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“The shadow of this battleship, if nothing else, should be the Bismarck-class battleship of the Hans Empire!”

“And this aircraft carrier should be…..”

As this general with a technical background told this, everyone present understood which one was not a human spirit.

At the beginning, Wang Wei asked many countries for World War II drawings.

But how long has it been since then, so many battleships have been built, terrifying, really terrifying!

“Actually, none of this is a problem.”

“Although these warships have some shadows of the battleships of World War II. I took a look at these battleships! ”

“Their combat ability in the universe is not low!”

“What really surprised me was the difference between a small warship and a large warship!”

“See the abandoned warship that has been pulled aside over there?”

“Those should be the battleships of this Escia civilization, and those small warships are basically no different from these battleships of the Esia civilization!”

“In other words, the size of the warships in the universe is estimated to be between three and five hundred meters to one thousand eight hundred meters!”

“And the warships that this spaceport can accommodate are basically within this range!”

“Only the battleships of the Umbrella Group are far beyond the specifications.”

With the words of the technical general finished.

Everyone present fell silent.

Umbrella Group, can also be said to be the people of the Umbrella world, after all, people also have an independent world.

The specifications of these battleships built by Umbrella’s people are really beyond a lot!

“It’s not much use in discussing these now. And even if we have the ability to make these space battleships! ”

“You think we’re building those big warships that are thousands of meters long? Or a small warship several hundred meters long? ”

“According to me, let’s wash and sleep! Go to bed early and you can achieve it all in your dreams! ”

“Our mission this time is to fight this Ethiopian civilization!”

These people have no shortage of some talents, and they directly brought this matter over.

What is the purpose of discussing this now? When you’re done and hugged into the lap of the Umbrella Group, don’t let go. It’s hard for you guys to do that!



On this Dingyuan ship, the two custom-made female soldiers took Admiral Xu directly to Ling Liang’s command room!

“Your Excellency Lieutenant General! Guian! ”

“Hello General!”

Admiral Xu, who saw General Ling Liang, hurriedly saluted.

“Huh? How did you come over? Xu Lao”

Wang Wei, who was watching General Ling Liang’s attack plan on this Dingyuan ship, suddenly saw Admiral Xu appear. I couldn’t help but be surprised.

For Wang Wei, this attack plan is just a look at it!

After all, he could not put forward practical combat requirements.

That is, slashing and slashing the high-end power on the other side!

“Brother Wang Wei!”

After seeing Wang Wei here, Admiral Xu directly overjoyed on his face!

However, Lieutenant General Ling Liang on the side frowned slightly.

Lieutenant General Ling Liang’s brows frowned slightly, and did not escape Admiral Xu’s gaze!

He saluted Wang Wei on the spot!

“Despicable, Xu Zhongguo, I have seen His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief!”

Admiral Xu, who knew that he had lost his words, saluted Wang Wei respectfully on the spot!

After all, in this case, if you can’t tell your position, then something is too much!

“No need. I’m not a commander-in-chief either. The commander-in-chief is General Ling Liang! ”

Wang Wei, who waved his hand, directly motioned for Admiral Xu to sit down.

To be honest, Wang Wei also has a good impression of this Admiral Xu!

“Then the lowly position will obey!”

He glanced at General Ling Liang, who was not looking at him, and looked at this Wang Wei.

Admiral Xu analyzed it on the spot. Although Wang Wei is not the commander-in-chief of this fleet, he can at least be regarded as a word!

“What are you doing here!”

Wang Wei, who was a little strange, directly took the cup of tea that Dingyuan Xiao cute made for himself. I asked!

“That’s right, Your Excellency. For this time the task schedule. There is also a little mention on our side of the Joint Crusade Army! ”

Admiral Xu, who took the tea, directly took out the task notice that Lieutenant General Ling Liang had given him before!

“Propose? What proposal? Let me see! ”

Wang Wei really didn’t know much about the task arrangement that Ling Liang gave to these joint crusading forces.

But since you brought it, take a look!

“Give, Your Excellency!”

While arranging the task that General Ling Liang had given him before, Wang Wei was arranged. Admiral Xu, who was sitting there, felt a little apprehensive in his heart.

After all, does this count as refuting the commander-in-chief’s previous task arrangement in front of a commander-in-chief?

“Escort supplies? Pretty good! ”

“Didn’t I say that? If you want to see the war, just follow the fleet. If you want to take the handle. This kind of task is also very good! ”

Looking over, Wang Wei, who arranged this task, did not find anything wrong there!

“Yes, Your Excellency. Apply for battles on our side! ”

“The Joint Crusade Army can be said to be an elite force between countries. We want to fight alien civilizations! ”

“We want to grow!”

“After all, we are always under the protection of your Umbrella. You can’t grow! ”

Admiral Xu, who stood up, said respectfully to Wang Wei.

Look, what are these words? Some of the pressure that Wang Wei brought them directly turned into shelter. In other words, these guys determined that Wang Wei’s Umbrella was the existence that sheltered Blue Star. and not the object of the attack.

The same meaning, directly changed the expression. This is much better!

“Okay, how do you think about fighting? First-line troops? That way, your losses will be much greater! It is even said that none of you joint crusaders have the ability to fight interstellar battles in the universe! “_

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