“I have a civilization in my hands. Is it enough? ”

“Enough. But boss, what is your technological power? ”

“A lot. A lot! ”

One person, one raccoon, just left the interstellar defense command center of this mountain Kanda directly.

And none of these people dared to stop Wang Wei.

The issue of identity, and some of Wang Wei’s whereabouts. These people did not dare to stop it.

All they can do is report Wang Wei’s movements to their superiors!

“What are we doing here?”

Looking at Wang Wei, who came to the door of this gem shop as if he was strolling leisurely.

Little raccoon rocket is a little confused?

Is there anything good in this gem shop?

No, right?

Although there are some slightly better collectibles. But that’s only slightly good!

After all, the little raccoon doesn’t believe that his boss will take a fancy to this thing!

“There’s something I can see in this!”

The corners of his mouth raised slightly, and Wang Wei said with a smile to the little raccoon!


As soon as he heard Wang Wei’s words, the corners of the little raccoon’s mouth couldn’t help but twitch!

Boss. Are you really okay like this?

I just said earlier that you can’t look at things here. You hit your back foot in the face!


Tired heart!


The dejected little raccoon looked puzzled!

“Infinity Stones!”

While speaking, Wang Wei strode into the gem shop!

“Welcome, guest!”

After seeing Wang Wei’s appearance, a well-dressed alien boss in it couldn’t help but subconsciously rub his hands.

This kind of action, how can you say so about the greedy goblin merchant inside!


With Wang Wei coming in. The alien owner of the gem shop suddenly looked puzzled!

“How? You know me? ”

See the appearance of the owner of this shop. The corner of Wang Wei’s mouth slightly hooked a smile.

Know me?

Or, what was found?

“No, no, no, I don’t know. What does the guest need. This counter has it on top. Just say! ”

As if remembering something. The alien boss shook his head repeatedly.

Directly took Wang Wei to look at these gems on this cabinet.

These are ordinary gemstones, if some women come here. I’m going to love it.

But for Wang Wei, this kind of thing, even casually, can create a lot!

Not to mention, there are now several colonized planets in his hands, as well as some resource planets of Umbrella power.


Wang Wei can build you a castle with gems!

But what’s the use?

“No, you should know, I don’t want these things!”

Wang Wei, who casually found a chair and sat down, sat down directly.

As Wang Wei sat down.

The rocket jumped directly above this counter.

Pull your hands behind you.

A set of weapons exclusive to the rocket was directly dragged from the back by the rocket!

“Hey, old boy. You’d better wake up! My boss. Something to ask. It’s never been impossible! ”

“Hand over the stuff with understanding. Otherwise, I wouldn’t mind opening your head! ”

A fox fake tiger power, used by this little raccoon is really appropriate!

Look at this little raccoon in front of you who jumped on this counter with a pair of teeth and grinning!

This gem shop owner is really a little stunned!

“Your Excellency. I really don’t have what you want here! ”

Looking at Wang Wei’s appearance. The gem shop owner’s legs trembled slightly.

These are all big people. He simply can’t afford to provoke.

Really, really a headache!

“No, you have! Moreover, you recognize me too. You know who I am, too! ”

“So, you should know my style, right?”

Wang Wei, who bent down slightly, looked at this plop. Kneeling in front of himself this gem shop owner. _

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