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Since ancient times, mages have not been afraid of team battles. There’s nothing wrong with that. How many mages to come? Who wouldn’t two-handed range type magic attack?

But the arrival of Kerry and people?

“It should be related to that space gem in your hand!”

“After all, according to what I know, Kerry has some connection with people and Thanos! Presumably. This fleet sent back is here to test it! ”

Now Odin is in a deep sleep and wants to send an army to rescue Blue Star. Can’t do it! And I couldn’t leave Bluestar. You have to stay here. ”

Saying this, Supreme Mage Gu Yi smiled bitterly.

Although it has the strength of one body. But because he fought with Dormammu in the dark dimension for so many years.

As long as he didn’t pay attention to it, Dormammu would invade the blue star.

Blue Star, although not a particularly good place in Dormammu’s eyes. But here is a pain in Dormammu’s heart.


Hearing this remark from Supreme Mage Gu Yi, Wang Wei grinned directly.

In the end, he was still targeted by this purple sweet potato essence!

“Forget it. I’ll fix this stuff! Since you can’t leave Blue Star, then you can continue to stay here!” ”

“I want to see what kind of level the vanguard sent here is.”

While speaking, Wang Wei directly waved his hand. Leave it to yourself!

After all, no matter what, he was worried about purple sweet potato essence!

If you don’t do something, don’t kill the breeze of purple potato essence, Zhente Niang thinks Lao Tzu is a bully, right?

“Okay, then this will trouble you!” While speaking, the calmly unmoving Supreme Mage Gu Yi did not have the slightest nervous breath!

It’s just a fleet.

Even if Kerry fought with the army. She, Gu Yi is not intimidated!

A group of scum, in front of the strong will always be scum!

“Gone! The matter of white magic, come back and ask you again! I’m going to kill these guys’ majesty now!” ”

“Well, my space gem is obviously placed on this blue star. Why did you just target me! I’m really tired of a groove! ”

Wang Wei, who complained slightly, directly returned to the villa with Icarus and the others.

After all, what comes next. It’s really busy enough

“General Liang. Where are you now? ”

Wang Wei, who returned to the villa, directly opened the Chaoshen technology, as well as some technological magic, plus magic to create, which can communicate in the universe. Against the Tejas Shining? Oh no. It should be said that General Ling Liang on the test number asked.

After all, this battleship, Radiance is not willing to be used as his own car!

It can only become an experimental ship!

“Commander, I am now near this moon, and Guanghui has repeatedly initiated communication applications with the other party, and the other party has been refusing!”

“In two hours, we and the other side will directly face the brink of battle!”

Although unwilling to fight. But it doesn’t mean that General Ling Liang is afraid of fighting!

Fighting this kind of thing, the Shenzhou Base and the Gonghui Base have not been instigated!

“I see! You are ready to fight. I’ll support you later! ”

While speaking, Wang Wei hung up the communication device directly.

“Queen Red, contact the big hooligans for me!”

I thought about it a little. Wang Wei decided to take advantage of this opportunity to directly slaughter these big hooligans.

If at this time, if you don’t slaughter a knife, then you are really sorry for Wang Wei himself!

“Is that battleship on the moon yours?”

Just contacted, the big hooligans directly inquired about Wang Wei nervously.

No way. A battleship that is so big is still a battleship that can sail in the universe.

Thousands of meters in length. I can’t help but be afraid of these big hooligans.

After all, when a party’s technology has developed out of the surface and entered the universe, then the blow to the surface civilization will be absolute!

And the surface civilization’s counterattack against cosmic forces is also limited. Holding up to death is dragging the opponent to the surface to fight!

“That battleship is mine. But that’s not the point. The point is after three hours. There will be a warship coming! ”

“The background of this battleship, let me briefly introduce it to you!”

“This battleship is a cruiser of Kerry and the Empire, and Kerry and the Empire is a vicious empire in the universe that is mainly based on plunder! Don’t think about getting along with people! People have been eyeing Blue Star for hundreds of years, even thousands of years. This time it’s here to pick the fruit! ”

“As for this fruit, what is it. I don’t know. ”

While speaking, Wang Wei directly exerted his magical thinking and pushed a series of problems onto this Kerry and people!

Anyway, none of these guys on Blue Star can have the ability to enter the universe.

In that case, is the wolf or the tiger on the other side, or is it not up to you?

“So Mr. Wang, what do you want us to do?”

These big hooligans are not stupid. It’s even smart people. When Wang Wei said this, he directly understood Wang Wei’s idea of wanting benefits!

After all, they do not have the ability to fight these people. And for Wang Wei, people are already in the universe, and they will directly pat their asses and leave. Wander the universe and go. What can you do?

“Smart, it’s comfortable to talk to smart people!”

While speaking, Wang Wei directly began to ask for some things from these guys.

After all, there are some elements that are not on the Red Alert Planet, and on the Blue Star, they can’t get their hands on it.

If the lion opens its mouth at this time, when will it wait?

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