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“Ship elves? I have heard that in the age of sailing, some crew members took great care of the ship, and at some point, these crew members were able to meet the ship’s spirits. ”

The experienced General Liang slowly responded to Wang Wei’s inquiry.

In fact, not only in the age of sailing, even in modern warships, some crew members even generated themselves to see the existence of ship spirits.

However, the ship elves are such a thing, which they regard as a product of the fantasy of these crew members who cherish the battleship too much!

“It’s this ship elf-like product I’m going to recruit next. But the difference is that they are just like us, they can speak, laugh and think. Even has some combat experience no less than ours! ”

“And the main thing is that once the battleship that has been assimilated by them, it can directly eliminate the problem.” Simply put, it is an existence that is even more awesome than the super armed joint control system! ”

“They can even get out of the ship and move around.”

While speaking, Wang Wei said the form of those ship girls in the blue front in the battleship.

To put it bluntly, this battleship audit is equivalent to the soul, and the battleship is equivalent to the body.

When the soul and body are compatible, the shipwives will be handy in controlling the battleship.

The number of battleships can account for more than one-third, or even one-half of the auxiliary, and the logistics personnel can be directly reduced to one-eighth or even one-tenth. The rest can be completely carried out, resettle the marines and some other arms into it!

After Wang Wei said the warship form of the ship girls in the blue route.

General Liang and this royal sister in black military uniform finally barely understood!

But when this was said, the chief engineer was even more excited!

“Commander, can you give me a core and let me study it?”

Looking at this chief engineer whose eyes were shining, Wang Wei was directly covered with black lines!

Give you a core? Let you study research?

I’ll give you a hammer! You research and go!

As someone who has played the game of ship girl, give you the core of this ship girl. You’re literally fart-eating!

Although Wang Wei also had a deep curiosity in his heart, what kind of thing was the core of this battleship.

But the idea of conducting research was not born either!

At least not for the time being.

Suppress before speaking!

“If you really want to study, first give me the research look and pull up some technology trees of the Gonghui Base and Shenzhou Base for me!”

Two eyes. Wang Wei directly did not hesitate!

After waiting for a long time, the tens of billions of resources that can make the core of the aircraft carrier were finally stunned.

Wang Wei did not hesitate to directly choose to control the aircraft carrier core.

Looking at this manufacturing time, it takes about seven or eight hours.

Wang Wei couldn’t help but nod slightly.

If it takes seven or eight hours to manufacture, it means that this battleship should be regarded as a not weak aircraft carrier nanny!

While nodding, Wang Wei directly set his gaze on this General Liang.

After all, in Wang Wei’s heart, General Liang can be regarded as the only person in Wang Wei’s hands who can control hundreds of thousands of group armies!

“General Liang, I have two people appointed here, I don’t know which one you want to choose?”

“One is to become the commander of this quantum infinite power space carrier! Of course, all you see is such a quantum infinite power space carrier now, waiting for a while. These actual combat data have been collected by these engineers! I’ll put together a group of space battleships for you. ”

“The second is to become the highest executive officer on this Red Alert planet. Responsible for a series of tasks on the Red Alert planet. While speaking, Wang Wei explained the difference between appointments to this Liang general.

After all, in Wang Wei’s heart, he wanted to make General Liang the commander of this space carrier, and he also wanted to make General Liang the highest executive officer on this Red Police Planet.

Don’t you see that this Red Police Planet has a research base in the east and a research laboratory in the west under the operation of Wang Wei?

Fortunately, there is also an internal affairs department set up by Zhang Ya and Zhang Yu to coordinate the overall situation.

But even if this is the case, the formation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs between Zhang Zhang and Zhang Yu can be regarded as almost unable to hold on.

After all, the stalls are getting bigger and bigger.

It always seemed a little anxious and brittle.

Several times, Wang Wei saw Zhang Ya and Zhang Yu, who originally had black and beautiful hair, and vaguely saw the appearance of some hairlines.

Because of this, Wang Wei killed the explosive soldiers who did not dare to go crazy.

As the saying goes, explosive soldiers are cool for a while, and explosive soldiers are cool at times.

But this special lady is not playing a single-player game. Burst the soldiers out and play with it.

This also takes care of a series of things.

Fucked very!

Because of this, the total population of the Red Alert planet does not exceed one million.

Although a large part of them are ordinary soldiers who have not yet received alienation.

However, these soldiers also have some tasks that belong to them.

“I choose to become the commander of this quantum infinite power space carrier!”

General Liang, who had long been a little hungry for this quantum infinite power space carrier, chose this aspect very decisively.

After all, if she can command space battles, it is also part of her symbol of strength, isn’t it?

“Okay, then I’ll appoint you as the commander of this quantum infinite power space carrier immediately. But accordingly, you also have to help out some of the things on this Red Alert planet. ”

While speaking, Wang Wei directly appointed General Liang as the commander of the quantum infinite power space carrier.

As for why this quantum infinite power space carrier has no name. In fact, it is still waiting for the reason for the core of this battleship. _

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