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Lexington-class aircraft carrier.

is also a novice aircraft carrier in the N column of the former ship C, the civilian wife of everyone.

Original Mrs.

When the original wife, what kind of scene does it take after meeting this second version of the wife?

Wang Wei is not clear.

But Wang Wei knows that among these two people, Wang Wei likes the Guanghui aircraft carrier even more!

After all, that’s the object of his marriage!

“That’s what you said. Am I such a crazy person? “I glanced at Lexington, which looked at scum like scum.

Wang Wei was originally ready to open his mouth to be his wife, after thinking of Guanghui. Shut up decisively.

This lady is still a little unspeakable!

“Who knows? After all, I heard that a certain governor built the ship maid core for the first time, and he shouted to the recruited ship maid Mrs. ”

Lexington, who had a somewhat ethereal look, said as he pleased.

There is a trace of jealousy in these words… Probably!

After all, in this Lexington feeling, the title of Mrs. seems to be his own.

Just like that, it was taken away by the Tejas and that little.

It’s a little unacceptable!

“….,” to Liesington’s statement.

Wang Wei was directly speechless.

Can you blame yourself for this? Who let himself once be a non-chief. The first Goldskin aircraft carrier that can be owned is this Tejas Radiance? And after he also killed the Tejas aircraft carrier wedding ship, he directly changed his name to his wife.

Smooth mouth!

Wang Wei, who was full of black lines, directly began to invest a lot of resources into it.

With these resources in billions, tens of billions of credits have been smashed in.

Wang Wei also began to build again and again.

Minimum build permissions. A destroyer with a billion units at a time.

Come out!

With Wang Weina’s unlimited resources smashed in.

One by one, the core of the destroyer battleship slowly pushed out at the exit on this side.

And seeing that his own governor was really directly black in front of the crazy Dajian Primary School Nemesis.

Although the battleship big sister, the aircraft carrier mother consumes a lot!

But what do you want to build so many schoolchildren? Set up a kindergarten?

When the battleship cores of these destroyers were made, about twenty or thirty pieces were made.

Lexington is a little unsettled.

“Viceroy, Viceroy, are you enough? You’re building, and your town guard is really going to become a kindergarten!” ”

A stack full of destroyer battleship cores, Lexington himself is a little unable to hold.

This is not possible. After all, the ship girl who is still staying on this Red Police Planet, in addition to herself, only the Hans Empire’s Psmarck-class No. 2 battleship remains. That Tilbitz, who has the name of the North House.

This 10,000-year-old dead house girl!

It can be said that in addition to the fact that the two of them are slightly more mature battleship big sisters, and aircraft carrier mothers.

The remaining battleships are all elementary school students! This is coming to such a vote of elementary school students.

Lexington is really a bit overwhelming!

I can’t bring it!

“Huh?” Hear this kind of mournful words from Lexington. Wang Weina’s big hand that was ready to continue building frantically stopped directly!

“What’s wrong?” Looking at the cores of these battleships that are holding a large pile and are about to be unable to hold. Wang Wei quickly put it on the other side of the table and asked!

“Governor, you built so many schoolboys. I can’t take it with me! Moreover, the only people who can control these schoolchildren in this fleet are me and Tilbitz except for you. But you are very busy, and Tilbitz is a dead mansion! ”

“I really can’t bring these elementary school students!”

One thought of the lawlessness of twenty or thirty elementary school students. Lexington this aircraft carrier mother. It’s a bit of a hang!

“This, these battleship cores, I have no intention of activating them now!”

Looking at a tangled Lexington. Wang Wei said very calmly!

After all, for the current Red Alert Planet, resource mining can at least mine tens of billions of units a day.

And isn’t so many resources enough to squander wildly yourself?

After all, even if he wants to let the guys from the design institute of the battleship department design all kinds of warships. The city can have a sufficient battleship core, right?

“Nope!” I heard that Wang Wei did not plan to activate these battleship cores now.

A slight anger appeared directly on Lexington’s face!

“What’s wrong?” Looking at Lexington, who was a little angry.

Wang Wei was a little confused!

“Governor, you must know that the core of this battleship is the most important core existence of a ship. But when you build the core of this battleship. It represents the birth of a ship girl! ”

“If you build the core of a battleship and don’t activate it. Isn’t that equivalent to keeping these little guys in a little dark room forever? ”

“They have a little understanding of the outside world, but they have to endure endless loneliness. Don’t you think you’re cruel like that? Viceroy! ”

A look of righteous speech. Lexington stepped directly on the white short-heeled heels, wrapped in hey socks on that long, slender straight tui.

Directly pressed towards Wang Wei step by step.

And looking at this suddenly sudden sudden change in momentum Lexington. Wang Wei involuntarily retreated backwards!

“Okay, okay. I know that elementary school students don’t build anymore! I’ll build a couple more battleships, big sister, or aircraft carrier nanny come out! ”

“And these little ones, I will activate!”

While speaking, Wang Wei raised his hands to indicate surrender.

Everything you said is right, what you said makes sense. So I listen to you! _

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