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It is said that in this universe, who is qualified to become a tyrant potential, this Ronan counts as one.

And Ronan’s whole person will stop at nothing to achieve the end.

It can be said that in Wang Wei’s eyes, he is a hero.

But since this hero has become his opponent, let him become a dog bear!

“Loss, loss! If you already knew that person was Ronan, you shouldn’t have let him go! ”

Thinking that it was Ronan who had just been released. Wang Wei’s heart felt a little lost.

This Ronan’s head, the amount of bounty on this black market is quite a lot.

Just like Odin, there is also a bounty on the black market, but basically no one will take this task. Completely unreliable!

If Wang Wei can take Ronan. The amount of these bounties that Wang Wei received was a trivial matter.

The biggest thing is that Wang Wei can get the favor of most people in the entire universe.

Got rid of a scourge for the entire Marvel Universe.

However, for this Ronan, Wang Wei only has a dispensable attitude.

It’s good to be able to catch it.

Can’t catch it, forget it!

“Hack these data central control! At the same time give me their shipborne weapons! ”

With the Void Engine taking Wang Wei in this online world of Kree and the battleship, he traveled.

Wang Wei directly began to tinker among these battleships.

After a moment’s effort, these more than four hundred Kree and battleships were directly locked up with shipboard weapons.

Unless these Kerry and people directly dismantle those shipboard weapons.

But that’s not going to happen!

Wang Wei also dragged the void engines of several angel sisters into these networks, and monitored these Kerry and battleships through some network data that came with the battleship!

For Wang Wei, captured things. If you want it for nothing, why not?

What a waste it is!

Even if Wang Wei can’t use it himself, isn’t it good to take it out and replace some of the ones he needs?

Waste is shameful!

Adhering to the instinct of thrift and thrift.

Wang Wei directly packed and took away these more than 400 Kree warships and the hundreds of members of the quasi-star and star extinction special combat team!

Looking back, he looked at Kerry and the members of the special combat team who were being watched by the young ladies of the Angel Legion.

Wang Wei suddenly found this Yuri camp useful.

I just don’t know if I can modify the loyalty of these guys.

It’s like deleting memories and adding or changing some loyalty.

However, in the supergod universe. A kind of technology, it seems that it should be possible, right?

While thinking, Wang Wei directly followed the young lady of the Angel Legion Commander beside him and asked!

After all, the power system of the angel civilization, Wang Wei is not very clear!

“Change the allegiance of these guys?”

In the local area network inside the angel, the young sister of the angel legion leader heard Wang Wei’s inquiry and couldn’t help but start thinking slowly!

“His Majesty the Lord of Angels. If you want to do that. Either the treasure of knowledge of the angelic civilization is in stock. When the time comes, use the treasure house of knowledge of the angelic civilization, not to mention modifying the loyal objects of these guys! ”

“Even modifying the religious goals of a civilization can be done. However, the dark matter energy consumed in this is also a bit large! ”

While speaking, the Angel Legion Leader said timidly to Wang Wei.

After all, her legion of angels does not carry a lot of dark matter.

It’s a little more difficult to modify all of these guys, at the degree of slow absorption feedback from dark matter!

The Angel Legion Commander is not willing to waste dark matter on these people!

“Is that so? I understand! ”

Wang Wei, who nodded slightly, also understood a little what was going on.

In fact, Wang Wei has also done some understanding about the dark matter energy in the supergod universe. If nothing else Wang Wei expected, it should be those dark energies in the dark dimensional space.

But that’s fucking up.

Now Wang Wei didn’t dare to go to the dark dimensional space at all.

Wang Wei is now being targeted by Dormammu in the dark dimensional space. If you go over and extract dark energy.

Gee, isn’t this a sheep in the mouth of the tiger?

If only Kesha, Hexi and the others were there.

Wang Wei, who had some thoughts in his heart, suddenly felt that he might be far away from the appearance of these guys.

Once Keisha and the others can be extracted.

Then Wang Wei dares to wave in this Marvel universe.

As one of the bartenders of the supergod world, can’t Keisha still fight Odin and the others?


Wang Wei himself didn’t want to believe it, he couldn’t fight a dozen!

While thinking, Wang Wei’s obsession with wanting to sign in to Hexi, Keisha and others became heavier.

But not in a hurry, not in a hurry yet.

Now is not the time to be able to check in.

Lack of European gas, accumulate a wave first!

Under Wang Wei’s ethereal thoughts. The young ladies of the Angel Legion directly escorted this captive fleet directly back to the top of the space port!

Wang Wei, who returned to the space port, kept Nakri and the prisoners on the battleship in solitary confinement among several warships.

These individual warships were the transport warships of the Escia fleet at the beginning, and they were transformed into prisoners by the Umbrella Army!

As for those extinction stars, quasi-extinction star combat effectiveness. It is a group of angel ladies and sisters who are detained separately for parent-child detention!

No way. Wang Wei doesn’t have enough high-end combat power in his hands now.

And after Wang Wei returned to the space port of this broken star channel.

Wang Wei also sent out the last small squadron of this space port.

Directly clean up the wreckage of the battleship in the broken star passage.

No way, this broken star passage can be regarded as a passage in these nine realms that can navigate with the outer universe world. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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