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“I’ll trouble you next! Brother Wang Wei! ”

With several major admirals, Admiral Xu, who came to this command room, smiled at Wang Wei and said!

“Well said! Then let’s go! ”

Wang Wei, who shrugged his shoulders, directly ordered the captain of this quick-reaction destroyer!

“Yes, Commander!”

The commander of the quick-reaction destroyer who nodded also directly ordered the destroyer to launch the stealth mode and rush directly towards the place where the star mark in the destroyer was pointed!

When this group of people left, the hundreds of thousands of combined troops who remained on this small island also launched a confrontation show one after another!

Under the flight speed of this fast-reaction destroyer.

It took everyone about ten days to reach the vicinity of the Shattered Star Passage.

And in these ten days or so, for these people of the joint crusading army, it was a real increase in insight!

“I’ll go, is this the Cosmic Fortress?”

“This spaceport is so big? How many warships can it hold! ”

“Those smaller warships are gunboats or something, right?”

“I counted. There are twenty-three of these cosmic fortresses. Twenty-three. Each one is about ten kilometers in diameter! ”

“Terrible, really terrible!”

When Wang Wei’s battleship had not yet arrived at the space port of the Shattered Star Passage.

The many generals in this other conference room looked at the group of warships wandering outside, as well as the large cosmic fortress of Nano.

I was even more shocked in my heart!

And Wang Wei waved his hand to show his calmness to the shock of these people, but he accepted it very comfortably in his heart!

“Brother Wang Wei. Are you ready to arrange us next? ”

After actually seeing everything near the Broken Star Passage. Admiral Xu also directly placed his status very clearly.

Although it is necessary to lose the style of a big country. But some necessary respect still has to be given to Zhu Wang Wei!

“You guys? What do you want to do? Do you choose to watch the battle? Or choose to fight? All right? ”

For this vote of the United Crusade Army.

Wang Wei didn’t feel much.

If you choose to watch the battle. Wang Wei will throw it directly on a troop carrier warship when the time comes, and let them follow the fleet to watch the battle.

“We? We choose to go into battle! After all, we are the Blue Crusader! ”

Several generals in this command room glanced at each other.

Admiral Xu said seriously to Wang Wei.

In these ten days, Admiral Xu and the others also became familiar with Wang Wei and everyone in the Avengers.

It even took some intelligence information from the hands of the Avengers!

The main thing is Thor, the god of thunder and this prince of Asgard.

In the hearts of these generals, they also had a deep and obvious understanding of the Nine Realms.

Blue Star can be regarded as the weakest existence among the nine realms.

And Wang Wei, who they chose to hold their thighs, was directly given to a world by the Lord of the Nine Realms, Odin, shortly after.

What is this concept?

At least in the eyes of everyone present. This is an acknowledgement of Wang Wei’s strength!

Under various factors, these generals made up their minds to hold Wang Wei’s thigh and not let go.

Whether the big guy lacks pendants on his legs or not, we got together anyway.

In the case of having an Umbrella world. Wang Wei is indeed qualified to throw off Blue Star and go it alone.

But in the eyes of these generals, Wang Wei not only did not leave Blue Star behind. Instead, it is increasing investment in Blue Star.

What is it? This is the reward blue star!

Because these guys’ brain supplements are directly deepened. Wang Wei’s weight in their hearts!

Wang Wei is the real invisible lever of Blue Star. The boss of Blue Star!

The most important thing is that there are nearly two hundred space battleships everywhere outside! This is real strength!

“Is that so? You guys should discuss this matter with Ling Liang!” ”

“After all, I handed over this part of the battle to General Ling Liang!”

Thought about it for a moment. Wang Wei directly handed over all these guys to Lieutenant General Ling Liang.

If you want to participate in the battle, go to Ling Liang. If you don’t want to go into battle, then give me a salted fish who competently will shout 666.


This Admiral Xu, who received a satisfactory answer, was also pondering how to get involved with this Lieutenant General Ling Liang.

Listening to the name, it should be the rabbit person. But when did the rabbit have such a good talent?

No, you have to get in a relationship.

Well, I just don’t know if this Umbrella can accept the officers sent by our side!

In the depths of Admiral Xu’s heart, there are some officers who want to send rabbits. It’s not about secretly seizing power, but thinking about whether you can learn and observe behind these people?

Wang Wei is not very clear about these. Wang Wei, who directly parked the battleship in the space port, left the battleship.

The members of these joint crusading forces were also placed in an area of the spaceport.

“Ling Liang. Whether those guys want to fight, or do they think how, you look at the arrangement. It’s nothing more than scrapping a few more warships! ”

Wang Wei, who walked to the Dingyuan battleship, the flagship of the first main fleet, shouted directly at Ling Liang in this command room!

Hearing Wang Wei’s words, General Ling Liang was stunned!

“I see, Commander!”

Although a little confused. But look at Wang Wei’s meaning, that is, these guys, the power should be useless.

“Hmm. Then the next step is to launch a crusade against the Ethiopian civilization! ”

While speaking, Wang Wei began to sit in the first main fleet.

Today, this first main fleet. Large-scale legion members, or medium and high-end combat power are not very lacking! _

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