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All of them were handed over to the committee managed by Zhang Ya and Zhang Yushuo for deployment and scheduling.

As for the IS mecha department of Shino-no-bun. Although Wang Wei paid attention, his attention decreased a lot.

Now in Wang Wei’s attention, only the school city, the magic city, and the intelligent angel civilization, the progress of fleet construction, and the scientific and technological problems of this supergod universe remain.

When Wang Wei redeployed his power. Most of the techniques at hand are handy!

“Alice! Bring me a hundred and eighty of the strongest Nemesis out from under you. ”

Making up his mind, Wang Wei directly decided to transform a group of demon nemesis first.

Quasi-star combat effectiveness. If used properly, it will be a knife-tip force.

Wang Wei never spared any effort to build this force.

Think about it, if Queen Kesha had enough angel legions in her hands at that time, would the genetic molecules that could be beaten by that Carl guy spread all over the universe?

No way!

To do is to do the best. When the strength of the individual reaches the strongest, the power must also reach the strongest.

With Wang Wei’s order, Alice immediately mobilized nearly a hundred excellent Nemesis from the dark elf world through the exclusive space-time space teleportation equipment of the biochemical department.

And these nearly a hundred excellent Nemesis were directly subjected to a demonic genetic modification by Wang Vera.

When Wang Wei was genetically modifying these Nemesis.

Above the blue star, the American team Stephen and Bucky are really in a situation of love and killing.

Bukey, who has made up his mind, ostensibly seeks revenge for S.H.I.E.L.D. hunts.

After all, Bucky didn’t do anything after he gathered all these villains together. It’s all honestly nested there.

But it was because Bucky had collected these scoundrels recorded by S.H.I.E.L.D.

As one of the-churning sticks on Blue Star, S.H.I.E.L.D. seems to have a persecution paranoia. Fear that this Bucky will cause great damage to the world with these people.

A direct hunt was carried out. And Stephen of the American team is the leader of this chase.

Enraged, Bucky directly chose to blow up several former members of Congress. Tell S.H.I.E.L.D. directly, don’t push too hard. Otherwise they don’t mind playing big!

The result is a situation. Angry, for his good friend, Bucky’s actions rushed to the American team Stephen who did not understand and chased him even tighter.

This one wants to bring Bucky back personally and use love to carry it out. Directly Bucky.

All kinds of cover, ostensibly aimed at S.H.I.E.L.D., are actually gradually unfolding for the Umbrella Group to eliminate opponents.

After Wang Yuyan’s series of divine operations that were secretly investigating, the whole person was a little confused.

Dude, 666. You can do this.

While attacking the villain group organized by Bucky and others, he also provides multifaceted help to the American team Stephen’s pursuit team. On the other hand, the secretary group led by Wang Yuyan was eating all kinds of benefits with a beautiful face.

“In other words, this Stephen has not seen anyone lately!”

Tony, in the city next door to the City of the Altar, looked at Barton in civilian clothes next to him. Directly began to ask slightly.

After all, this American team Stephen is also part of their peacekeeping plan.

But in the recent period, they couldn’t find the figure of the American team Stephen at all.

Not only that, but even Natasha was a little busy in order to assist Team Stephen.

“No way! Now the boss of this evil crime syndicate seems to be Stephen’s former comrade-in-arms. So he was a little angry. ”

“I want to get that person back.” Shrugging his shoulders, Patton still has some credibility for this circulating news.

If it weren’t for your comrades-in-arms, who have you seen hunted down so tightly? I can’t wait to drag it home for a good education!

“Okay. That’s kind of fun! The corners of his mouth pursed slightly, and Tony seemed to see a situation in which good friends fell in love and killed each other.

The smile couldn’t stop flooding his face.

But Tony still knows a little about this Bucky. Once Wang Wei packed Bucky and took him away for a while. Saying that Bucky escaped, Tony himself did not believe it. But looking at this Bucky’s operation, Tony was even more convinced.

This Bucky is a pawn of Wang Wei.

But leave him alone!

While laughing, Tony followed Barton directly to the city’s town hall.

They are going to come and sign the test site agreement for the peacekeeping plan.

“I thought you wouldn’t come over!” Karma Taj.

Looking at Wang Wei, who came alone, Supreme Mage Gu Yi smiled and looked at Wang Wei.

After all, since the last time, Wang Wei obtained magical knowledge from here.

Wang Wei never came over again! For this Supreme Mage Gu Yi, who Wang Wei paid too much attention to, if he didn’t have some ideas, it would be impossible!

“How so! After all, I have a lot of things in my hands! Wang Wei, who shook his head slightly, sat directly in front of Supreme Mage Gu Yi.

Gently picked up a cup of snow mountain lotus tea on the table and enjoyed it.

If it is said that the former Wang Wei does not have the strength to face the Supreme Mage Gu Yi.

Now Wang Wei’s divine body has reached the point of this second-generation divine body.

Although he couldn’t defeat the Supreme Mage, it was still not a problem to pass a hundred and eighty moves.

The most important thing is that the Void Engine Special Lady can operate!

“Your current strength is amazing.” Looking Wang Wei’s Supreme Mage Gu Yi up and down, he evaluated Wang Wei unceremoniously. _

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