Hear this rhetoric of Wang Wei!

Everyone present fell silent!

Whether it’s Stephen, or Tony, or Dr. Banner. All with the fight against evil!

But as you can imagine, this is indeed the case in this place!

Hero. It’s the same status as shouting and shouting to kill!

Anger couldn’t help but grow. But they couldn’t do anything!

This is one of the outlaw zones in the Marvel Universe. This is the gathering place of villains in the Marvel Universe!

They have no responsibility or obligation to eliminate these villains for the entire universe!

“Really, it’s a bad place!”

Listen to Wang Wei’s rhetoric. Wanda’s face became slightly lowered!

Oops. This place!

“Okay, don’t worry about the bad or bad! Let’s go around here first, what’s good! ”

“After all, it’s a gathering place for villains. But what these guys got is still good! ”

While speaking, Wang Wei shrugged his shoulders and said indifferently!

After all, there are some things that you can’t get through normal channels!

For example, slaves!

In the universe, many spheres of influence are suppressing the existence of slaves. But slaves, creatures of the same status, do breed in this universe.

Erasure is not possible at all.

The reason is just that some guys have a passion for slaves as creatures, which has led to these space pirates who burned and robbed to get a way to survive!

“I’ll tell you, this time, don’t make trouble for me!”

“Otherwise, we will have no money to eat again!”

As Wang Wei led the Avengers towards the front, a suspected raccoon-like tanuki creature carried a set of equipment and chattered at the tree man behind him!

“I am… Groot”

Although the tree man who followed behind the little raccoon was a little confused, he could only nod and respond to the little raccoon!

However, when this tree man spoke.

It directly attracted the attention of some marauders, scavengers, pirates and other elements in the vicinity!

“Is it a tree man?”

“This is a scarce slave resource!”

“I remember that the price of the tree man seems to be 10,000 yuan!”

“Well, but recently because of the scarcity of tree people, now there are 10,000 cosmic currencies on the black market!”

“How? Would you like to get a handful? ”

The sound of this little raccoon resounded here and around this little raccoon!

Hearing this kind of chatter and wanting to do it, the little raccoon’s whole person was a little fried!

If nothing else, Treeman Groot is at least Little Raccoon’s little friend.

This is how these guys are commented on as if they were goods.

It really made the little raccoon a little angry!

“I said you guys don’t be too arrogant! I’m a space pirate too! Want to try my awesomeness? ”

With a jump, the little raccoon jumped directly onto this Groot’s shoulder!

The transformation equipment behind it was directly opened by the little raccoon!

That grinning look has the possibility of preparing for a direct war without saying a word!

“I am… Groot”

After feeling all the malice around him, this tree man Groot is not a fool!

Directly put on a fighting look.

And around here, these space pirates, scavengers, and marauders hesitated!

Do you want to, him!

After all, this cosmic currency is still very strong.

“I said, are you going to do something here?”

Wang Wei, who saw this scene from afar, saw this little raccoon and the tree man partner.

In my head, an image gradually emerged!

And this image is a video clip that I once saw by chance.

Among them, Groot, the tree man, looked very cute when he was a child!

It’s just that the now tall Groot gives people a feeling of a stupid cute uncle.

People can’t appreciate it.

Originally, Wang Wei was ready to take a look at the liveliness!

Let’s see how this little raccoon handles this situation, but under the siege of the interstellar pirates and scavengers around him.

Su looked at Wang Wei with a pleading look.

I want Wang Wei to solve these two guys!

Looking at Su’s pleading gaze, Wang Wei was painful!

I’m Cao, is it good to be an illegal zone here!

Unwrap a hammer. If you break the siege, people may not deal with you!

Although it was such a complaint, Wang Wei, who already had the idea of wanting to take away the little raccoon and the tree man Groot, stood up directly!

As Wang Wei stood up, the many members of the Avengers who followed behind Wang Wei looked ready to fight!

“A star-destroying powerhouse?”

With the emanation of Wang Wei’s breath. These guys directly felt Wang Wei’s power.

A strong person who destroys stars, horror is not horror?

It’s a scary one!

Although they are in the lawless zone, although there are countless star-destroying powerhouses in the lawless zone!

However, people do not carry out activities in this outer circle!

People’s circles are internal circles.

This kind of peripheral circle meets the strong person who destroys the star, just like when two gangs of gangsters are ready to fight, they encounter the vitality organizations of two regular groups to open the film!

That kind of scene is not a level of good at all! _

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