Be able to let Wang Wei do things that interest him. It’s really not much.

After all, to the point of Wang Wei. In the case of the continuous development of the power under his command.

There are also only Infinity Stones. As well as beating up Thanos. Tear down Kerry and the Empire such a thing. Just to make Wang Wei feel some interest!

“I seem to remember. Thanos, one of the overlords of the universe! Ever said it! ”

“As long as you are in addition to the Nine Realms! Then, he will hunt you down! ”

“From you. Take the Infinity Stones! ”

“But what makes me curious is, where did you get the Infinity Stones?”

“Infinity Stones, what it looks like! Can you give me insight? ”

It’s like sickness. The collector directly rushed to Wang Wei!

With the collector’s sudden face, Wang Wei directly stretched out one foot. Resist the collector who wants to stand out!

“Thanos? Infinity Stones? ”

“Want to rob?”


Hear this kind of rhetoric from collectors. Wang Wei’s whole person was a little hehe.

Dog stuff. Lao Tzu didn’t bother you. Nothing to look for you.

You actually snatched this Infinity Stone from my hand!

Are you floating?

Although Lao Tzu is now only three generations of divine bodies.

There is no infinite treasury of angelic civilizations to act as follow-up energy. But there is still the ability to fight with you!

“Are you sure you want to see the power of the Infinity Stones?”

His eyes narrowed slightly.

Wang Wei stared coldly at the collector in front of him.

He did not deny that he had the Infinity Stones on his hands.

Instead, he asked straightforwardly.

Do you want to see the Infinity Stones? So, here’s the problem!

Do you have that capital?

Under Wang Wei’s cold gaze.

Some perverted collector is a stirring spirit on the spot.

After instantly thinking of Wang Wei’s identity.

The collector prodded.


Damn, can’t afford to mess with it. The Lord of one of the Nine Realms. is also a guy who is targeted by Thanos, one of the overlords of the universe.

This kind of person plays with a hammer.

Lao Tzu can’t afford to mess with it!

“No, no, I don’t want to. Sir, you are wrong! ”

“It’s my gaffe!”

While speaking, this collection weakly regressed.

In front of Wang Wei, he was just a collector of outlaws in the Star Crushing Zone.

People are the lords of one of the orthodox Nine Realms.

The gap in identity directly opens a certain distance between the two!

“Hello. Anyone? Is anyone there? ”

While this collector is going backwards.

A hanging voice came directly from outside the collector’s door.

And the collector who heard this voice was as if he had found a savior!

“I’m very sorry, sir. There’s something going on on on my side! You sit first! ”

While saying. The collector stepped back on one side.

Originally, this kind of thing was done to greet guests. It’s the thing of his own little maid.

But the collector was too intimidated in front of Wang Wei.

This guy is too scary.

Let’s leave first.

I’m not prodding. I’m doing this from the heart!

“Oh, friend, I wonder what you’re here for here?”

Look at this hanging guy in front of him.

There is no noticeable change in the facial expression of the collector. Just looking at this guy with a smile.

“I took your task!”

While speaking, Star-Lord showed his next task from that panel directly to this collector for a look!

And the collector who saw this task instantly understood.

This is a character that he released not long ago.

Take something from the planet Sankanda.

“Okay. I’ll leave this task to you! Everything is up to you! ”

While speaking, the collector took the look of the thing. As well as some addresses, etc., were passed to Star-Lord through the network!

“In addition, this is a deposit, fifty thousand cosmic currency! Please take it! I hope after. I was able to see this thing! ”

The corners of his mouth smiled slightly.

His eyes skimmed slightly, and Wang Wei was here.

The collector’s heart is constantly tumbling.

Infinity Stones. This is an infinity stone!

It is said that this thing is an infinity stone!

As long as you can get your hands on this thing. Then you will be able to own an infinity stone.

As soon as I thought of this, the collector’s heart boiled.

The expression of joy on his face could not be held back!

“Alright! This place is really not a good place! ”

See this positioning of the planet Shankanda.

Xing Jue’s face couldn’t help but be slightly shocked and ugly.

The planet Sankanda is a civilized planet.

For the marauders, they basically have their wanted warrants.

It’s not a coincidence. This Star-Lord has his own wanted warrant on the planet Shankanda.

Trouble, trouble!

But trouble is trouble. Star-Lord is still happy to take on this task!

“Okay. Then I’m gone boss! ”

With a slight wave of his hand, Xingjue directly retreated with this collector!

“Mission? Kiwi balls? Interesting. Planet Shankanda. Interesting! ”

Wang Wei, who was lazily leaning on the sofa, raised a slight smile at the corner of his mouth.

Between Wang Wei’s eyes. Data waterfalls are constantly rolling.

And in the midst of this. It was this collector who had just made a deal with Star-Lord. _

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