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These things also have a great effect on the increase of the power system in Wang Wei’s hands!

Hear Wang Wei’s way of redistributing power, distributing power.

All the changes are subtly different.

Almost everyone present had absolute loyalty to Wang Wei. But precisely because of absolute loyalty, some people have little authority in their hands, and some have great human rights!

After all, Wang Wei is a force. It’s not some group of three or five, a hundred and eighty people and the like!

The two sisters Zhang Ya and Zhang Yu were slightly relieved in their hearts, as long as this power system is rescheduled and redistributed, then the two of them will definitely be much easier!

The representative of the biochemical system, Alice remained silent. For Alice, it is better to continue to be Wang Wei’s personal guard to become the head of a department!

And General Ling Liang, Black Lotus, and Tanya in the red police system were a little interested. After all, militants. You can’t say.

These intelligent angel systems like Icarus are dumbfounded, and it’s not right. It should be said that Icarus alone attended in the intelligent angel system.

As for the brilliance of the town guard, ma’am. It is a face with a smile like the wind.

In addition, there are some Transformers who are leaders of various legions and some heads of engineering research.

“First of all, this Red Alert Planet. The positioning in my mind is simple. That’s the back garden. That’s our home from now on! ”

“Because of this, the Red Alert Planet has now evacuated some unsuitable research bases and some unsuitable things to the dark elf world!”

“And the dark elf world, the current orientation direction is the barracks, the place of training, and the place of resource exploitation.”

After glancing at everyone. Wang Wei directly said the most basic thoughts in his heart.

Hearing Wang Wei’s words, everyone couldn’t help but nod slightly.

After all, there is everything on the Red Alert Planet now. Messy. Although there was a small transfer before. But no fart!

“Alice. Now you’re still in control of the entire biochemical department! This biochemical research base, as well as the biochemical barracks. All relocate to the dark elven world! ”

First, Wang Wei entered this Alice.

Speaking of which, Alice is also an old man under herself, and the power of the transformation system is gradually unable to keep up. This is not what Wang Wei wants to see.

After a slight silence, Wang Wei continued to say to Alice, “After you get over there, you try to discuss with the engineers in the biochemical research base. See if you can fuse those ant monsters in the dark elf world? If you can, just open! ”

While speaking, Wang Wei temporarily gave this biochemical department a general direction. After all, the corpses of the Zitaguri people are still in this biochemical research base, and I don’t know how this biochemical research base is doing about the Zitaguri people!

“Yes, young master!” Hearing Wang Wei’s order, Alice did not hesitate, as well as hesitate. He nodded very crisply.

After all, the biochemical sector is indeed prone to some problems sometimes.

“And then, Transformers Legionnaires! From now on, mobilize all the power to which you belong to the dark elf world! Except for some Transformers members who were exempted from participating in the battle! ”

While speaking, Wang Wei ordered the dozens of Transformers Legion Leaders.

Each new vehicle is born, representing the emergence of a new legion under the Transformers Legion.

After the Shenzhou base car and the Gonghui base car merged. This vehicle appeared intermittently for about a dozen.

“Obey, Chief!” Hearing Wang Wei’s order, these Transformer Legion Leaders nodded very honestly and agreed.

“And then there is. Checkmate! Trouble you to deploy all the military forces on the Red Alert Planet to the dark elf world! ”

“Not only that, but some barracks and the like will also be relocated there at that time. This side is still mainly urban. ”

While speaking, Wang Wei ordered General Ling Liang.

“Understood, Commander!”

Although I don’t quite agree that this Red Alert planet does not have the power to guard it. But when you think of the Experimental ship floating above the Red Alert planet. General Ling Liang was relieved.

“As for Black Lotus, my side is ready to re-form a special women’s team. If you are interested, you can come and participate! This special women’s team, you need to have more contact with Shino-no-bun! ”

See the black lotus with a bloody qi. Wang Wei thought for a moment, and directly thought of the Xiaozhi bundle beside him.

After all, the IS mecha cooperated with the dispatch of the Black Lotus. Enough to form a blade-tip force capable of tearing the striker!

“Black Lotus understands!” No refusal, no hesitation. Black Lotus nodded and said seriously!

“Okay, so what’s next…”

While speaking, Wang Wei transferred the many research bases on the Red Alert Planet to the transfer of separation, the transfer of the transfer, the merger of the merger, and the supplement of the supplement.

After all, my previous self really didn’t manage this Red Alert Planet much.

When the power system in hand is large enough. You can’t manage if you don’t want to!

In addition, Zhang Ya said to Zhang Yu that the base has a special building. City Hall. A building that belongs to civil use.

The effect is simple, one hundred resource units can recruit a citizen to come out. As for whether the recruits are male or female, old or young, I don’t know. But one of the advantages of this building is that it can be quickly built into a city! _

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