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This two-month military exercise, if this joint crusade force does not return. The countries that participated in the joint crusade did not know how to explain it to the world, to their own citizens.

That’s too long.

The eyes of the world are all over the island.

With the return of the United Crusading Army. The military exercise is also nearing its end.

And the generals also brought batches of important materials and returned some videos to their respective countries.

Those who were brought back with them were out of the woods. There are also some equipment, technology, etc. captured during the joint crusade.

About these fragmented corner techniques. Wang Wei didn’t care at all, and Ling Liang didn’t care either!

With the return of the United Crusading Army. These more than 30 countries were silent for about a week.

One day a week later.

More than thirty heads of state directly began a secret union.

The United Army was formed.

And these heads are not stupid.

Wang Wei directly showed Umbrella’s energy to these guys through this joint crusade.

and the world that Umbrella has behind it.

Because of this look, these more than thirty leaders directly regarded Umbrella as the biggest force.

Or in other words, directly placed in a higher position than these big countries.

The establishment of diplomatic relations has begun!

These countries threw olive branches at Umbrella. They have expressed their willingness to establish diplomatic embassies in the world of Umbrella.

Although Wang Wei did not carry out acts such as statehood. But these leaders have made Umbrella the largest kingdom.

And after Wang Yuyan consulted Wang Wei, she also directly allowed these guys’ behavior.

Eagle Sauce even directly carved out a territory for Umbrella on his own territory, and officially announced that this territory would belong to Umbrella forever.

Groups of elite trainees directly entered the Red Alert planet through Umbrella’s space-time teleportation device.

Learn those cosmic combat methods in the Academy of the Red Alert Planet, the Academy, and the Metropolitan Officer Academy.

On the Red Alert Planet, more than thirty embassies were directly established.

That’s interesting.

Wang Wei did not declare the establishment of the state. These. But treat Wang Wei as a big country!

Not only that, but the rabbit directly took the colonial destroyer drawing and the colony-level destroyer and directly carried out imitation, reverse thrust and other projects.

Great power manufacturing, at this moment unfolded its ferocious capabilities.

But it’s all going to happen.

More than 30 leaders even used various methods to directly transfer troops and generals from their own countries, and mobilized groups of elite troops to directly station on that military exercise island.

A total of about 300,000 elite troops from various countries are directly and permanently stationed here.

It has been announced that more than 30 countries will frequently conduct military exchanges in the future.

And the members of the Avengers also breathed a sigh of relief after seeing this scene.

Directly began to launch a new round of crackdowns against some evil forces on Blue Star and so on.

More than 30 countries have contributed to this.

As long as it is useful, even a legion can be dispatched to you.

Blue Star, no mess is allowed.

This is not only what Umbrella meant, but also what these thirty or so heads of state meant.

After they put their power on conquering the universe and colonizing aliens. No one is allowed to mess around!

If these more than thirty leaders did not have the power of Umbrella to deter the surrounding areas.

Then these people will definitely fight for this thing, and the dog’s brains are beaten out.

But when Umbrella was able to deter, these guys were better than the other!

It’s really alive.

In these guys, when it comes to stabilizing the blue star.

In the world of Umbrella, many hairy bears, allies, Yuri, and the base cars of the rising sun began to climb the technology tree one after another.

These bases have been built after exploring the resource planet with the exploration fleet, dropping sub-base vehicles to carry out a large number of mining sites.

Resources are again showing an incredible rate of growth.

And the science and technology of these bases are also mainly attached to the Gonghui Base and the Shenzhou Base!

Under the convergence of these technologies.

The technology tree on the Red Alert Planet has risen to a great height.

Among them, the biggest contributor is probably the Nayuri camp.

After learning that Yuri came out.

General Ling Liang directly controlled it remotely without saying a word, tilting a part of his resources to Yuri’s camp.

Under this blessing, mind amplifiers, mind controllers, spirit assault vehicles, and other buildings and technologies that can be related to the mind and spirit have been brought out.

Four colonized planets, such as Jupiten and Sandstone, are gradually deploying these things.

When all these things are deployed over the planet, the brains of the colonists are constantly cleansed in the form of satellites.

At that time, they will inevitably be brought a loyal army!

And Yuri has successfully brainwashed the existence of a star-destroying personal mighty power.

Although this wastes time, it is a bit long. But success means hope.

It is precisely because of this that the personal greatness of those quasi-extinction stars was directly lost to a group of Yuri X reformers, and a Yuri X changed to this kind of step that did not Yuri. That’s three, five, ten!

Be able to speak with resources.

Wang Wei was not afraid of anyone!

“You did a great job with this! Blue Star, you go to the event activities more! ”

Thor on the Asgard God of Thor faced his father, and Odin slowly reported.

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