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“If we choose to storm that royal fleet!”

“The colonized planet can also quickly mobilize those colonial fleets to launch a surprise attack on our rear!”

A staff officer beside Ling Liang directly defended this Admiral Xu!

The problem now is that both the exploration fleet and the main fleet are about to reach the shrinking sphere of influence of the Escia civilization!

If one is not done properly, it will cause large-scale damage to the battleship. This kind of thing is also unacceptable to them!

“This is indeed a problem!”

Thinking that the other side has close to a thousand warships.

Admiral Xu had a slight headache.

If Blue Star says that there is no space battleship plan, it is impossible, but it is all being tested and has not yet been exposed.

But this attacked Escian civilization has thousands of space warships.

This feeling is very uncomfortable!

“So be it! When the time comes, I will carry out cosmic communication methods that hinder places! ”

Wang Wei, who had been communicating with his Void Engine for a while, said slowly directly to everyone present!

After all, the biggest problem is the problem of virtual networks between universes.

As long as this virtual network problem remains, then no matter how Wang Wei’s fleet attacks.

The other side can do a good job of helping. If the fleet is separated to block the enemy, it will cause a large proportion of battle losses!

And this kind of result is also unacceptable to Wang Wei!

“If this is the case, then what we have to consider is whether to attack the colonial fleet or the royal fleet!”

Hearing that Wang Wei was able to stop the other party from sending a distress signal.

General Ling Liang’s heart sank, and he directly thought about this problem.

Is it to destroy the opposing royal fleet? Or carry out the annihilation of the opponent’s colonial fleet?

“The proposal from our side is to prioritize the annihilation of the other side’s colonial fleet!”

“Because the opposing party’s colonial fleet is outside the Shattered Star Zone, the royal fleet is at the entrance of the Shattered Star Zone.

“As long as the colonial fleet is completely annihilated, we will have no worries!”

“You can free up the greatest energy to take care of the royal fleet of the Essia civilization here, as well as the native troops!”

After discussing with the people of the United Crusading Army, Admiral Xu continued to raise his opinion on Ling Liang!

“We also recommend giving priority to carrying out a full colonial fleet.”

These staff officers of the General Staff discussed a little. They all also feel that they should first completely annihilate each other’s colonial fleets.

As long as the opponent’s colonial fleet is taken out. Then the first main fleet will be able to free up its hands to clean up this royal fleet!

“Okay, then get ready. Annihilate each other’s colonial fleets! ”

“The first to attack is here!”

In Ling Liang’s heart, he also thought of giving priority to the total annihilation of the opponent’s colonial fleet.

Saying that, Ling Liang directly pointed his finger to a planet on the star map!

This planet is the colonization planet of the Escia civilization, Jupiten.

A planet that barely has a name on the star map.


Hearing Ling Liang’s order, everyone saluted!

“The next step is to block some of the regional networks around this Jupiten!”

Wang Wei, who muttered at the corner of his mouth, directly began to sink his mind into the world of consciousness.

No matter what kind of war, information war is always a war at the forefront.

It is a pity that at present, Wang Wei does not have enough departments for information warfare!

“First of all, let’s hack these places for you first!”

“Then, here, it’s the virus invasion!”

“In the next step, here it is. Directly to you forced internal blasting! ”

Through the Void Engine, Wang Wei directly connected to some detection stations around the Escia civilization around this Juto Star, as well as signal transmitting stations and other stations on the signal network.

Wang Wei was also not polite, and directly blacked out all of this place.

With the Void Engine in hand, blacking out an information transmitter station or something is a complete breeze.


When Wang Wei blacked out all the information transmitter station and everything.

Ling Liang waved his big hand and directly turned on the attack mode!

The First Fleet came directly from behind the shadow of a huge planet.

The First Fleet, with a total fleet of more than one hundred, directly headed towards Juto, which was only a hundred space warships, and killed it mightily!

The First Exploration Fleet allocated some people to go up after using the warships of the Escia civilization.

These small warships were directly used as hunting boats for paralyzing. Be ready for this wolf pack to surround and annihilate the other side’s breakaway battleship!

As for the First Exploration Fleet, while preparing for the landing operation, it is also ready to watch out for some fleets coming to support!

“There is a war. War is on! ”

“Better combat readiness!”

“Pay attention to this battle!”

“Give me a firm record of this battle in your heads!”

On the First Exploration Fleet, the combined crusading army of 30,000 people all looked at the effect of the war projected in front of them.

For these elite troops who have not experienced space combat, although they are still ugly when they come to the universe for the first time.

This battle is indeed worth going deep into their hearts!

“Prepare to prepare. We’re almost going to fight! ”

In another conference room of the Dingyuan ship, these Avengers guys looked at the cosmic scene outside the window and couldn’t help but start to prepare.

[Puxi Daben, thank you [A Feng Xiaofenfen] big guy for the 30,000 VIP point rewards. Thank you very much! Love you, mmm-da! A little more late to the big guy]_

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