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“Nope. Dingyuan did not cry! ”

While denying his crying Dingyuan, he buried his head deeply in Wang Wei’s chest.

That little head moving back and forth. Seeing Wang Wei was a little crying and laughing.

He said that he did not cry. But Wang Wei still knew through the wetness of his clothes that this must be far crying!

“Hard work on you. Really hard work on you! Dingyuan! ”

Wang Wei, who sighed in his heart, directly held Dingyuan in his arms.

This was the first time Wang Wei held the ship girl in his arms.

It was also the first time that Wang Wei took the initiative to hold this young girl!

“Governor, you said it would be great if Huaiyuan had such firepower in the first place!”

Dingyuan’s body, which was gently stopped in Wang Wei’s arms, shook slightly.

did not break away from Wang Wei’s embrace.

Instead, he asked in Wang Wei’s arms!

“Huaiyuan, they think they want to have such firepower? Poof”

“Don’t make trouble! If only they had such firepower. They directly hit the entire planet! ”

“You also don’t look at what the firepower benchmark of your time looked like. What does the level of combat power look like! ”

Wang Wei, who couldn’t help but laugh, laughed directly.

Suddenly, Wang Wei felt that this must be far from cute!

A silly cuteness!

“Aaaaah! Don’t laugh, Governor! ”

Be aware of the problems in what you say. Dingyuan directly raised his head and said angrily to Wang Wei.

Looking at Wang Wei, who kept laughing, Dingyuan’s two snow-white arms waved back and forth.

I want to stop Wang Wei’s wanton laughter!

“Well, I’m not smiling, I’m not smiling!”

“However, Dingyuan! Don’t be too sad. Huaiyuan they will come back! ”

Touched the little head that was determined in his arms!

Wang Wei said with a soft face.

Will be back! Huaiyuan, they will all come back! The former Beiyang Fleet will all come back!


Listening to Wang Wei’s affirmative remarks, Dingyuan also nodded. Will all be back! My sisters and sisters will be back!

“Hey, guys. Want to participate in a crusade war? ”

At the top of this Stark Group Building, which is now the main gathering place of the Avengers!

Wang Wei asked directly with a smile at everyone present!


“Crusade for war?”

“What do you mean?”

“Where is the war again?”

At this moment, the members of the Avengers who were at a meeting this month stood up and asked Wang Wei.

After all, for now, the power on the entire Blue Star is the most powerful. The most powerful is none other than Wang Wei!

“Well, this. Let Thor tell you! ”

As soon as he said this, Wang Wei should not say it?

After all, in the end, it was because of the Shining Battleship.

But it doesn’t matter, there is Sol. Wang Wei, who left the Red Police Planet, came here, and he was the one who fought a wave of reunions. Let them work for nothing!

There are so many excellent thugs, if you don’t use them, it’s really too much!

“Actually, it’s nothing!”

Brother Hammer who greeted everyone. Directly sat down.

Now, the foolish son of this landlord’s family can also be regarded as a part of the Avengers.

“It’s kind of a problem for me in Asgard.”

“A civilization attached to me in Asgard, don’t do anything all day, do some mess!”

“Father couldn’t stand it. Prepare for a crusade against this civilization! ”

As a result, he was hit by Mr. Wang. Then Mr. Wang hit one of the opposing fleets with his hands! ”

In the end, this task was entrusted to Mr. Wang by his father. The purpose is to fight each other! ”

While speaking, Brother Hammer shrugged his shoulders.

In this case, Brother Hammer has seen too much.

The sphere of influence of the Nine Realms is huge!

The sphere of influence is bigger. There is more civilization. With more civilization, the corresponding forces of the three religions and nine streams will appear!

Brother Hammer used to fight against!

“This way!”

“What civilization is the other party?”

“Does the other party have any excellent technology?”

As soon as I heard this rhetoric of Brother Hammer. Many members of the Avengers present observed a silence of three seconds for this unknown civilization.

You say it’s not good who you provoke. I want to provoke Wang Wei. Mr. Wang.

Isn’t this looking for excitement?

“The other party’s civilization is the Escia civilization! The power of science and technology is much higher than that of Blue Star! ”

“After all, the other party has a thousand eighteen hundred space battleships.”

After thinking a little, Wang Wei shrugged directly at everyone present!


“Wouldn’t you?”

“Eighteen hundred space battleships?”

“What kind of power is this?”

Hearing Wang Wei’s words, whether it was Natasha, or Scarlet Witch Wanda, and Su of the Fantastic Four, they were all slightly shocked!

After all, in the hearts of these women. The battleship Experimental in Wang Wei’s hand had already had a big impact on their hearts.

These eighteen hundred space battleships?

Are you sure this is a crusade? Not hanged?

“To be precise, it should be more than thirteen hundred space battleships!”

“This data is what Heimdall told me before! Oh, by the way, the fleet that annihilated the prisoners does not count! ”

Brother Hammer, who was drinking coffee on the side, slowly added to what Wang Wei said!

“More than thirteen hundred space battleships?”


At this moment, not only those Avengers girls, but even the other three of the Fantastic Four, Quicksilver, Dr. Banner, and Hawkeye Patton all twitched slightly.

How can such forces be crusaded?

How much of the space fleet did Loki get? Just those dozens of war behemoths are enough for them to fight hard for a while.

If it weren’t for Wang Wei’s legion going to battle.

They don’t know how hard it is! _

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