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A look ready for battle at any time.

“I’m okay here!” A quick moment. Wang Wei directly arranged his side.

Looking at the ancient mage beside him, Wang Wei said with a smile!

“Okay then!” Smiled. Supreme Mage Gu Yi directly tore through this spatial dimension.

Enter this dark dimension.

The dark dimension is a barren world. There is no distinction between up and down, east and west, north and south.

In this dark dimension, it is as if it is a three-dimensional world. Wang Wei felt that he was standing in the universe at this moment.

But the only thing that is a little different is that there are more or less starry stars in the universe. In the dark dimension, there are just endless dark auras, as well as some dark powers.

“Be careful, although you fused that thing into your body, if Dormammu finds out, it will be targeted!”

With a smile at the corner of his mouth, the ancient mage stood directly in front of Wang Wei, blocking the endless dark storm.

As the Supreme Mage stood in front of Wang Wei.

On top of the blue star, the Supreme Mage Guyi who used the magic array diagram with golden spots.

At this moment, the magic array drawn with a wave of his hand carried a gloomy dark aura.

The power of the dark dimension was borrowed by the Supreme Mage Gu Yi.

Borrow the power of the dark dimension to fight the dark dimension while guarding the blue star.

Looking at the Supreme Mage Gu Yi in front of him. Wang Wei’s heart couldn’t help but rise with a sense of awe.

What kind of perseverance is this? What kind of ethics.

Dark forces, basically, seduce people into depravity. And Supreme Mage Gu Yi was able to stick to his heart under the demagogy of this power.

Worthy of respect.

While thinking, Wang Wei waved his hands, although it was not as dashing as the Supreme Mage.

But Wang Wei followed the power of Wang Wei’s wave.

A stream of divine magic spread directly between Wang Wei’s hands, and a thin streak of light slowly emerged in front of Wang Wei.

Blocking these pervasive dark forces from penetrating into Wang Wei’s body.

“Furuichi, I’m here again. See if you’re dead this time. ”

A dull, slightly crazy voice sounded directly beside Wang Wei and the Supreme Mage.

Hearing the appearance of this voice, Wang Wei’s brows couldn’t help but wrinkle slightly.

Piercing, like a cat scratching a wall, a harsh sound of the fretboard.

“I’m not dead yet! Even if I’m going to die. I will also find an heir who can inherit my mantle and protect Blue Star! ”

As an old opponent, the ancient mage responded directly to the overlord of this dark dimension.

“Long time no see, but I can’t think of how long Blue Star has been, right?”

A deformed monster wrapped in a thick black mist grinned at the Supreme Mage Gu Yi in front of him and said.

This kind of unscrupulous look makes people frown.

“Is this your heir? Very nice little guy. Do you have any ideas to come to my dark dimension! I can promise you a duke’s title~”

Facing this dark dimensional overlord after Supreme Mage Gu Yi was unscrupulous, Dormammu directly looked at Wang Wei’s body.

With the gaze of this dark dimension overlord Dormammu, he looked directly.

Wang Wei only felt that he was a little groggy. Damn, big to.

Sure enough, his own strength is still too weak. The second-generation god king divine body is nothing in the eyes of these first-class top masters in the Marvel Universe.

A somewhat groggy Wang Wei was about to speak.

That Supreme Mage Gu Yi, who was standing in front of Wang Wei, looked very ugly!

“Hmph, in my face, dig my people. Are you when I don’t exist! ”

With a cold snort from the Supreme Mage. Wang Wei instantly sobered up.

However, after sobering up, Wang Wei directly stopped looking directly at the overlord of the dark dimension, Dormammu.

At the same time, he directly remembered this dark dimension overlord Dormammu deeply in his heart.

This bastard.

If there is a chance, he will definitely lead the army and completely flatten his dark dimension!

“The man who dug you? No, no, no, no, I just think it’s too condescending to let this little guy guard that broken planet with you! ”

“You also know that I don’t have much existence with the title of duke in my hands!”

As if to expound, Dormammu directly denied the fact that he had dug into the wall.

It is very simple to show his love for Wang Wei.

“Less nonsense. Did one! ”

With a cold face, the Supreme Mage fought directly towards Nadomammu.

“Okay. I also want to see if you, the supreme mage above the Blue Star, still have those powers!” ”

The Dark Dimension Overlord who laughed wildly had done it directly with the Supreme Mage!

“Little one, I hope you don’t disappoint me!”

“You bastard!”

Looking at Dormammu, who was still bewitching Wang Wei at the moment of arrival, the Supreme Mage’s rare good temper couldn’t help but burst into violent.

With an angry voice, an unbridled voice gradually faded away.

Wang Wei’s heart began to gradually ease.

“These guys, every simple character!”

At this moment, Wang Wei was deeply aware of the power gap of the top masters in Marvel.

Originally, Wang Wei also thought that he would rely on the space battleship to form a huge space battleship fleet and push the purple potato essence in advance.

This situation directly hit Wang Wei’s thoughts deeply.

Steady, must be steady. You must have enough strength in your hands to find that purple potato actuarial account.


When those two voices dissipated. A burst of roaring sounds began to sound directly in Wang Wei’s ears. _

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