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When this Yuri appeared, Wang Wei was still a chicken!

Even the treasure house of angelic knowledge in the supergod universe did not appear.

With Yuri’s presence.

For those Kerry and the people of the star-destroying combat power, as well as the quasi-star-destroying combat power.

A wave of brainwashing.

At that time, Wang Wei’s hands will have a batch of high-end combat power.

Even these guys have nothing to trust!

Throw it as cannon fodder, as a storming team!

It’s better than having the demon Nemesis as a raider, right?

After all, no matter what. In everyone’s heart, there is also a difference between close and distant!

“Then it will be my honor. Your Excellency, Commander! ”

I heard that Wang Wei ordered a lot for where he needed.

Yuri smiled and stepped off the levitation device and bowed slightly to Wang Wei!

“Come with me!”

While speaking, Wang Wei left the Red Alert planet directly with advantages.

Wang Wei, who casually opened the door of the void dimension space, took Yuri to the location of the space port near the broken star passage!

“Yuri, can you brainwash those who destroy stars, and the power of quasi-star extinction! Control? ”

As Wang Wei, who has played the Red Alert game.

Yuri’s ability is simply the best way to increase your own combat power!

It’s like the Undead Catastrophe. I beat your people to death, and your people eventually became my people.

“The power of star destruction?”

Hearing Wang Wei’s kind of rhetoric, Yuri was a little confused!

What kind of force is the power of destroying stars!

I don’t know this very well!

“Follow me!!”

Looking at Yuri, he was not very clear about the power of this star destroyer. Or rather not very well understood.

Wang Wei directly took Yuri to a quasi-star-killing prisoner place!

Around this place, there are dozens of young ladies of the Angel Legion who are watching these guys all the time.

And these guys are also unusually honest.

After all, the level of combat effectiveness of those angelic ladies is very clear to them.

The main thing is that Nima’s you are surrounded by so many warships. I’m so panicked!

Although personal greatness has reached a certain level, it can be followed and confronted!

But a massive confrontation fleet. Enough personal power to form the size of a legion.

Otherwise, a lot of times. They are all about to face the end of being completely annihilated by the fleet!

Although among them, the personal mighty power caused a certain heavy damage to the fleet!

But that’s not the problem!

Personal power wants to reach the level of a heavy damage fleet. I don’t know how much chance and talent I need.

And the fleet? As long as there is a stable empire, a stable rear!

Can be created far and wide!

This is the difference between military strength and personal might.

The personal greatness is very strong. But military power also has characteristics that the possessor does not have in his personal greatness. It is possible to be born on a large scale.

Otherwise, why does Thanos, the purple potato essence, want to give the whole universe a time to plan a family. Also need to form your own huge fleet?

Isn’t Thanos’s strength strong?

Very strong! It is said to be a power that can reach the quasi-heavenly father level.

With this level of strength, Wang Wei’s scalp is numb when he thinks about it!

Unless it’s Hexi, Keisha and they come over, it’s possible to put Thanos on the ground and fight!

And Wang Wei has reason to believe that the strength of Kesha, Hexi and others is definitely at the father level that day. Even the Moguna of the fallen civilization. This is the same guy as a madman. It also has a power that is not inferior to the level of the Heavenly Father.

It is estimated that it should have the strength of the peak of the quasi-heavenly father!

“These guys?”

Feel these quasi-star-destroying powerhouses who are being taken into custody by the angel ladies.

A cold sweat slowly appeared on Yuri’s head!


Is your world so terrifying?

The power of quasi-star annihilation even captured hundreds or so at once.

These quasi-star forces can already be regarded as superheroes in the Red Police civilization!

“Yes, these guys! Can you see if you can experiment with it? ”

Glancing at the cold sweat that appeared on Yuri’s head.

Wang Wei’s heart couldn’t help but sigh slowly.

Perhaps, for Yuri also said, these quasi-star extinction forces are a little embarrassing.

But these quasi-star extinction forces are already difficult. And what about the star-destroyers?

Could it be that Wang Wei wants those angelic ladies as jailers to watch over these prisoners?

That’s an absolute waste!

“I can give it a try. However, it may not be successful. After all, these guys have the strength of the most sub-superheroes! ”

“And superheroes basically have the ability to resist psychic attacks. I don’t know if they can resist psychic attacks! ”

While speaking, Yuri explained to Wang Wei.

This kind of thing, although a little tricky. But it’s not entirely unchallenging!

“Well, then you give it a try, if you can. Then turn all these guys into our people! ”

“What is needed. Speak directly to General Ling Liang. If General Ling Liang can’t do it. You come to me! ”

After thinking about it, Wang Wei still nodded at Yuri. Seriously.

After all, these guys, you said that you want Wang Wei to give up these free combat powers. It is impossible.

You can only find a way to get these guys together!

While saying this, Wang Wei began to think.

If Yuri has the ability to attack the mind.

Does it mean that the spiritual scepter that the third princess Loki brought with him is also useful?

However, the power on the spiritual scepter seems to be overridden.

While thinking, Wang Wei’s thoughts shifted directly to the spiritual scepter! _

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