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An enamel cannon was like a bloodthirsty crossbow, directly sniping at these Esia warships!

If you say that in another period, fighting in this starry sky, you want to snipe at the other party. No matter what level of battleship, it carries a degree of hard luck.

But it was these naval gunners who started firing from the hands of the shipwive.

Luck, non-existent.

Battleship equipment, for these ship girls, is equivalent to their own arms.

Handy to be able to wield!

“Rush in!”

Looking at these Esia battleships that were named by the battleship big sisters and fled in a hurry.

General Ling Liang didn’t care about these colonial warships at all.

In quantity, battleships although a little less.

But it’s enough to pick ten for hanging!

With General Ling Liang’s order, one by one, the heavy cruisers, light cruisers, and aircraft carriers in the rear, as well as some troop carriers, directly killed in the direction of this sand star!

The space port, this moment has been focused on by the Dingyuan ship.

Dingyuan ship, a warship is enough to compare the firepower of a space port.

It is even said that it can be surpassed.

Just because Wang Wei had too much black technology equipment installed on the distant ship.

Ships on the energy side, ships with electromagnetic technology, and some ships similar to dimensional weapons.

Even this Dingyuan ship has a ship armor that other warships do not have.

Extinguish star naval guns!

Although this star-destroying naval gun annihilated a small planet,

But enough.

This kind of firepower is enough!

“Prepare to fight! Everyone, take your time! ”

“Hey, hey. Each other! ”

With the light patrol of this ship, under the support of the heavy patrol.

This fortified fleet passed through the space port and some anti-aircraft fire points above the sandstone star.

Under the protection of heavy patrols.

Everyone directly teased each other.

After all, the game between them in the Avengers continues.




With a round of artillery fire.

Those air defenses on the ground were destroyed abruptly

And the crowd also began to land directly under the protection of the heavy cruiser.


“Charge! Hurry up! ”

“First place, this time it’s mine!”

With the movements of these screaming Avengers members.

One by one, the special attack marines jumped out directly without stopping the attacking landing ship.

As the saying goes, what kind of generals there are, there are what kind of soldiers.

Led by the Avengers guys. The members of these special attack marines were also excited.

The pilots of the IS mech, the special operations team of the Horse Legion, the demon Nemesis in the biochemical system, the mutated version of the octopus tentacle tyrant, and some Transformers army legions plus a large number of Mighty soldiers.

A special power system bloomed again directly on this sandstone castle!

“Strange, there is no one on this sand star to play and die together?”

With the help of the Void Engine, Wang Wei directly conducted some investigations into the data network of Sand Stone Star.

However, after Wang Wei conducted a search and investigation, he found that there was no one on this sand star to play the same method.

Hey, a bunch of trash!

Although he said this, Wang Wei looked at the sand star whose resistance was definitely stronger than that of Juto Star.

Wang Wei directly left the sky above this sand star.

After all, this Avengers points system is very clear.

This regular fighting time. Wang Wei was unable to participate.

However, Wang Wei, who shook his head, returned to the command room of the Dingyuan ship.

Ling Liang, who was in this command room, was paying attention to the entire battle situation while giving battle orders one by one to the war scene.

The battle situation on this sand star is in Ling Liang’s control.

“This is really a crushing battle!”

“Yes, even if you have space-based weapons, even a dense missile phalanx will have no effect!”

After seeing the combat firepower of this Umbrella army again, the many generals of the joint crusading army sighed again.

No way, the Umbrella Army is so violent.

You can’t do it!

And this time the war against the Ethiopian civilization. It’s not just these people who are watching and learning from the United Crusading Army.

Even some of the cadets on the Red Police Planet who were in the Military Academy were basically brought over for on-site combat learning.

What you learn in actual combat is far better than what you learn in textbooks.

“This battle, although it is more durable than that fought by Juto Star, it is a little more difficult, but the effect is much better than that battle!”

When all the situation was in Ling Liang’s hands.

Ling Liang directly turned the swivel chair under his body and said with a smile to Wang Wei!

“It doesn’t matter, as long as you can train those recruits!”

Wang Wei, who shrugged his shoulders, said that he didn’t care about this situation.

But although it didn’t matter, Wang Wei was also thinking about another thing in his heart.

That is, is there value in small battleships?

Wang Wei, who had been exposed to such several battles, finally reluctantly agreed.

Small warships with existential value. Not only does it have the value of existence, but it is also as numerous as stars.

The violence of the destroyer in Wang Wei’s hand is enough to resist most of the warships in the Marvel universe.

Even one picks three, one picks five can be done,

But how many ship girls are there?

According to Wang Wei’s vague memories before, it seems that there are only a few hundred ship girls, right?

Want to build a huge warship with hundreds of ship girls?

Sorry, this is not Wang Wei’s idea!

Therefore, small warships are still developed on a large scale!

At that time, just modify the small battleship, and then install some of Umbrella’s technology system on the small battleship. _

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