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This guy is simply too presumptuous. Unexpectedly, he recorded his ugly sleeping appearance. And he didn’t know he was being monitored.

Thinking of this, Wang Wei was a little helpless.

Still too relaxing. Really so relaxing.

After all, the places where Wang Wei rested were basically on his own territory, either on the Dingyuan Ship, or on the Red Alert Planet, or in the villa above Blue Star.

Wang Wei basically didn’t spend the night anywhere else.

Because of this, Wang Wei relaxed a little!

“Hehe, little Vivi, I want to sing Katyusha with you. Are you far from far? ”

Shino’s bundle, which had a smile on his lips, jumped directly back and onto a table.

The two Qianqian jade wrapped in pink-white silk swayed back and forth.

Looking at the appearance of Xiao Zhishu, Wang Wei also raised his eyebrows slightly.

This guy is presumptuous!

“What if I don’t sing with you?”

Wang Wei, who directly took out the disc with one hand, teased Xiaozhishu with a sneer.

His hands were placed directly on Shino’s shoulders.

Little girl, you are very floating!

“Hehe, if you don’t sing with me, I’ll let many, many little sisters see your sleeping position!”


As if he had no fear, Xiao Zhishu also put his hands on that Wang Wei’s shoulders.

“So, come and sing, little Vivi!”

Xiao Zhishu, who had a bad smile, stared at Wang Wei like this.

This look is indeed an excellent driver master. Great!

Wang Wei, who had been silent for a long time, raised his head to Xiaozhishu and said with a serious face!

“I can’t sing!”

“Hey????” Hearing Wang Wei can’t sing. This Shino-no-bun feels like seeing a ghost.

This guy can’t really sing, right?

“You, you can’t really sing, do you?”

A little incredulous Shinozhi Shu just looked at Wang Wei like this.

After all, there are so many lovely young ladies in Umbrella. In this case, you say you can’t sing, isn’t that a fuss?

This.. Although Shinozhi can’t sing, this is the first time to sing, but this is the first time Wang Wei sings.

It’s over.


“What do you want?”

Looking at the bundle with a somewhat misguided face, Wang Wei looked at the bundle of Xiao and asked softly.

The current appearance of the two of them is like the feeling of dancing a pas de deux!

“Nothing, you can’t sing, I sing too!”

“Yet. I’ll take you to sing! ”

“Come, learn from me!”

With a horizontal heart, this bundle of Xiao Zhi directly said to Wang Weiyu seriously!

And after Xiao Zhishu finished saying these words, Xiao Zhishu directly guided Wang Wei to sing!

“Ready, sing, Katyusha standing ….”


As Wang Wei shouted with the high pitch of Shinozhishu, this Katyusha danced along with the swan dance in this mechanic’s library!


With the resonance of the song and the dance, these words slowly emerged in Wang Wei’s mind!

Songs were sung and dances were danced.

Wang Wei felt that his whole person was not good.

I have never escaped the law of true incense.

This rhythm is properly unpleasant!

“I said, let’s sing this thing. Can it be hidden? ”

“I don’t want the people at this mechanic academy to know that I sang here. Feel ashamed! ”

While speaking, Wang Wei looked at the bundle of shoshi who was like a salted fish, tired and collapsed on the table, and said seriously!

Wang Wei, on the other hand, sat on the chair on the side, looking at Shinozhishu and said with a soft face!

“Hehe, don’t worry!”

“I won’t say anything about it.”

After all, it is Shino’s bunch, although the swan dance does not have any great skills. But it’s also quite tiring!

While saying, Shinono Shu, smiled!

Himself, became the first to eat crabs!

Oh yes!

“Hmm! I’ll send you back to rest! ”

Look at this tired Shinono Bundle who doesn’t want to move. Wang Wei directly took it into his arms, and carried it back to the exclusive villa in this academy city like a princess.

And Shinozhishu was leaning sweetly in Wang Wei’s arms.

This feeling is very beautiful!

“Here you go!”

After thinking about it, Wang Wei directly took out a core!

“What is it?”

Looking at this core Shinono Bundle, I was a little surprised!

After all, the things Wang Wei took out were basically some good things!

“This is the nanocore. It contains most of the technology of the nanocore! ”

“If you’re interested, research it! If you are not interested. Then just throw this thing to Zhang Yu and let them find someone to buy it! While speaking, Wang Wei rubbed the small head of Xiaozhishu.

Watching Wang Wei rub the bundle of his little head melon seeds, he smiled very brightly!

“This thing, it’s impossible to throw it out. I’ll take a good look into it! ”

Xiao Zhishu, who collected the nano core into his arms, looked at Wang Wei with a smirk!

“Anyway, what is this mechanical rabbit ear on your head for?”

For this mechanical diagram rabbit ear on the head of Shino’s bundle, it is impossible to say that Wang Wei is not interested.

“This one!”

“This is the Little Dimension Explorer! I specially modified it to find Xiaowei, as well as explore Xiaowei’s device! ”

Pointing to the rabbit ears on his head, Shinozhishu said to Wang Wei with a serious face!

“Little Vivi Explorer, okay. Just be happy! “_

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