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“All personnel ready! You will log in to Jupiten as the second session. Surround the remnants of the rebellion above the Juto Star! ”

In these troop carriers, Captain Umbrella officers directly pulled off these joint crusaders and announced!

“Combat readiness for the second session?”

“Isn’t that almost the battle on the Juto Star?”

Hearing this, the members of these joint crusading forces stopped doing it one after another!

Depend on!

Lao Tzu came here from all the way from Blue Star. And then you tell me that we are only cleaning the battlefield?

What use do we have to do!

What is the value of our coming!

No, you can’t come like this!

In the hearts of those soldiers at the bottom. They are responsible for cleaning up the battlefield. This situation is unacceptable to these guys who have been elite troops since the first generation.

And in the eyes of those colonel-level officers, they can’t get a lot of military equipment of the Escia civilization like this, and wait for all the science and technology!

No, you have to fight for it!

“You don’t agree?”

Look at these united crusaders who are a little unhappy!

The Captain Umbrella officer, who came over to make the announcement, frowned slightly!

Seeing this scene, many colonel-level officers immediately woke up.

On the battlefield, the most uncomfortable thing is battlefield disobedience.

In this case, people shot them all, there is no problem!

“This Captain Tz, please listen to me, we don’t disagree, but we also want to do our part!”

“Plus we’re all coming from Blue Star and going through it for so long. We haven’t had much exposure to some of the ways in which the universe fights! ”

“So, you just let us follow your troops, follow along, learn how to learn? We promise to obey orders and follow commands! ”

As the colonel-level officer finished speaking.

The wrinkled brows of this Captain Officer of Umbrella slowly relaxed!

“So be it! I’ll put you in the last sequence of troop carriers of the first section! ”

“From now on, all of you will be assigned by yourself, and I will put you in a squad of soldiers in a company!”

“You have to follow orders and fight. Otherwise, military law disposes of it! ”

With a cold look in his eyes, the captain officer said coldly to these joint crusaders who wanted to fight!

“Yes! Guaranteed obedience! ”

With the words of the colonel-level officers, those joint crusaders present nodded and said that they would definitely obey the command!

And such a scene can be seen everywhere on these troop carriers specially equipped with the Joint Crusading Army!

This means is also a glorious small means.

Although Wang Wei said that these guys were arranged in the second-line troops.

But who said that there will be no battle losses in the second-line troops?

Sometimes, if the guerrilla members are too cruel, the proportion of battle losses of the second-line troops is also very large!

With this thought, I feel in my glorious heart that more is better than less. These guys are transferred to the follow-up unit.

If you disagree, you only need to be in the battle sequence.

Then if you disobey orders, don’t blame Guanghui for being ruthless!

With this joint crusade after the problem was solved.

Radiance directly led the exploration fleet to begin accepting the war zone of this Juto Star!

In the space port above Namuto Star, it can be said that it was completely crippled by the big sisters of the first main fleet.

In the space port, not a single battleship of the Esia fleet could escape alive!

All were annihilated in the spaceport.

And in the space port, although there is still a small part of the residual power!

But for shopping back, none of this is a problem.

Annihilating these guys is not now!

Prioritize solving the resistance forces within the atmosphere of this Jupiten!

“Retreat, start retreating!”

As the battleships of the exploration fleet descend into the atmosphere.

The Marines of the First Capital Fleet began to be called back into their troop carriers, or some of the warships.

And everyone in the Avengers began to go back with their subordinates!

Everyone is thinking in their hearts about how many military merits they can get this time and how many competition points they can get!

“Quick! Fast! ”

“Keep up!”

“Bring out your fighting spirit!”

“We are now crusading on behalf of Blue Star!”

At this moment, these joint crusading forces holding the most top-notch equipment of this blue star began to roar like an erha with a head ready to roar at any time!

The Umbrella military power of a squad dispatched over is composed of Psychic Soldiers, Transformers Army Legion, Air Force Legion, and Horse Riding Legion!

In the midst of this, these guys will be tasked with leading the team!

When the United Crusaders set foot on another planet. Everyone’s heart is excited!

Alien combat!

This is alien combat!

However, regarding the affairs of these joint crusading forces, everyone’s attention is not on this.

For Wang Wei, the most important thing now is to know how the battle points of these guys in the Avengers are!

With the return of the Avengers members.

Wang Wei flashed directly into this Avengers’ exclusive room!

“O~ are all there, I thought that a few people would say goodbye to us in this battle!”

There is a hint of teasing in the corners of his eyes.

Wang Wei said with a smile directly to everyone present!

“You guy!”

Hearing Wang Wei’s words, Tony directly rolled his eyes, and the whole person lay on the sofa.

This battle is completely different from those before!

The fighting power of the organizations Tony once faced was either private organizations or terrorists. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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