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“The intelligent angel core in the intelligent angel’s body was developed from this hall!”

“Every intelligent angel core is unique. Even in mass production, there are slight differences! ”

“For now, though. I haven’t thoroughly understood the core ability of this intelligent angel civilization! ”

“Right now we can only create some D-class, or C-level intelligent angel cores. Like some B-class intelligent angel cores. If I create it, there is still a big failure rate! ”

“If only the master would create it!”

Speaking of this, Nimufu looked at Wang Wei with a slight resentment.

The resentment in this, Wang Wei is a little embarrassed to watch.

After all, Nimfu’s biggest idea now is to develop this intelligent angel civilization well.

There are more and more people around Wang Wei. Nimfu was worried. They are worried about whether their intelligent angels will go to the margins.

Among the four intelligent angels, Icarus is a stupid figure who is righteous. Although the air has strategic-level combat capabilities. But I haven’t thought about this aspect completely.

And Asterea, this fool, only thinks of fighting in blood. What a complete idiot!

In addition, Kaos is a little loli, and the simple idea is to stick to Wang Wei.

Only Nimfu, perhaps because of his ability to master electronic warfare, is also the first person in the intelligent angel to have some ideas about feelings.

In the words of Nimfu, it is impossible for them to monopolize Wang Wei, nor can they possess Wang Wei. Since that’s the case. Then develop the intelligent angel civilization.

Become an important and indispensable part of your hands.

Only in this way can they not become marginal characters after intelligent angels!

This kind of thought, not only Nimufu, but even the current secretary ship Guanghui of the town guard mansion, General Ling Liang in the red police system, and Alice in the biochemical system all hold this idea!

Developing the power that belongs to their own department may be the focus of Wang Wei. Becoming a marginal figure is the most pitiful existence.

It’s like the Transformers Legion, although it is a new race, but it still relies on General Ling Liang?

And Wang Wei also knows something about these things. But it doesn’t stop it.

Why should healthy competition be blocked? Show funny?

“No way, you know a lot about me. I can’t put all my time on this side. Otherwise they will be angry! ”

Wang Wei, who smiled bitterly, smiled at Nimufu and explained.

Hearing Wang Wei’s explanation, Nim snorted coldly twice. In the end, nothing was being said!

“And the intelligent angel cores created now, of which there are more than seven hundred D and only about three hundred C-level cores!”

“Although this C-class nucleus looks much better than this D-class on the surface. But what we can’t do without here are precisely the D-level intelligent angels! ”

“After all, a C-level wise angel is barely able to become a battle angel. However, I only got some of the battle angels carrying this battle data out. ”

“Most of the remaining intelligent angels are auxiliary angels, medical angels, and so on.”

As Nimfu’s explanation was finished. Part of this intelligent angel civilization is almost the same.

After all, there are only two key places for intelligent angel civilization.

One is the creation of the intelligent angel core, and the other is the creation of the body. The creation of the body is a product of differentiation between nano- and carbon-based life forms and silicon-based life forms.

For now, it’s only for this smart angel!

“Hard work on you! Nimfu! ”

Looking at Nimfu, who was a little arrogant and begged for praise. Wang Wei smiled and gently rubbed Nimufu’s little head again.

This look is pitiful. Really want to….

“Nope! After all, it’s for the intelligent angel civilization! ”

While speaking, Nimufu explained with a smile to Wang Wei.

For the intelligent angel civilization. Oh, yes!

“Okay, don’t think I’ll leave again this time!”

“I’m here to come with you this time, and first create a few research-type intelligent angels to come out!”

“Otherwise, let you, an intelligent angel who is proficient in electronic warfare, create this intelligent angel core!” It’s really a bit of a strongman’s difficulty! ”

While speaking, Wang Wei promised Nimfu a reassurance.

After all, other sectors have now begun to develop steadily and sustainably.

Only this intelligent angel civilization is still struggling to support a person because of Nimfu!

“Uh-huh! master! ”

“Love you!”

Excited, this Nimfu threw herself directly at Wang Wei’s face.

Nimufu, who took a sip of incense to Wang Wei, fled directly from here as if she was half shy.

And Wang Wei, who touched his cheek and was slightly stunned, laughed!

This little girl. Without a sound, such a hand came!

And Icarus, who was next to Wang Wei, was a little wrong.

Look at this behavior of Nimfu. I don’t know why, Icarus felt that the power furnace in his body was about to move.

It’s as if you’re going to jump out of your body.

Moreover, Icarus expressed a little dislike for the kind of behavior that Nimufu had just done!


Icarus, who gently pulled the corner of Wang Wei’s clothes, suddenly looked up and said seriously to Wang Wei.

“What’s wrong? Icarus! ”

Looking at Wang Wei, who lowered his head and looked at Icarus, he suddenly became puzzled.

But doubts are doubts. Icarus, what do you mean by this serious and serious look?

“,master! You squat down first! ”

Glancing at Wang Wei’s Icarus, he made a rare move to be careful. _

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