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It didn’t take long for the four people to be directly elected by everyone!

And the rest of these will be in the conference room of Dingyuan Ship Mountain, watching the live broadcast of the screen to see the method of space combat!

But they also received some right to advise, and as soon as there was any good advice, it was passed directly to these five temporary staff officers through the headset!

With everything scheduled, it is scheduled. The war of the Umbrella world against the Escia civilization began to break out.

Some information that has already been given through Thor, the god of thunder .

General Ling Liang began to mobilize his fleet on a large scale.

Ling Liang himself knew in his heart the reason why the number of warships in his hand was too small.

Don’t look at the first main fleet in your hands, and the tonnage of the first exploration fleet is very large!

But its number is a hard wound!

And thanks to this gift, General Ling Liang also directly used the three or four hundred Escian space warships.

Some of the Essia space fighters were also directly taken away by the engineers for dismantling on the spot!

You know, here in this spaceport, a base car has been deployed!

“So, you’re not going to arrange arrangements for us?”

In another conference room above the ship.

After learning that the elite troops under those generals had been arranged for combat missions.

The people of the Avengers are a little out of work!

What? Look down on us, or how to drip?

Those scum have a chance to fight, why don’t we have a chance to fight?

No, it can’t be that way. We are also going to fight.

Thanks to this situation, Wang Wei’s brain hurt slightly at this moment!

These guys in the Avengers are actually only a few of them with strong combat effectiveness.

People like Brother Hammer, Green Fatty, and Wanda are somewhat tough.

It is not easy to be injured or killed in this battle.

The second ones are like Stephen, Quicksilver, and Dr. Reed of the two Fantastic Four, Thunderfire, etc. are slightly better.

And unless Tony is accompanied by his own Iron Legion, he is also very easy to be in danger for ordinary people!

As for Natasha, Barton, and Sue and a few others. It is the most likely to die in this war.

Don’t look at the opponents you haven’t encountered on the blue star.

In this cosmic interstellar world, you try

“What do you want?”

Wang Wei, who glanced at these guys, complained weakly.

Okay, can’t you be a salted fish who can shout 666?

You have to go to the front and die!

I’m not responsible for burying it when I’m dead!

“Front-line troops! After all, it has been a long time since such a blood-boiling war has been experienced! ”

Stephen, who was moving, smiled at Wang Wei.

The current Stephen can be said to be completely two people with the former Stephen. For his good friend Bucky, Stephen is still a little worried about it.

After abandoning a group of his men, Bucky fled without a trace.

Didn’t Stephen!

“Front-line troops! I’ve been a rice worm for so long. It’s time for the event too! ”

While eating potato chips, Scarlet Witch Wanda, who was co-eating Coke, also nodded.

Now Wanda completely subverts Wang Wei’s cognition.

This rice worm is really leisurely!

“Don’t eat it. Look at your fat one. If you eat it again, you may not be able to run on the battlefield! ”

Looking at Wanda, who kept mouthing, Wang Wei complained angrily.

Hearing Wang Wei’s complaint, Wanda stopped doing it on the spot!

“What’s wrong with me eating mine? I don’t need to run when I’m on the battlefield! Come one, I’ll pinch one. Come two and I’ll pinch a pair! Besides, even if I eat, I eat your rice? ”

The big eyes kicked, and Wanda’s little angry expression was directly displayed vividly!

“Coincidentally, you really eat my rice! Think for yourself, from where you came from, wasn’t it always me who raised you? ”

Wang Wei, who had a smile on the corner of his mouth, directly countered back.

Sample, still said that you didn’t eat my rice? You are eating me now, using mine, and taking my salary!

“Just… Even if it’s this. I’m not your person either! Capable of it, you raise me! ”

Being so stunned by Wang Wei, Wanda directly said such a sentence in a hurry!

After hearing Wanda say such a sentence.

The reactions of everyone present lit up directly.

Quicksilver even sat on the sofa and covered his face and smiled.

My old sister, do you want to talk so fiercely!

He raised you? In the coming hundred and eighty of you, he can also afford it. Although I know you have a crush on him!

However, the other two women present dared to say that they had no good feelings for Wang Wei?

Really convinced, convinced, it is said that this woman in love is the most prone to losing her mind.

But your crush has also lost his mind!

“That’s enough!”

Natasha, who was sitting on the other side, narrowed her eyes slightly.

What is Natasha’s own situation, Natasha herself knows very well.

It is precisely because you know your problems. Natasha never expressed her inner thoughts.

Because of this, for Natasha, joining the Umbrella Group may be a satisfaction.

And Sue, who has not yet fallen in love with Dr. Reed in the Fantastic Four, her eyes lit up.

Wanda’s operation stunned Sue.

In addition, everyone in the Avengers also knows that these three girls have a favorability for Wang Wei. But who would have thought that this kind of confession-like words would be said today?

“I raise you? Come on! From beginning to end, when did I not raise you? ”

Wang Wei, who had a smile, directly came to a stealing concept. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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