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Wang Wei, who nodded slightly, stretched his waist directly and said to these guys indifferently!

Next, Wang Wei was ready to return to the Red Police Planet for a retreat to do things.

Intelligent AI civilization, establish the void knowledge treasure house of the supergod universe angel civilization, and order those guys who are warship researchers to redevelop small warships. As well as explosive soldiers and so on.

There are a lot of things. Wang Wei can’t afford to waste his time!

“Okay. You’re busy! When the time comes, we will return to Blue Star on the warships of the First Exploration Fleet! ”

For Wang Wei’s busyness. Everyone knows it.

After all, Wang Wei had so many plans on his hands. So many aspects need to be taken into account by Wang Wei.

It’s not that Wang Wei doesn’t have manpower here, like engineers and the like, Wang Wei can pull out a team of tens of thousands of people at will.

What Wang Wei lacked in his hands was the ability to pick a big beam, similar to a figure like General Ling Liang!

“Okay. Let’s go! ”

“Those who join forces to fight against the army, just pay attention!”

While speaking, Wang Wei waved his hand and directly opened the door of this void dimensional space and returned to the red alert planet.

Say goodbye to something that doesn’t exist at all!

“Just go”

Watching Wang Wei leave very crisply. Sue felt a little loss in her heart.

No way. After all, in Su’s heart, the idea of wanting to have a chorus with Wang Wei has not been broken.

As for Wanda and the others, although they also want to have a chorus with Su. But resolutely can’t cheapen Sue, this little.

What I can’t get, you don’t want to get.


This is a woman.

“Next. Let’s get to the small battleship first! ”

Thinking of this, Wang Wei pondered for a while.

Finally gave up and went to Odin to ask for a batch of drawings of the battleship.

After having the warship technology of the Escia civilization, and the warships of the Kree and the Empire.

Plus some of the warships in the Red Alert system to combine.

Presumably, those engineers in the design institute of the battleship department can come up with a complete set of plans very well!

“I’ve seen the Lord of Angels!”

After Wang Wei had just arrived at the gate of the design institute of this battleship department.

Wang Wei also found the leader of the Angel Legion at the door of this design institute.

It’s as if you’ve just come out!

“Hmm. Are you here to browse? ”

For the captain of this legion of angels. Wang is a little embarrassed.

After all, up to now, Wang Wei also said the name of the legion leader of this angel legion.

It just feels like this person is familiar!

“Yes, Your Majesty the Lord of Angels!”

Nodded, the Angel Legion Commander, who was wearing an angel armor and took off the helmet on his head, smiled at Wang Wei and said!

“By the way, I thought I didn’t know your name yet!”

Wang Wei, who was slightly embarrassed, smiled slightly at the leader of the Angel Legion.

After all, the little ladies among the angels are very beautiful.

Wang Wei’s face is blind!

It’s not that he doesn’t know these angel sisters, but the other party is very beautiful.

Wang Wei himself can’t tell, who is who!

“It’s an honor. The upper angel of the Angel Legion, Angel Leng, has seen the Lord of Angels! ”

Heard Wang Wei ask his name. The leader of this angel legion, the angel said respectfully to Wang Wei!

For Wang Wei, if you want to know the name of this Angel Legion leader, you only need to let the Void Engine carry out a wave of exploration, which is better than anything!

All kinds of data from the angel in front of him will appear in Wang Wei’s head.

To put it bluntly, this angel legion leader has been to the bathroom several times, and Wang Wei can explore it clearly.

But, man. It’s better to have a little bottom line.

Because of this, Wang Wei did not take the initiative to use the Void Engine to carry out these explorations on his own people.

Basically, Wang Wei asked. These guys are willing to say, and Wang Wei listens. Unwilling to say, Wang Wei did not delve into it!

“Hmm. I just call you cold! ”

Looking at this little angel sister in front of her who was like a royal sister.

Wang Wei smiled and walked directly into this battleship design institute with Angel Leng!

“For the battleship side, cold, do you have any good advice?”

While speaking, Wang Wei inquired.

You know, in the supergod universe, the hulls of those warships also have a lot of scale.

It is even said that the warships in the supergod universe have a variety of super abilities.

Even Morgana, who rebelled against the Angel Civilization and established the Demon Civilization alone, also has a Demon Wing Demon Fleet.

Don’t think that Morgana’s Demon Wing fleet isn’t that big!

The Demon Wing fleet can directly knock some planets out.

The Demon Wings fleet can be regarded as a mothership warship in Morgana’s hands.

According to Wang Wei’s visual evaluation, this demon wing also had a length of tens of thousands of meters or even 100,000 meters, hundreds of thousands of meters.

This kind of battleship, how could Wang Wei not be hungry!

“The hull is too small, and the power of the battleship is a little weak!”

Thought about it for a moment. The angel nodded coldly at Wang Wei and explained.

The first main fleet in Wang Wei’s hands, as well as the first exploration fleet, can only be counted as warships of ordinary civilization in the supergod universe.

Even the gluttonous civilization warship attached to Karlmen has the power of nearly 10,000 meters.

It’s not that the bigger the battleship, the easier it is to get beaten!

Rather, the larger the warship, the more attack means it has on it.

Take a look at those battleship attack methods in the supergod universe? Dimensionality reduction strike, space wormhole, wormhole handling, oblivion cannon and more.

These are superweapons.

In this Marvel world, it is indeed a high-end technology!

“Hehe, since it’s cold, you said that the battleship is still a little ordinary. I don’t know cold, can you help design the design together? “_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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