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Why do you have to attack them at every turn! Their deep-sea ship girls also need just dinner!

“Look. Isn’t that the result? ”

“The territory of the Governor is not very big now. But you deep-sea ships are needed to garrison! ”

“After that, the territory of the governor is bigger. Most of these territories require your deep-sea ships to garrison. Prevent enemy invasion! ”

“This is the second-line troops of the Governor!”

While speaking, Wang Wei gently rubbed the little head of this deep-sea ship girl.

It’s really a little cute little cute!

“The governor is saying, let’s continue to camp the territory?”

Hearing Wang Wei say this, the deep-sea ship girl raised her head and asked Wang Wei.

After all, where is the garrison not garrison? To garrison in the sea of the ship girl world is to garrison, and to station oneself in this world is also to garrison!

“Yes! So, in the future, I need you to help me look after my home! ”

Wang Wei, who smiled, explained to this deep-sea ship lady very indifferently.

“That… Then Governor, don’t let those blue ship girls come and rob us of our territory. Otherwise I will be angry! ”

As if he realized Wang Wei’s slight affection for himself.

This deep-sea ship girl made her own request to Wang Wei a little weakly.

In the hearts of these simple and cute deep-sea ship girls, those blue ship girls who robbed their territory are the most hateful!

They will rob their territory at every turn, and sink their little sisters!

Maybe it’s cute, or maybe it’s stupid. These deep-sea ship ladies don’t know what hatred is. I just know that those blue ship girls are the most hateful. Grab their territory!

“Peace of mind! It won’t! The blue ship lady will cooperate with you in the future! ”

“They are responsible for grabbing other people’s territory. And then wait until they snatch it down. This territory is ours! ”

“At that time, I need the help of your deep-sea ship ladies to supervise me to garrison!”

While speaking, Wang Wei rubbed the little head of this deep-sea ship girl.

Just turn your mind around. Then there is no problem!

“Hmm! That, that, such words. Flagship, they can also help you grab territory! ”

“And the number of our deep-sea ship girls is huge, there are too many, there are so many!”

“Moreover, the general flagship adults are super strong, super strong, super strong!”

“At that time, Lord Flagship, she will help you grab a big territory!”

“We, the deep-sea ship girls, are responsible for helping Lord Ti Governor guard these territories!”

While speaking, this somewhat cute woman gestured.

Seeing this cute look of the deep-sea ship girl, Wang Wei wanted to laugh a little.

But he didn’t laugh.

It was lovely. Isn’t it?

I am afraid that only these cute guys can say that the war of aggression is so cute!

“Good. When the time comes, when I recruit your grandparents! I’ll definitely let them grab a big piece of land for me!” ”

While speaking, Wang Wei rubbed the little head of this deep-sea ship girl!

“Hmm! Yes. The overall flagship adults are super powerful. I will definitely grab a big turf for you! ”

The deep-sea ship girl who stood up with Wang Wei stood closely behind Wang Wei.

Although Wang Wei said it, the blue ship girls will not be competing with their deep-sea ship girls for territory.

But in the heart of this deep-sea ship girl, there is still a little bit of trust in those guys who can’t trust the blue ship girl. Those abominable guys.


“Governor. What are you going to do! ”

Watching Wang Wei walk to the equipment at the core of this battleship again. This deep-sea ship girl asked with some doubt!

“I’m recruiting some deep-sea ship girls!”

Wang Wei, who responded to this deep-sea ship girl with a smile, directly began to dump a large number of resources directly into it!

Looking at Wang Wei beside him, this deep-sea ship lady grabbed Wang Wei’s sleeves a little dumbly!

Recruiting new deep-sea shipgirls?

I don’t know if I can recruit the chief flagship!

“You don’t have a name, do you?”

Wang Wei, who was pouring a lot of resources into the core manufacturing equipment of this battleship, did not come to inquire about this deep-sea ship girl!

“Hey? Name? What is that? ”

This deep-sea ship lady who was a little puzzled couldn’t help but ask Wang Wei!

“A name is a name! Just like your general flagship. South. Her name is Southern! ”

Wang Wei, who turned around and gently rubbed the hair of this deep-sea ship girl, said with a smile!

“Does that mean? But my name is the Deep Sea Ship Maiden, the nameless battleship number….”

The somewhat unknown deep-sea ship girl reported directly to Wang Wei.

Dumbly, she mistakenly took the number of her deep-sea battleship for her own name!

“Stop. Not this one. Not this one! ”

Wang Wei, who was a little helpless, rubbed his eyebrows.

A ship girl without a name!

The difference between the ship girl and those Red Police soldiers is that.

The Red Police soldiers all have their own names.

In Wang Wei’an Brera. Anyone who has an IQ has a name exclusive to them.

And Zhang Ya and Zhang Yu are also the names given by Wang Wei on a whim.

Later, Wang Wei knew. These two custom female soldiers also have names that originally belonged to them. It’s just that I don’t like Wang Wei’s name very much!

It can be said that in Umbrella, every Transformer born has to give itself a name.

If you don’t know how to choose a name, you can find someone to help you choose a substitute name.

The deep-sea ship girl, on the other hand, has a certain amount of wisdom, but only a number. Isn’t it sad? _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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