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A sound of lightning smashed directly towards these dark elf soldiers in front of them.

It was followed by shells in the hands of those legions, as well as a move of attack.

“How so? Why can’t I come back? How so? “At this time, the leader of the dark elves was completely stunned.

I, Cao, said that this etheric particle will come back!

Why can’t I come back?

“I didn’t expect to be able to play like this? In other words, you waste void engine, are you sure that you will not be discovered by the people of this world? ”

With a deep doubt, Wang Wei directly questioned the broken void engine in his body.

Unexpectedly, he didn’t expect to kill Wang Wei. One of the conditions for the perfect repair of this pit daddy’s broken Void Engine can be this ether particle.

In the words of the Void Engine, as long as this ether particle is swallowed, it can not only repair the Void Engine, but even hope to upgrade the Void Engine again.

If you don’t say it, the absorption is over.

With this thought, Wang Wei very directly let this void engine absorb this ether particle.

When you have time later, collect more than half of the remaining six gems!

Then, Qi lived.

Directly start Thanos, the director of the family planning office!

Wang Wei, who was thinking beautifully in his heart, directly absorbed this etheric particle through the crippled void engine!

However, what made Wang Wei’s brain hurt a little was that the absorption speed of this void engine was a little slow.



When these three thousand soldiers followed Thor in their charge.

At this moment, Thor will give full play to his bravery and recklessness.

Directly led the crowd, and directly rushed to the leader of the dark elves.

The Mjolnir in his hand carries a large amount of the power of Thunder Army.

Smashed heavily on the brain door of this dark leader!


A crisp and pleasant vibration sound sounded directly in everyone’s ears!

“I’ll go, this guy’s head is, an artifact?” Seeing this dark elf being smashed by his stupid brother’s hammer, he was stunned.

While waving the dagger in his hand to hunt, the elite Loki among the dark elves couldn’t help but complain.

His brother’s Mjolnir is a thing, he knows better than anyone.

Although on the surface, it is an ordinary person.

In fact, a large thunder power was sealed inside.

If it is an ordinary person, if he is hit by such a hammer, he basically has to sing cool.

Anyway, in Loki’s memory, who can hit his old brother head-on, bah, Loki will not admit that this stupid thing is his own old brother!

Anyway, no one can resist this hammer with their body.

While secretly complaining, Loki began to fight to assassinate those guys.

The more he assassinated, the more Loki felt that he had ordered the wrong skill point. Look, I’m an assassin. What a mage!

“Comfortable. It’s so comfortable! ”

While absorbing the ether particles, Wang Wei’s whole person was a little fluttering.

That feeling is simply like poisoning, making people intoxicated.



“I’m unwilling, I’m really, unwillingly!”

“I, the Dark Elves, have been living for so long, and I have been born for so long. Just to survive! ”

“Why, why do you treat me like this!”

“I’m not convinced!”

Like the villain’s final swan song, this dark elf leader sang directly under the hammer of Thor in the hands of Thor.

Even if your strength is powerful, what can you do?

Three thousand soldiers of the Umbrella Group plundered the thunder god Sol.

Plus Loki, who is constantly playing assassination.

This dark elf leader is directly the same as the original, no, it is faster than the original book!

“Those who descend do not kill!”

“Those who descend do not kill!”

“Those who descend do not kill!”

After seeing that this dark elf leader was directly killed by Thor, the god of thunder.

The soldiers of this Umbrella group directly began to roar.

Seeing the surrounding Umbrella soldiers, these dark elves, who only had the last thousand left, hesitated.

Or rather, it was shaken.

Not everyone is like a dead man, who can die calmly, and not everyone can not sacrifice everything for the sake of the entire race.

When the leader, after death.

Although these ordinary soldiers are elite, they can’t escape the idea of wanting to live!

“What to do? Brother…”

Watch the soldiers of the Umbrella Group after surrounding these thousands of dark elf soldiers.

Persuaded, only to find that these dark elves were worried about their brother.

These soldiers of the Umbrella Group vaguely pointed their blades at Thor and Loki.

And Loki has suffered the losses of these guys, so, decided. Sold, own brother!

If Thor wants to kill these dark elves, he will stab him in the back.

If you don’t want to, it is Thor carrying the black pot, and when the time comes, the father will ask and throw the pot directly to Sol.

Thinking of this, Loki felt that he was really a little clever ghost.

Thor who glanced at Loki was unable to understand Loki’s thoughts.

However, he still nodded slightly.

Directly said aloud: “Those who descend do not kill!” ”

After all, he has his own little girlfriend on Wang Wei’s landing ship!

Besides, maybe Wang Wei also needs these living dark elves, right?

Kill, kill the whole clan? Sorry, this kind of thing tarnishes Asgard’s reputation.

Similarly, the stupid son of this landlord family, who rarely uses his brain, also feels that he should really give a thumbs up to this witty idea at this moment!

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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