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Then the condensed ball of light is also thousands of meters in diameter, and the rain of arrows that are projected is not so much a rain of arrows as a spear and the like.

It was like this, this rain of holy light arrows was enough to be rated as a tactical island-level magic in this void engine.

However, in this dark dimension, there is only a hundred meters in diameter, and the rain of arrows is only about the same as the arrows of a crossbow arrow, about twenty or thirty centimeters.

Little pitiful.

“Magic transformation, use the demon whip!”

When the power of this holy light is not very feasible in this dark dimension.

Wang Wei directly used this void engine to use the power of dark magic in his head, technology and magic.

After all, magical powers such as holy light really don’t work very well in this!

Severely restrained.

“In the midst of the magical transformation, the transformation is complete. The city-destroying magic demon whip is ready! ”

“Start implementing!”

As the sound of the Void Engine fell, the power of holy light on this body was almost dissipated directly.

As the power dissipates. A ball of things like flower buds appeared at Wang Wei’s feet.

One vine tentacle stretched out directly.

Devil whip!

Yikes! These vine tentacles are like crazy machines, directly pumping up these guys with knighthoods and hanging!

Properly crushed!

“These guys almost have some research value!”

Look at these deformed monsters with dark dimensional knighthoods. The corners of Wang Wei’s mouth couldn’t help but raise slightly.

Seeing some strange things, Wang Wei always couldn’t help but want to study and study.

No way, I suffered the loss of lack of culture in my last life, and I want to understand everything in this life.

“Strip them for data analysis!”

Looking at these ten or so dark dimensional deformed monsters who were completely hung and beaten, the guys with knighthoods.

Wang Wei silently ordered to the Void Engine.

“Start data analysis!”


With Wang Wei’s order, the Void Engine began to parse the data of these guys in front of him.

“Hahaha, come again!”

On another battlefield in this dark dimension.

The dark dimension overlord Dormammu raised his hands and brothers, and directly attacked the past with one after another.

And the Supreme Mage waved his hand, and the power of the law was in the process of contending.

The power of both comes from the dark power of this degree.

The difference is that the dark dimension overlord, Dormammu, chose to integrate the dark power into the whole body. Empower yourself.

Supreme Mage Gu Yi, on the other hand, chose to harness this dark power, and used the dark power of this dark dimension with some caution.

“Huh?” Dormammu, who was fighting with Supreme Mage Gu Yi, was slightly surprised!

“Interesting, really interesting, old fellow, this heir of yours is really interesting!” Dormammu, who was fighting, suddenly smiled at Supreme Mage Gu Yi Yang Tianchang.

This smile contains some interesting ideas in it!

“Huh?” Hearing Dormammu’s words, Supreme Mage Gu Yi’s brows frowned slightly, not quite understanding what this guy was talking about.

However, for Wang Wei’s rise all the way, the Supreme Mage Gu Yi, who was all in his eyes, estimated in his heart that this Wang Wei was moving something about this Dormammu.

Let Dormammu look at it differently too much!

“Dormammu, I’m not dead yet!” Although I don’t know what this Dormammu is trying to say.

But Dormammu set his sights on Wang Wei, which is inevitable.

In order to prevent Dormammu from pulling Wang Wei into the position of this dark dimension. Supreme Mage Furuichi fought again directly against Dormammu.

“Parsing failed!”

“Parsing is hindered!”

“Expand your self-defense function!”

“Defense successful!”

Just when Wang Wei asked the Void Engine to parse.

How many things came out before they had time to parse.

The Void Engine suddenly began to defend itself!

In front of Wang Wei, these dark dimensional knighthood deformed monsters exploded one after another.

It directly turned into a black mist, floating in this dark dimension!


Seeing a series of operations of this void engine, Wang Wei’s whole person couldn’t help but fall silent.

In this case, either Dormammu intervened. Either it is the self-resistance ability of the law forces of this dark dimension.

However, looking at the self-defense effect of this void engine, it should be the self-resistance ability of the law power of this dark dimension!

“Forget it, since you can’t parse these monsters. It shows that these so-called knighthoods are indeed triggered by the law power of this dark dimension! ”

“However, in this way, I understand a little!”

After thinking about it, Wang Wei directly gave up and continued to analyze.

Since the battle has been fought. I also need to retreat.

Otherwise, once this dark dimension overlord, Dormammu’s men, arrives. Wang Wei didn’t think he could escape from the endless sea of dark dimensional soldiers.

“Open the door to dimensional space. Get out of this dark dimension! ”

Wang Wei, who wanted to understand a little, directly decided that it was better not to be too greedy.

Directly chose to leave this dark dimension!

“Locate the door of dimensional space, positioning is successful!”

As the words of the Void Engine fell. In front of Wang Wei, a void light gate appeared.

And behind this light gate, is the Karma Taj of Blue Star.

Without hesitation, Wang Wei left this dark dimension directly.

With Wang Wei’s departure, it wasn’t long before a dark dimensional monster with the rank of count in this vicinity directly led his specially subordinate legion to this place! _

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