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“Tell me about it. Who are they? ”

When Tony said this, Wang Wei was directly aroused by a trace of interest!

Who is this reserve that Tony is going to pull into the Avengers?

“Hehe, this, you will know when you come over!” Like a little slut.

Tony laughed directly.

Just don’t tell Wang Wei who the reserve members who are drawn into the Avengers are.

It seems that he has made up his mind and must let Wang Wei come over!

“You fellow!”

For Tony’s approach, Wang Wei just smiled!

Since it passed, then pass!

Seriously, Wang Wei also wants to see, who is this reserve member of Tony who is ready to pull into the Avengers?

And there is this peacekeeping plan, who is operating now!

Thinking of this, Wang Wei’s head became bigger.

Now squeeze a whole bunch of things.

There are many, many things that I haven’t had time to do.

Intelligent angel civilization, Wang Weikong has knowledge, but did not create intelligent angels.

The power system of the town guard mansion is related to the level of Wang Wei’s space battleship fleet. But because of resources.

Now it is not developing either!

“At this moment, the time is a little nervous!”

After thinking about it a little, Wang Wei felt that he was a little short of time.

However, after making up his mind, Wang Wei was ready to go to the dark world first.

Bring Icarus and the others back.

Thinking like this, Wang Wei directly opened any door and went to the location of the outpost he had set up before!

“Quick! Fast! ”

“Full speed ahead!”

“Transformers, all charge!”

“Support from the front! Support from the front! ”

Just now, Wang Wei of this dark elf world heard a roaring sound of soldiers in his ears.

The roar of tanks, the whistling of helicopters, and the silence of many fighter jets rising from the sky.

After watching one team after another rush out of the space-time equipment.

Wang Wei is a little confused!

What a situation!

“What’s wrong with this?”

Looking at General Ling Liang who appeared in front of him.

Wang Wei directly stopped him.

Looking at General Ling Liang with a hint of displeasure in front of him.

Wang Wei seemed to feel a breath.

“Commander!” After seeing Wang Wei appear, General Ling Liang directly saluted and began to directly expound!

“Nothing, things. It’s just a big military exercise! ”

“I’ve seen those ant monsters, and their strength is not very strong. A three-star soldier can tremble! ”

“But there are too many!”

“Now there are hundreds of thousands of them all at once.”

Shaking his head slightly, Ling Liang directly explained the reason for the matter to Wang Wei!

Hearing Ling Liang’s words, Wang Wei nodded slightly and said! “Do you need me to make a move?”

Hundreds of thousands of ant monsters, this extent, is enough to form a sea of soldiers that rages on everything.

However, these soldiers of their own are also well-trained.

For Wang Wei, since Ling Liang said that there was no big problem, then there was no big problem!

If you want to train troops, you can do it!

“No need. It’s just because we’ve just arrived here. The fortifications have not yet been built! ”

“Only the Transformers can resist on the front line, and then slightly release some ant monsters, so that the powerful soldiers can train and fight!”

“In other words, Commander, are you here to take Icarus and the others away?”

As if thinking of Wang Wei’s purpose for coming here, General Ling Liang asked Wang Wei!

“Well, yes, ready to take Icarus and the others!”

For Wang Wei, it was not very necessary to take Icarus and the others.

After all, Icarus, Kaos, and Asterea. All three of them possess the ability to destroy stars.

Nimfu, on the other hand, has the level of paralyzing a space fleet.

It is really impossible to say which of the two is stronger and weaker before.

“Then leave Asteria behind!”

“I don’t know if these ant monsters will have some super powerful monster-like existences!”

“However, stay, at least there is a security guarantee!”

“My side will vigorously develop some military defense systems first!”

While speaking, General Ling Liang suggested that Wang Wei leave Asteria behind!


Wang Wei, who nodded, also agreed to leave Asteria on top of the dark elven world.

After all, Astrea was a little jumpy.

But the strength of his body is not a joke.

Saying that, Wang Wei flew directly in the direction of the front line.

On this way over, Wang Wei also met many members of Umbrella’s legion who were supporting the front!

But wait until Wang Wei reaches the front line.

Wang Wei’s scalp is numb!

Nima, there are too many of these ant monsters, right?

Look at this overwhelming ant monster. Wang Wei really didn’t know what to say.

And those members of their own legion are all fighting and retreating.

No way, each ant monster has a body size of several meters, if it is not carried out and retreated, then the battlefield in front is directly covered with these ant monster-like corpses.

And these ant monsters climbed directly on top of the corpse, it didn’t take much, after piling up for about ten minutes of fighting. People jumped straight from the sky.


After seeing Wang Wei, Icarus and the others looked at Wang Wei’s arrival, and a happy smile directly appeared on their faces.

After all, before Wang Wei left, he said that he would let a few of them be responsible for watching the scene.

As long as those below can fight, they don’t need a mall!

“mster! Shall we go up? So many ant monsters. Those little guys are not good to fight! ”

Asterea, who looked excited, pointed directly at the ant monster on the ground like a sea of tides, and said seriously while holding the shock particle lightsaber in her hand! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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