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In addition, a number of warships that captured the Aesian civilization or warships of the Cree people were left in the sky above the planet to act as space forces.

These forces are not very many, that is, dozens of battleships!

These are the four planets colonized by the Essians.

In addition to these. The largest number of people. It reached more than three billion on that planet Esia.

General Ling Liang smashed about 500,000 troops.

And nearly a hundred small warships went up.

If the strongest resistance among them is the planet Esia.

However, Wang Wei’s enslavement program is beginning to unfold gradually.

Under the condition of battleship cannons in one hand, cultural invasion in the other, and IQ castration.

Wang Wei’s Umbrella Army is methodically cleaning up these rebel forces.

There are more bloodshed than steady speeches!

“These guys are looking for me? Well, I see! ”

Brows frowned slightly. Only then did Wang Wei remember that there were still these guys on his battleship.

If it weren’t for Ling Liang to remind. Wang Weidu almost forgot about these guys.

No way, Wang Wei now has more and more things in his hands.

There is also more and more power.

A lot of times. Wang Wei obviously didn’t have to intervene personally, but he also had to intervene.

There’s no way around it!

While thinking, Wang Wei postponed all kinds of plans in his heart.

Directly opened the door of space in that void dimension!

“Guys, how’s it going?”

Looking, including five temporary staff officers, were in the conference room.

The corner of Wang Wei’s mouth raised a smile.

For these guys. Wang Wei at least had a hint of favor.

After all, no one is holding back.

He also bleeds himself and sells his life.

You say this case. If Wang Wei doesn’t have a good impression of the past?

A full 30,000 joint crusading troops, wait until the end of the war. Only more than 20,000 survived.

This kind of battle loss ratio is in modern warfare. Especially among the elite troops. An absolutely horrible set of data.

However, these losses are not very large compared to the number of individual battle losses.

The main thing is that when airborne, many people were destroyed by enemy anti-aircraft artillery, and for some other reason, dozens of people were destroyed by the enemy’s regiment at once!

“This time. We have gained a lot! ”

“So, we’re ready to come in with you, sir!”

“After all, we’re bothering. It’s not good, isn’t it? ”

While speaking, as a representative of the United Crusade Army. Admiral Xu said with a smile at Wang Wei!

“In this way, I heard Ling Liang say that he has accumulated a batch of military merits. I don’t know what you want to exchange it for? ”

Wang Wei, who casually pulled over a seat, did it directly.

Look at the generals standing in front of him.

Wang Wei himself does not have a trace of pressure!


Hearing Wang Wei say this. Admiral Xu hesitated slightly.

Finally, he slowly said to Wang Wei!

“About that. We’d love to redeem some though! ”

“But, after all, we are not the rulers of a country. This kind of thing still needs to be arranged by the leaders above! ”

“So, those military merits can be exchanged after we return to Blue Star?”

While speaking, this Admiral Xu explained seriously to Wang Wei!

“It’s nothing. If you think clearly. After you go back, you will directly find Wang Yuyan! ”

“I think you all know Wang Yuyan very well! At that time, just tell her what you want to exchange! ”

While speaking, Wang Wei shrugged indifferently.

What are these guys’ ideas. Wang Wei knows better than anyone!

It is nothing more than wanting to exchange the technology of the Umbrella Army. I want to exchange my place at the Umbrella Military Academy again!

Something in the heart of these guys.

Wang Wei knew everything in his heart!


“Then thank you sir!”

Heard Wang Wei’s consent. Admiral Xu smiled and nodded.

There’s nothing like this kind of thing being the best kind of outcome!

“That’s right. The country with the most points in your joint crusade. I personally give you a loot of friendship! ”

“Those captured, the Escia battleship. You will be eligible for one! ”

“As for getting that one. Just decide for yourselves! ”

While speaking, Wang Wei shrugged his shoulders and said to these guys!

For these Ancian civilization warships, a large number were dragged to the engineers of the red alert for analysis.

In the eyes of these red alert engineers with huge brains.

The warships of the Escia fleet have gradually formed a symbol of backward technology.

As long as you eat through the battleships of these guys. How do you want to make it. For the red alert system, this is not a problem at all.

Some backward principles. Already some parsing works!

Are you looking down on us engineers!



Hearing this statement from Wang Wei. Those generals looked at this Xu general in front of them with some gasps!

After all, if it really comes to talking.

The highest proportion of military merit here may be a few big hooligans!

No way, where are the places for people.

In addition, the United Crusading Army is full of their true elite.

Among them, Admiral Xu’s joint crusade army fought as ferocious.

It can be said that he is worthy of being the authentic army boss above the Blue Star!

Ahem. Except for the Umbrella Army.

The combat effectiveness of the Umbrella Army . These guys have already seen a lot.

I don’t want to compare with the Umbrella Army. It’s all about looking for death!

“Well, thank you! Mr. Wang! ”

Seeing Wang Wei’s indifferent attitude. I can’t allow Admiral Xu to think about it much! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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