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“Thank you for your help!”

As he spoke, Reid let go of his hand. “However, there is a lot of research data in this flying machine, and we can’t throw it in this universe!” Reed, who had some reluctance in his voice, slowly responded to the people of the Wuzhi Legion.

After all, for these guys, the most important thing is not anything else, but the research data in this aircraft.

“We’ll help you drag this flying machine away!” In addition, I was notified that in ten minutes, the cosmic storm was about to hit. If you don’t hurry, you will be ravaged by a cosmic storm. ”

After receiving the message above the test number.

The members of the Wuzhi Legion said seriously directly to these people!

“Cosmic storm arriving in ten minutes? Are we waiting for a cosmic storm? Please wait 10 minutes, okay? “After hearing about the exact arrival time of the cosmic storm.

Reed and Sue’s eyes lit up.

After all, one of the purposes for these four people to come to this universe was to receive a baptism of cosmic storm.

If not, how could they have come together so stinkingly?

“They’re going to be baptized by a cosmic storm?” Hearing this Wuzhi Legion’s reply, Wang Wei’s brows furrowed slightly!

Forget it, just let them go!

If you can accept the baptism of the cosmic storm and survive, then you will study and study with these people.

As a member of the capitalists, there is no one who does not love money. As long as something can be solved with money. It’s not a thing.

After all, I also want to understand the problem of this cosmic storm.

When Wang Wei and others ate and drank on this, and the four astronauts were preparing to receive the baptism of the cosmic storm.

Saul, far above Asgard, was a little furious.


Another assassination!

Who is it? Why do you want to do this?

With a wave of anger, Thor chased him straight out. No one can assassinate their queen mother.

Although this assassination is the result of failure.

But sin cannot be forgiven!

“Help me, Loki!” Looking at the fainting girlfriend beside him, and the Immortal Palace guard who was blocking the angry royal capital guards.

Thor looked at the somewhat unruly brother in front of him with a serious and serious expression.

These royal guards stubbornly believed that the person who wanted to assassinate their queen was none other than someone else. It was the Blue Star woman who had obtained strange abilities but could not control herself.

Such a person, although he has no assassination skills. But I still can’t just let her go.

There must be a price.

And the guards of the Immortal Palace also chose to believe Sol in confusion. Help Thor stop the angry royal guards.

“Help you? No kidding, dear brother. I can’t wait to kill you!” Loki, who had an evil smile, was as if he was crazy. Directly to the rope.

“You know. Only you are dead. I will be able to inherit the throne. to be able to become the king of Asgard. to be able to lead Asgard into the future. ”

While laughing maniacally, he told it. Loki had no idea of wanting to help Thor at all!

“For the Queen Mother. We have to find out who is really wrong. In exchange for her innocence, in addition to bringing to justice those who attempted to assassinate the queen mother. He glanced at the girl in his arms.

Thor looked at Loki seriously and said seriously.

For the Queen Mother.

Good excuse.

But I was deeply touched.

After listening to this statement of Sol.

Loki was silent.

If anything, who is the most important in Loki’s mind.

Then only the Queen Mother!

Whoever it is? If you want to hurt your mother, you have to pay a price!

Loki, whose face was slightly ugly, instantly changed his face.

“Well, brother, you convinced me. There is one point, though. ”

“Get me out of here first. I was able to escape this Asgard.”

Pointing to the cell-like place, Loki said with a smile on his face.

“Come with me!” Thor, who glanced at Loki deadly, directly let Loki out!

“If, you dare to betray me. I’m going to make you pay! ”


“Thank you for your help. Mr. Wang Wei! ”

After meeting Wang Wei, Dr. Reed, who had just gained superpowers, was not proud and complacent!

Instead, be polite!

“You’re welcome. But can you ask me to show you what you’re capable of? After all, for this cosmic storm! I’m curious too! ”

Sitting in this special reception room, Wang Wei looked at the four astronauts in front of him.

To be honest, these four astronauts, except for the doctor, are slightly more reliable, and the rest are not very reliable!

It feels like you’re sightseeing!

“I’ll come first! Sir, you saw it too. The change in me. No surprises. I should be stoned! ”

At this moment, the urn on his body was like a heavy mud block, and said seriously to Wang Wei!

“However, I don’t show that ability much now. At best, it is a kind similar to defense! ”

While speaking, Ben explained!

Seeing Ben’s remarks, Wang Wei nodded slightly.

Although Wang Wei himself is difficult to understand this kind of creature, the existence is reasonable.

Since it exists, there must be a way to survive!

“My ability is this!”

Seeing Wang Wei set his eyes on himself! Dr. Reed sighed slightly, and directly showed his ability to Wang Wei!

When I finished reading Professor Reed’s abilities. Wang Wei nodded slightly.

Okay, at least it didn’t exceed Wang Wei’s cognitive range.

Magical crystals that can give soldiers a thousand strange abilities! But these powers! Without exception. It’s all within Wang Wei’s cognitive range! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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