves on the wonderful body of the brandy. He raised his glass, smelled it, and then took a sip. The second half of this mission is done by someone else, and all I have to do is give that person a chance.

Is your mission not over yet?

Yes, there is also the revenge part. After I finish this glass of wine, we will go to the airport and leave Washington. Washington will not be very safe in the next few days. Don't be dragged into this quagmire. Salomon said, Remember to bring the cigar. I'm sure it will smell good. I can smell it even before the lid is opened.

I don't believe that the deputy director of the CIA and members of Congress would turn Washington upside down because of their own little secrets.

It's impossible, but my friend wants to do more than that.

In the days that followed, tension spread across every news channel in Washington.

First, the deputy director of the CIA was hanged in his bedroom, and then a JP Morgan banker was hanged from a hotel window by a wire. All evidence showed that this was not a suicide but an execution. The Washington police were mobilized in full force, and even the Secret Service began to assist the police in the investigation. However, this did not stop the executions from continuing. Every day there were new victims, and the methods of execution became more and more horrific. Those who were hanged, nailed to the wall, and skinned, the perpetrators seemed to pass through the minds of these people. A tragic situation to warn some people. While Victor von Doom was letting his imagination run wild, Salomon and Stephanie had already returned to the Eternal City to continue their usual work.

The death of a few politicians and plutocrats is just a small matter. For the Eternal City, there is still a lot of work to be done.

On the day he returned to the Eternal City, Salomon approved a grain reserve and purchase plan. The next day, when the world discovered that the deputy director of the CIA had been hanged, Salomon arranged a plan to build a hydroponic farm and acquire several companies in Eastern Europe. Stephanie was surprised to find that no one was involved in the acquisition. When faced with any resistance, the managers on the other side seemed to be in a panic. When the second and third victims were reported in the news, the other party hesitated for a while and immediately agreed to the acquisition plan, and took away all the management personnel, showing a comprehensive withdrawal attitude. As the number of victims in Washington increased, the Immortal City's acquisition plan became larger and larger, and then these companies were consolidated under the name of another company according to Salomon's instructions. Stephanie was certain that the news coverage was hiding some horrific truth, and that the murders in Washington were linked to these businesses. The Immortal City has also done this kind of thing, but the efficiency was not that high at the time.

Immediately afterwards, the Eternal City launched a construction plan. Including preparations for the construction of schools, hospitals, prisons, roads and other infrastructure, all in that small Eastern European country. Wakanda is the main contractor. Although Shuri wanted to use this matter to talk to Salomon about the green aliens, Stephanie blocked them all.

No comment, Shuri. Stephanie said coldly, Even if you are the princess of Wakanda, you can't know everything. If you are in this mood, I suggest you pay more attention to King T'Chaka's health. Condition, our ambassador told me, the king needs medical attention.

How did the warm-up go?

Not bad. Victor von Doom communicated with Salomon through a public phone booth. Talking over such an unencrypted line was extremely unsafe, but both Salomon and Victor von Doom knew what could and could not be said. I'll be home soon, he said. The work here is over.

Sooner than I thought. I prepared a cake for you. Salomon hung up the phone and picked up another report.

The report stated that an armed team had already traveled to Peru on an assault transport boat to pick up Camila and Lara Croft. The armed team exchanged fire with local drug dealers, found evidence of transactions with Holy Trinity in the drug dealers' stronghold, and obtained clues to Holy Trinity's next step. Camila took the lead in this operation and led the team to capture drug dealers' dens of various sizes in the city. Although this was not the original plan, Camila relied on her authority to issue such an order. At first, when Stephanie showed this report to Salomon, she wanted to inquire about Camilla's punishment, but Salomon did not give such an order and instead acquiesced to Camilla's actions.

Both Camilla and Victor von Doom want to see their home countries lifted out of poverty, so the Immortal City can recruit them. Salomon promised his allies that he would save lives in his own way - without the Eternal City, both Camilla and Victor von Doom would have gone further and further on their own paths, The farther they go, the lonelier they become. They needed help, which is why they signed the contract.

Camilla saved the people in her own way, so Salomon wouldn't blame her, because that's what the Immortal City promised to do. Unlike Peru, which has attracted much attention from the United States, Latovinia, a small country on the other side of the world, will be deeply bound to the Eternal City. The Eternal City will no longer face the most fatal weakness of the population problem. When schools, hospitals, shops, and factories are built, Salomon will have enough manpower to solve other problems. He needs soldiers, scientists, and agents. He promised Victor von Doom that the Eternal City will train locals to become soldiers and let them defend their country. These Latvians will also Become a soldier of the Eternal City and devote your life to Salomon's ideals.

The Latvinian Legion, that's the name. According to Victor von Doom's design, the bulletproof armors that will be distributed to soldiers in the warehouse will be printed with the logo of the Latvian Legion - two There is a symmetrical dark green lightning bolt, and the helmet is inlaid with the golden eagle of the Eternal City. Victor von Doom will develop this small, exploited agricultural nation into a high-tech nation, and Salomon's Immortal City will benefit from this, taking the opportunity to escape Wakanda's technological limitations.

But before that, Victor von Doom and Salomon had one more thing to do. The shares acquired by the Eternal City were only the chaebol's share, and the royal family's property was still firmly in their hands. They need to capture Latvinia, kill all the royal families there, and completely liberate the entire country.

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