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“Anger? Angry? What qualifications do they have to be angry and angry? ”

The alien creature, who didn’t understand a little, asked directly.

The more than twenty cosmic bunkers outside are their strength, and the more than one hundred space warships are their strength.

Look at the battleship on the opposite side, built to be more than three thousand meters, more than five thousand meters in length? Is this waiting to be beaten?

At present, except for the flagship and some important warships, most of the universe is maintained within the range of kilometers.

It is to be able to reduce the chance of injury in this space battle!

‘Alas, perhaps the reason why the royal family of Esia banished him! Seeing this prince’s behavior, the general couldn’t help but sigh slightly in his heart!

But sigh after sigh, before the general was ready to order.




A battleship in Ling Liang’s hand opened fire first with two heavy patrols!

As many as three thousand enamel cannons with quantum energy on the battleship directly roared.

These enamel cannons had already completed the task of storing energy long before Wang Wei’s arrival.

With the roar of these quantum enamel cannons.

It’s still a wave outbreak!

Every shot is a covered bombardment of 300 enamel cannons! This was followed by a wave bombardment of another 300 enamel cannons!

For this wave-style wave of artillery, General Ling Liang played better than anyone!

And those two heavy patrols directly led eight destroyers to rush up directly!

Under the bombardment of the three thousand enamel cannons of this battleship, this Ethiopian civilization was completely blinded!

Someone actually started a battle directly?

Also special lady is an undeclared war?

These more than twenty cosmic fortresses are because they have been stationed here for a long time, have not experienced a battle for a long time, and they are even more indifferent to this bullying behavior. Very few are in place.

And the hundreds of Esia fleets ostensibly came here to guard this broken star passage, but in fact, they came here to live the life of old soldiers.

And how many are able to carry out the order of war?

All the Escia fleet was blinded!

And Ling Liang directly ordered this to a battleship in his hand!

“I don’t care how you fight! Give me at least one-third of the opponent’s fleet in the first round of artillery fire! ”

Also because of this order, Bismarck directly began a large-scale artillery bombardment!

And in the midst of this undeclared artillery bombardment of Bismck.

Those two heavy patrols with eight destroyers, under the cover of the air corps of the thousands of Transformers Legion on the Tejas and the drone legion personally controlled by the Tejas, rushed directly up!

The task of these two heavy patrols and eight destroyers is very simple, pull out all of the opponent’s prevention and control systems!

Make way for Tejas!

On bombing, or let the professional come!

And the brilliance at this time is the most angry existence!

Countless Transformers Air Force Corps flew out like bees out of their nests.

The heavy patrol carried this destroyer to pull out all the opponent’s prevention and control systems, and these carrier-based aircraft are to provide safety protection for these little guys!

Only that Bismarck, like a sabotage maniac, or rather an arson maniac, is frantically pouring the power of the enamel cannon installed on his ship!

And with this Aspmarck after a round of cannon fire.

The Essia fleet lost twenty or thirty warships, damaged and more than ten ships were unable to fight.

In other words, this round of artillery fire directly hit the opponent’s nearly forty space battleships and could not fight!

Among them, the Escian people were killed and injured in countless numbers.

Near this broken star passage, there are burning and exploding space battleships, messy broken stars, and the corpses of the Aesia soldiers who were thrown into the universe.

And at this time, these Essias can be regarded as reacting to fight!

These Essians, who had not experienced a battle for a long time, were directly blinded!

“How come? How so? How so? How do they have the confidence to resist? ”

“Where do they have the confidence to resist? Give me a counterattack, give me a counter-kill them! Annihilate them all for me! ”

“I want their commander to kneel in front of me and beg for mercy!”

On the extravagant cruise ship in this Esia fleet, the exiled prince of Esia was directly angry!

This undeclared war directly stunned everyone in it!


Seeing this scene, this general beside Prince Esia hurriedly walked outside!

Even if the prince is of a nature similar to exile.

However, his status was not something that the commander-in-chief of a broken star passage could hinder him!

The identity class, in this Aesian civilization, is very serious, has been serious to the point of deformity!

“Fight back, fight back all! Fight back all! ”

“All the space battleships rush out and kill each other!”

“All cosmic fortresses, fire!”

At the time when this commander-in-chief was about to command.

The exiled prince mapped himself directly into the command through communication equipment.

Seeing this prince’s order, the commander-in-chief felt cold in his heart!


Is this how this war was fought?

With this guy’s order, the warships of the Escia civilization sailed out one by one.

These warships took advantage of the slight turn of the Bersmck artillery fire and rushed directly out of this port place.

Although it is the location of this broken star channel. But there is still a port here where these space warships can be parked!

“Avoid them! Avoid them! “When I saw these more than sixty warships rushing out. _

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