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“Excuse me, are you my Governor?”

Glancing at Wang Wei standing in front of him, this silver-haired seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl smiled softly at Wang Wei.

The maternal brilliance of that face almost didn’t fascinate Wang Wei, a complete loli!


When the girl in a gauze dress in front of him appeared in front of Wang Wei’s eyes.

Wang Wei’s whole person couldn’t help but blurt out.

This face, this dress, is too similar.

It’s really too similar.

This is clearly the wife!

Ship Girl game, the first aircraft carrier of most civilian players. Alias Guanghui, real name Mrs. ah!

“Ah, if you are like this, can I understand that you are sexually harassing?”

Slightly stunned, a blush appeared on the wife’s face, and she looked at Wang Wei with a smile and said playfully

“Ah, sorry. It’s just that your image is too deeply rooted in people’s hearts and brilliant! ”

Wang Wei, who was slightly embarrassed, directly explained to this brilliance.

After all, as soon as you open your mouth, you call someone’s wife, and you really can’t say it!

“But it’s not annoying.”

As if in response to Wang Wei, Guanghui’s mosquito-like voice emanated slightly.

However, what made Guanghui stomp his foot with some hatred was that Wang Wei directly introduced himself to the two women who followed on one side after apologizing to Guanghui!

“General Liang, this is your future partner! Quantum infinite power space carrier, radiant! ”

“It’s also the official battleship name of that space carrier.”

While saying Wang Wei, he introduced Guanghui to this General Liang!

“Hello, Radiant, you can call me Commander! General Liang! Looking at this seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl, although General Liang was a little puzzled, he still stretched out his hand very well.

“I am the Tejas class aircraft carrier Tejas. First meeting, General Liang! The brilliance who nodded also shook hands with General Liang!

“Okay, let’s go for battleship assimilation first!” While speaking, Wang Wei took General Liang and Guanghui and the others to the control room of the Radiant Ship.

After Wang Wei placed the core of the battleship in this control room.

The entire battleship seemed to have received a new lease of life.

A transparent invisible light wave slowly covered the surface of the battleship.

And this quantum infinite power spaceflight is directly connected wirelessly in many places.

More importantly, those places that were originally rough or not very reasonable have gradually changed slightly at this moment.

However, the effect of this change is not very large!

Even said, a little weak!

“Governor, I’m supposed to be an aircraft carrier, right? Why are there so many cannons on my battleship? ”

When Guanghui fused with this space carrier, Guanghui looked at Wang Wei with a strange look and asked suspiciously.

After all, if nothing else, three thousand enamel cannons are really excessive.

Not to mention those ten mutated versions of mushroom eggs.

Under such firepower, it would be strange if this brilliance could be happy!

I’m an aircraft carrier!

Not at all whether battleships are good or not!

“Eh…. This one. is temporary. You also know that this battleship belongs to the experimental version! The specific effect will be recustomized when we arrive! Now just let you experiment with some data. Let this chief engineer tell you about the specific aspects! ”

While speaking, Wang Wei pushed the chief engineer to him.

After all, this kind of battleship, whether it is a cannon, an aircraft, a deck, or anything, Wang Wei also has a headache to watch.

No one can say exactly what this space battleship looks like.

But according to Wang Wei’s understanding, it is always inseparable, destroyers, submarines, aircraft carriers, this difference, right?

Such a combination of cannons, planes, torpedoes, and mushroom eggs is really a monster-like output.

“Hehe, Miss Radiance, come and tell me about some problems!”

While speaking, this chief engineer began to chatter with Guanghui!

After all, according to what Wang Wei said, the person who knows this battleship best is not someone else, it is Guanghui himself.

Not even the chief engineer!

While frowning and saying some of the problems on his body, Guanghui disliked the three thousand enamel giant cannons.

Who has ever seen a battleship that constantly releases planes while firing its guns wildly?

Good no, not at all!

For the nagging between these people, Wang Wei directly said that you guys go play!

“By the way, Commander, where are we going for actual combat drills?” Looking at Wang Wei, who was about to leave, General Liang grabbed Wang Wei.

“This… I want to think”

After pondering a little, Wang Wei began to think about this question.

After all, if you go to fight with those space pirates and wandering forces now, it should not work.

But before he left Asgard, he seemed to feel that Asgard had a feeling of storm coming?

Dark Elves?

Or what?

It always feels like there’s something to do!

If it’s a dark elf. Vaguely remember, the dark elves have a space battleship? It seems that it is still possible to make interstellar jumps directly?

Decided to go to Bluestar first!

If you can touch that dark elf’s space battleship, you will directly beat it.

Then get your hands on whether it’s something like an interstellar jump, even if it doesn’t matter.

Just beat the dark elf. Then he can be regarded as properly defending Blue Star.

It also showed part of his strength in front of those big hooligans.

Nana’s, when you were still playing with mushroom eggs on the surface, Lao Tzu was already driving a space battleship and soaring through the universe.

“Let’s go to Bluestar first! If you have the opportunity, you will carry out real battles, if you do not have the opportunity. Just show off your might in the outer space of Blue Star. And then go to these places again! “_

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