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“What’s wrong? But what are the side effects of this power? If you’re worried about side effects, don’t think too much. Let you show it when necessary. We will treat you and genetically modify you! Trust Umbrella in its strength! ”

The eyebrows were slightly raised. Wang Wei also thought that this Su had obtained special abilities, and it might also contain side effects.

As soon as he thought of this, Wang Wei explained directly!

On this blue star, no one dares to say that genetic modification has been carried out and cured at the same time.

Only Umbrella has the ability!

“Alright! Mainly my ability, a little embarrassing…”

While speaking, this Su unleashed his own ability!

With the launch of Su’s ability, Su’s figure gradually dissipated or disappeared? No, it should be said that stealth.

However, looking at Wang Wei, who was dressed in simple clothes in front of him, his face became slightly strange.

Is it difficult for this kind of stealth to screw down?

Thinking that if Sue came somewhere stealth, and then showed up. Which feeling.

Gee, a little exciting!

“I understand your abilities!”

“So now, in my capacity as chairman of Umbrella Group, I invite you to join my Umbrella Group!”

“Don’t worry, like you, I Umbrella has tens of thousands of people!”

“I invite you to join Umbrella this time just in the hope that you don’t go astray. There are not many restrictions on your requirements! It won’t stop you from becoming superheroes! ”

“Don’t rush to answer me. I’ll give you plenty of time to think about it. If you don’t want to join, that’s okay. I’ll send you back to Bluestar! And that flying machine I will also bring you back to Blue Star! ”

While speaking, Wang Wei left the conference room.

Seeing Wang Wei and the others who left, as well as many powerful soldiers. Reid and the others looked at each other a little.

This straightforward invitation. It’s really a bit unbearable!

After all, Umbrella’s energy is indeed excessive.

“What to do?”

Looking at Reid’s Sue, he asked with some hesitation!

Looking up at Sue, Reed, who was looking at Ben, couldn’t help nodding and said, “Looking at your appearance, I don’t object to being invited by Umbrella.” Since that’s the case. I decided to agree to the invitation of the Umbrella Group to join the Umbrella Group! ”

“After all, there is an old saying in the East, the one who knows the time is Junjie! And back against the big tree to enjoy the shade! ”

“The chairman of the board of directors has personally invited and tested their abilities, do we still have room to refuse?”

“What’s more, if we join the Brera Group, won’t we do something by borrowing Umbrella’s energy?”

Reed, who was smiling, looked at the two teammates on the side and said seriously!

“I agree!” Tie Hanhan nodded in agreement!

“Then I agree.” Although for his own ability, he was revealed in front of Wang Wei before. Although his younger brother was hanging outside and floating.

Sue nodded in agreement.

Although Wang Wei is a little out of line with Su’s aesthetics. But young and golden, there is no object yet. Plus an attraction of their own abilities.

Su, want to provoke Wang Wei.

“All right, guys. Eat and drink well! Let’s play. Then let’s get ready to go back to Bluestar! ”

While speaking, Wang Wei, who came to another luxurious entertainment lounge, said seriously to these Avengers members.

“Hmm! Let’s go! ”

“Let’s go!”

With Wang Wei’s words, these Avengers members also agreed to return to Blue Star.

A few hours later, Wang Wei, who arranged for Ling Liang and the others, directly took the four astronauts and members of the Avengers to return directly to Earth on a landing attack ship!

It doesn’t take long.

With the help of this landing ship, the group returned directly to the bay of the Altar City.

Near this bay is the home of Wang Wei, Tony and others.

As for the four astronauts with the same fun, they were directly waved by Wang Wei and handed over to the two brothers and sisters of Kuaiyin.

These two guys who are idle like rice worms every day must find something for them to do.

However, after sending everyone away from the landing attack ship, Wang Wei suddenly received a message from the thunder god Sol.

“Well? I remember, it wasn’t long before I left your Asgard! Why did you suddenly contact me? ”

Some are not very clear, what happened on Thor’s side. Wang Wei directly asked Thor suspiciously!

“Wang Wei, I need your help!”

Sol, who had a heavy face, spoke directly to Wang Wei seriously.

“What’s going on? Tell me about it.”

Raising his eyebrows slightly, Wang Wei directly asked suspiciously.

This Thor is also a talent. Although a stupid son of a landlord’s family.

But the strength of a divine body is probably no less than a generation of bodies in the normal supergod universe.

This kind of strength is still a good flicker.

If only he could not fool Thor into a foolish existence, wait until Odin hangs up.

Wang Wei directly and subtly invaded Naasgard.

For Asgard, it would be impossible to say that Wang Wei did not have the slightest gluttony.

Divine magic and so on are all things that Wang Wei wants to understand and reap!

“There was a bit of an accident on my side. The Queen Mother was attacked! It is not very clear who the personnel are. But nine times out of ten, it has to do with dark elves. ”

“Didn’t you say you wanted to know, dark elves before? I’m on the British Peninsula right now, and I’ll take you straight to learn about the dark elves! ”

While speaking, Thor directly explained everything to Wang Wei stupidly.

Hearing this blunt statement from the stupid son of the landlord’s family. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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