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Kind of interesting!

“As for wanting to borrow the Magic Code? I agreed to this matter, and my disciples will take you to the magic hall later!” It’s up to you how much you can see! ”

While speaking, the figure of the Supreme Mage slowly dissipated.

Only Wang Wei was left with such an empty echo.

“Mr. Wang.”

At this time, a young man slowly walked up from below this square.

After glancing at Wang Wei and the girl loli behind Wang Wei. This young man directly led Wang Wei to the magic hall.

“All of Karma Taj’s magic books are here. Please! Mr. Wang. With the young man’s gesture.

Wang Wei walked in directly with these four intelligent angels.

Look at this magic hall that cannot be seen at the end.

The corners of Wang Wei’s mouth twitched slightly.

In this case, I finished reading a hammer!

Even if I don’t forget it, it will take me at least ten years and eight years to read these magic books completely!”

“There’s no way. It’s hard to come, can’t just go back empty-handed! ”

While speaking, Wang Wei came to the middle position of this magic hall.

Spread your hands directly.

Wang Wei closed his eyes and slowly sank his thoughts into the depths of his soul.

In the depths of the soul, there were two special identical products connecting the edge of Wang Wei’s spiritual sea.

These two special products are the treasure house of scientific and technological magic, and the intelligent angel civilization technology tree.

In addition to this thing, there is another engine product sleeping in Wang Wei’s spiritual sea.

“Get up, work!”

While speaking, Wang Wei directly let this engine product wake up to do it.

This thing was nothing else, it was a void engine that came with Wang Wei when he obtained the God King Divine Body.

Unfortunately, it is a defective product with only 10 data.

It can’t be said to be defective, it can only be said that it is now in a dismembered state and has not fully recovered!

“Tiangong, enter all these magic books in!”

As Wang Wei’s voice fell, this void engine directly launched a huge search momentum.

With this Void Engine search moves. Some of the books on the shelves began to float out one by one from near where Wang Wei was.

And these floating magic books are as if they were being read, and the pages of the books are different.

“Mster, where did these books come in?”

After all, these magic books are counted. So much that it can’t be put down simply in this spiritual sea.

Either fill it into the treasure house of scientific and technological magic, or Wang Wei is reopening a treasure house of knowledge.

“Reopen a treasure trove of knowledge.”

Gritting his teeth a little, Wang Wei directly decided to reopen a treasure trove of knowledge.

Only in this way can we not enter all these magic books into it.

If not, fill it into that technological magic, and I don’t know how much I can fill in.

“Understood, master!”

As if responding to Wang Wei. This crippled void engine directly began to build up again in Wang Wei’s spiritual sea, opening up a treasure trove of knowledge.

“Mster, according to the current speed, it will take seven days to completely enter these magic books in the process of opening up the treasure house of knowledge!”

As if to give Wang Wei a psychological preparation. The Void Engine slowly responded.

“Wipe, seven days, I hope Asteria will not be lonely and go out to do things.”

While thinking, Wang Wei began to enter all these magic books into his knowledge treasury.

All the magic that was searched by Wang Wei, no matter what kind of magic notes, or what magic events, was entered by Wang Wei anyway.

When entering it, Wang Wei found that it was so cool to have a treasure trove of knowledge. As long as you are willing, you can constantly schedule all the knowledge points and fully apply them!

“Is Master all right?”

Although a little stupid, Astraia still saw Wang Wei’s tightly frowned expression, as if she was doing something.

Seeing this scene, Asterea’s heart was still a little worried.

So, don’t say hot-blooded stupid, it’s not brainy!

“Mster is busy. Let’s be quiet for a while! Especially you Astria! ”

While speaking, Nimuv took Kaos directly to find a place to quietly do it.

“Stupid, Asterea.” Kaos, who was led by Nimfu, directly mocked Astreia.

“mster。” Seeing Wang Wei constantly reading these magic books, Icarus did not have any worried words. But that worried look was vividly displayed.

Time is fast.

A short week passed in the blink of an eye.

As the last magic book was entered, Wang Wei directly gasped heavily.

This feeling of being full of knowledge is really sour!


However, when Wang Wei turned around, he found that all the magic books on the shelves had fallen to the floor.

The smooth marble floor is covered with these magic books.

There is not a single copy on the bookcase.

“mster! Are you all right? ”

As if a person came crazy, Asteria rushed directly into Wang Wei’s arms as if to examine and explore up and down!

“Don’t make trouble. I’m fine, I just read a lot of magic books! ”

Wang Wei, who had a brain crash at this little fool-like Asterea, directly smiled and explained to the three girls Lori!

“So what about these books? Shall we put it back? “_

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