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This idiot. Don’t you know how to chase you?

Is it difficult, is it difficult to have me suppress you!

“Yu Yan, help me ask countries for a design drawing of a battleship from the World War II era! To all! ”

Wang Wei, who returned to the blue star, directly called Wang Yuyan.

This modern technology battleship, if Wang Wei wants it, these big hooligans can only bite the bullet and hand it over to Wang Wei.

Just can’t Wang Wei, can only be soft.

What else can I do!

However, this cosmic war and surface warfare are two different things.

The combat system of modern warships is based on missiles, magnetic fields, and induction elements.

And space combat, many times, is fired at laser cannons like space battleships, energy cannons.

Missiles this stuff, unless you have this missile that contains a lot of energy bombs. Otherwise the effect is not very good.

Because of this, Wang Wei did not ask for some drawing technology of modern warships.

As long as Wang Wei is willing, he can rely on the Void Engine to erode the network above this blue star in minutes, even if you are an independent network.

“Yes, young master!”

Hearing Wang Wei’s order, Wang Yuyan nodded and directly began to prepare to ask the hooligans for a drawing of a World War II battleship.

“That’s right, young master. Bucky sent news that they seemed to have been targeted by people from S.H.I.E.L.D.! ”

Remembering the things in the memorandum, Wang Yuyan suddenly elaborated to Wang Wei!

“Targeted by people from S.H.I.E.L.D.? What’s going on? After Wang Yuyan said so.

Wang Wei finally remembered Bucky who was released by himself before.

This guy, who used to be used as a pawn, doesn’t know how he is doing now.

To be honest, if it weren’t for Wang Yuyan’s reminder, Wang Weidu would have almost forgotten Bucky in a corner.

Just like Scarlet Witch and others, they were forgotten by Wang Wei for a while.

“Well, according to Bucky’s words, it was he who kept taking in some scoundrels according to your orders young master, and then formed these villains. But because when he took in a mutant Sandman at a time, he fought with Spider-Man. ”

“Because of the fight, in the end, Bucky’s organization was targeted by the American team!”

Briefly explained the reason for the matter, Wang Yuyan slowly explained to Wang Wei!

“Team American Stephen and Winter Soldier Bucky’s love kill?”

Hearing Wang Yuyan’s statement, Wang Wei’s face was strange

This time without Tony’s intervention, this must be very happy to love and kill each other, right?

With a look of watching a play, after Wang Wei hung up the communication with Wang Yuyan, he directly typed the secret communication method with Bucky!


After Wang Wei opened this communication method, Bucky’s respectful voice came directly from the opposite side.

Hearing this sonorous and powerful voice, Wang Wei knew that there was no big problem on Bucky’s side for the time being.

Because there was no big problem, Wang Wei directly began to gossip.

“I heard that you contacted Team Stephen of the United States?” With a hint of inquiry, Wang Wei said very casually.

It doesn’t matter if you touch or not, it doesn’t matter if you fight, if you don’t fight.

The important thing is that these two good friends love and kill each other.

If it can be broadcast live, Wang Wei doesn’t mind, drinking the happy water of the fat house, eating popcorn while admiring this situation of love and killing.

That picture is simply beautiful!

“Yes, boss!”

Hearing Wang Wei’s inquiry, Bucky did not hesitate at all. Nodded. It was very straightforward and admitted!

“Tell me what you think now!”

With a slight raised eyebrow, Wang Wei, who sat up directly, took out a bag of tea leaves and began to make tea and drink it.

“I’m ready to make contact with this American team Stephen! If you can. I want to lurk in this S.H.I.E.L.D.! ”

On the opposite side, Bucky suddenly broke such a news to Wang Wei.


“You said you wanted to lurk inside S.H.I.E.L.D.?”

With a shake of his hand, Wang Wei, who almost fell to the ground in this teapot, was really shown by Bucky’s divine operation.

Infiltrate S.H.I.E.L.D. and fall in love with Team America in S.H.I.E.L.D.

Dude, what do you think? You’re a criminal. You are a former Hydra remnant wanted by the world!

Although, I was arrested for a while. Although I used you to get away with this way to add a little crime to you.

But….. Consider this evil criminal joining S.H.I.E.L.D., which is the main anti-crime force.

Hey, don’t say it, it’s quite sensual!

“Yes. boss! These days, Team Stephen has been chasing me constantly. One is talking about some things from World War II. Although I recall a little! ”

“However, I don’t think that’s the point. The point is, what kind of benefits can you create for the boss! ”

“Although these criminals in my hands have a certain strength. But with the boss those Umbrella Group security departments in your hands, it’s not a star and a half. ”

“Since this American team wants me to turn back. Then why don’t I use this American team and directly merge into that S.H.I.E.L.D.? ”

With his own thoughts, Bucky spoke seriously to Wang Wei!

“You say, you sounded part of the World War II memory?” Hearing the meaning of Bucky’s words, Wang Weina’s action of making tea paused slightly, and continued to inquire.

And what about recall? Umbrella’s energy is incalculable.

As long as Wang Wei is willing, the Umbrella Group can annihilate all the forces in Bucky’s hands within three hours!

“When I think about it, some of them are memories of fighting alongside Stephen, and some of them are me…. It’s my memory of when I was remodeled. For Bucky, the memory of being transformed is a shame.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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