After all, the identity is placed here, and compared to the people of the Mountain Kanda Planet, revoke a wanted order and let the Venerable Lord of one of the Nine Realms. With a little hostility, it’s always two different things.

Hearing Wang Wei say this, the little raccoon rocket directly looked up and said with a smile: “Isn’t that what it used to be?” Besides, I’m following the boss now! ”

“If you don’t help me, I really don’t know what to do, after all, this Shankada planet is a orderly planet!”

Looking at Little Rocket’s appearance, Wang Wei nodded slightly.

“Let’s talk about this matter later, it’s not a big problem,” said slightly, and then Wang Wei and the others directly followed the commander towards the direction of the Kanda planet, the interstellar defense command center.

“Wait, wait. Something is wrong with the boss,”

Looking at the direction of progress, the little rocket was a little stunned, how this direction is more and more like the planet Shankanda, the place of the interstellar defense command center.

“What’s wrong”? Looking at the appearance of the little raccoon rocket, Wang Wei smiled a little.

“That’s the interstellar defense center in Shankanda, if I go to that place, I will definitely be caught in a space prison.”

While pointing to the place. Little raccoon, the rocket trembled a little, after all, for the marauder, a lawbreaker, all the institutions that kept the order were the object of their fear.

“Okay, let’s go, it’s okay”, shrugged slightly, Wang Wei directly smiled at the little welcome inquiry rocket, after all, this thing is also Wang Wei did not talk to the little raccoon rocket, he just wants to see a ugly state of the little raccoon rocket can not be said from here, this is a kind of fun for Wang Wei.

“It’s over, it’s really over, it’s really the sheep in the wolf’s den”

While muttering the little raccoon rocket, he followed Wang Wei’s steps, after all, Wang Wei is the boss he wants to declare his allegiance, if he runs away like this, then after that, whether it is getting the cosmic currency from Wang Wei or bringing Groot back, it is an extremely difficult thing.

You must know that Groot is now on Wang Wei’s battleship, and for Little Raccoon Rocket, his friends, especially stupid people like Groot, absolutely care.

The interstellar defense of the planet Shankanda, who was walking in front, did not care much about the chat between Wang Wei and Little Raccoon Rocket behind him. No. It should be said that it is not her turn to do it now

。 Little raccoon, although the rocket has the wanted order of the planet, as long as Wang Wei is willing to package it, then the planet Shankada will definitely revoke its wanted order, this is the identity of the big man, this is. A little bit of a symbol of the true noble status of one of the Nine Realms.

“Where are we now”? In the middle of the ship, Stephen opened his confused eyes and looked at Tony beside him and asked.

“。 We are still some way away from where Shinzo Nagama is. But it’s fast, and we’ll almost meet in half an hour.”

。 While checking the star map, he explained to Stephen.

。 And as Stephen woke up, everyone in the cabin gradually woke up, after all, the time is not long, short is not short, for these guys on the battleship, in addition to all kinds of play, there is only rest left.

“Tony, Chief Shinzo Nagama seems to be contacting me.”

, keep eating in your mouth. Mo Yu said directly to Tony beside him.

“Ask Chief Nagama where they are, and say we’ll join them right away.”

Like a nanny, Tony directly ordered Mo Yu.

。 “Okay”, hearing Tony’s words, Mo Yu directly inquired about this long time Jinzo in the network.

。 On the other side, Nagama Shinzo, who was slowly sailing over with several warships in the interstellar, suddenly indirectly received a report from his subordinates.

“Your Excellency Commander, found Miss Moyu’s communication”

。 With the words of this powerful soldier, Nagama Jinzo’s eyebrows raised slightly, what happened to Mo Yu’s communication? Is the commander also here?

? With a little inquiring, Nagama Shinzo directly brought the report of this powerful soldier.

“Reply to them, that is, we are about to meet them”

。 I looked at the inquiry on this report. Nagama Shinzo said to the powerful soldier beside him, although he said that he didn’t know the commander, where is His Excellency Wang Wei? But since it is a battleship of His Excellency Wang Wei, . Shinzo Nagama still has some respect for Mo Yu.

, In fact, to be honest, not only for Mo Yu, but also for the entire Red Police system, those heroic generals are very respectful of the ship girl system.

, after all, both sides are the best partners to cooperate on the field, if the Extraordinary Soldiers, Transformers, Horse Legion, Biochemical Legion, these are the soldiers of heroes and generals, then the ship girl will be their best combat partner, or assistant.

“。 It’s Your Excellency, Commander! ”

。 Hearing Nagama Shinzo’s order, the powerful soldier also nodded and directly sent Nagama Shinzo’s words to them, _

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