[In a word. The popularization of the Internet represents the prosperity and development of the country. It also shows the low education and experience of the trolls! I don’t delete comments, I don’t want to be sprayed that I can’t tolerate you. Just like the motherland, who does not govern you. It does not mean that the mother of the motherland will not tolerate you scum! 】

“This mission is not only your mission, but also a large number of marauders to assist you.”

“If you can complete this mission successfully, then I don’t mind including you in Corey and the Empire”

As if with a hint of commitment, Ronan slowly elaborated on the Marauder Boss.

And hearing Luo Nan’s exposition, the marauder boss really didn’t want it.

“I see!”

The marauder boss with the corners of his mouth twitching slightly, with extreme reluctance, could only bite the bullet and nod a little.

In this case, what should you do if you don’t face your scalp?

Do you still want to rebel against this Kree and the Empire?

Think too much!

A few Kree and Imperial warships in the vicinity are a good proof of this.

Or rather a good means of threatening!

“Good. Then get ready! Predator! ”

Ronan, who had a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, nodded.

After all, an existence like this marauder boss is still worthy of Ronan’s personal appearance.

Ordinary marauders are a fart!

After all, there are so many marauders, why did he ask him Ronan to personally take action?

There are pits in the head, right?

“Damn. This time. No matter what, get that mess back! ”

With this communication is turned off.

The marauder boss shouted directly at the marauders behind him.

“Well, I have to get that bastard kid back!”

“If it weren’t for this bastard kid. We won’t be on this occasion either! ”

“Damn little bastard!”

For this Ronan’s invitation, someone. Someone is not optimistic.

But everyone, gritted their teeth and wanted to get the embarrassing dancing stars back and clean up properly!

This little bastard!

“Oh? Is this a fight? ”

From a distance, Wang Wei of the interstellar anti-swing center of this mountain Kanda suddenly felt that this star lord was beating with that pale green-skinned girl!

Well, until now, Wang Wei couldn’t remember the name of this pale green-skinned girl.

“What is the purpose of your coming here?”

The girl with pale green skin holding the blade in her hand. Gamora’s expressionless look at Star-Lord who was being bullied by her.

“Hey, hey baby. You are pressing me so much, how can I answer you? ”

Seeing this pale green skin girl suddenly appear in front of her, she pressed herself directly under this square.

Xing Jue’s whole person was a little uncomfortable.

What is this? Pressed under the girl. Is it backwards?

But wait, if this level is on another occasion. Then Star-Lord would definitely be happy.

But now on this occasion. Forget it!

“Say or not!”

Looking at this Xingjue, he didn’t mean to reply to himself at all.

A hint of anger appeared directly on the Kamora.

The blade in his hand chased towards Xingjue’s neck.

And as Gamora’s arm blade reached over. Star-Lord clearly felt the threat of death!

“OK, OK, OK, you let go first. Let it go first! If you’re in this way. I’m just going to be polite! ”

Although Gamora’s is a girl. But that doesn’t mean Star-Lord can’t do it!

“You’re welcome, why are you going to be unkind?”

The corner of his mouth slightly sneered, and Gamora, looked at Star-Lord coldly.

For Gamora, this kind of thing is not negotiable at all.

Say what you are here for!

“I say, I say!”

After feeling the cold light of his arm’s blade, Star-Lord swallowed his spit and prodded.

Mom sells lots.

Where did this come from?

Such an iron-clad?

“But are you sure we’re going to talk about it here?”

While speaking, Xingjue’s thoughtful eyes drifted to these people in the vicinity.

And above this square, tourists who go on a tour.

After seeing this extremely bold action of Gamora and Star-Lord, there was a lot of discussion!


Listen to this sound in your ears. _

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