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And those mutants, when not conducting a big data inventory, it is good to say, as soon as the inventory is carried out, a very serious problem will be found.

These guys, no identity background.

What concept? It’s the black household. Under the noses of S.H.I.E.L.D., suddenly such an army of tens of thousands of mutants appeared.

This is a dereliction of duty.

After all, in the world, even the data files of those guys who had mutated just three days ago were retrieved. S.H.I.E.L.D. can also dispatch it for you.

Only these people have no background.

The above completely panicked.

All the satellites are surveying the entire planet. The final result was that Wang Wei’s base camp was not in Blue Star at all.

Most likely somewhere else, on another planet.

Let’s take a break! No drama!

People’s base camps are not in Blue Star, how do you fight with others!

People can have the opportunity to blast this world and run away at any time, and these hooligans have no chance.

Because of this, the members of the guard chose to ignore Umbrella’s people.

Before thinking of the best way to deal with it, Umbrella. You can only let it go.

“This guy did such a lot of things silently! Really underestimated him. ”

Tony, who had been lost for a long time, began to doubt his life.

“It turns out that this guy is so powerful!”

Dr. Banner, who was drinking a little wine, began to think secretly!

After that, do you continue to start your own life? Or follow Wang Wei to mix?

“Okay, let’s not talk about that. I believe in Wang Wei. Everything he does is to fend off alien civilizations! Otherwise, why would he send his legion back? ”

While laughing, Tony clapped his hands directly and said with a smile!

“By the way, why hasn’t Wang Wei come yet? If he goes on like this, he will be late. ”

Somewhere near a barren mountain town.

“It’s all here, isn’t it?”

Wang Wei, who had an indifferent face, looked at the powerful soldier beside him and asked coldly.

For Wang Wei, this Hydra force can be regarded as those inside S.H.I.E.L.D. that Wang Wei has investigated.

Those people in S.H.I.E.L.D., Wang Wei gave Nick Fury a face.

As long as he didn’t leave S.H.I.E.L.D., Wang Wei wouldn’t do it, but accordingly, Wang Wei handed over an intelligence information.

Once you leave the S.H.I.E.L.D. building, then sorry!

There is no amnesty for killing!

“Yes, sir!”

The barren mountain town in front of him nodded, and the security minister responded directly!

“Then attack! I want all of them to die! ”

Wang Wei, who had a hint of anger on his face, directly wiped out the Hydra.

These guys are really unforgiving.

With Wang Wei’s order, the powerful soldiers who had been specially mobilized by Wang Wei to the security forces of the three branches were dispatched one after another.


“Enemy attack!”


As the bleak voice sounded, the killing accompanied by dusk was still directly displayed on this horizon.

Under the sound of various explosions, Wang Wei gently stepped on the steps, holding a magic pistol in both hands, and walked directly towards this barren mountain town under the personal protection of Alice and Tanya!

Just stepped into the barren mountain town, the ruins of a place were left to Wang Wei. Those who died were all explaining the identities of these guys, all of whom were members of Hydra.

With Wang Wei’s walk.

The place in front of the town’s public park was blasted out.

An opening to the underground base.

Looking at the entrance of this underground base, Wang Wei walked directly with Tanya and Alice.

“Long live Hydra!”

With a roar, a Hydra member covered in blood who wanted to pull the grenade to die was directly killed by Tanya who followed him to quickly draw his gun.

That grenade was directly detonated a hundred meters away!

“Good marksmanship.”

For Tanya to have this kind of marksmanship, Wang Wei only nodded slightly.

After all, as a single hero in the Red Police world, Tanya’s combat effectiveness is really not a joke.

As Wang Wei went deeper, some corpses began to gradually appear in this underground base.

Most of them are members of Hydra’s Guardians.

Among them, there are many members wearing white coats.

But in addition, occasionally there will be one or two who sit on the side and are seriously injured, and are taken care of by their teammates waiting for follow-up rescue.

“It seems that it is necessary to research the healing equipment!”

Looking at these injured psychic soldiers, although some of the psychic soldiers awakened the ability to heal.

But relatively speaking, this treatment is not very perfect!

While thinking, Wang Wei walked towards the inside of this base!

When you have reached a certain distance.

Wang Wei stopped himself!

In front of you is a dogfight!

Dozens of powerful soldiers joined forces to attack the two Hydra people in front of them, but they were constantly falling behind.

Seeing this scene, Wang Wei couldn’t help but frown slightly!

After all, the number of these powerful soldiers has increased.

There are some systems, although Zhang Yu and Zhang Ya have registered types and attributes.

But there is also this difference between strength and weakness.

And under the union of Alice and Xu Mu. A series of hierarchies are directly divided.

Among these hierarchies, there are distinctions between the combat side, the auxiliary side, and so on.

It is divided into levels from one to nine stars.

Among them, under three stars, it is not suitable to be integrated into the security department of Umbrella Group. Each of these powerful soldiers who can enter Umbrella’s security department has a combat level above three stars.

Among them, the Xu Mu Five are able to suppress all the powerful soldiers, but they are only subordinate to the seven-star level.

Alice, who is stronger than Xu Mu Five, is at the level of eight stars!

And most of these powerful soldiers who besieged were at the five-star combat level, and a few were at the six-star level.

But just like that, these more than thirty powerful soldiers were forcibly suppressed by a woman who stood in the way!

“Scarlet Witch!”

After seeing the familiar movement, the familiar figure.

The corner of Wang Wei’s mouth slowly spit out these words.

[No, I feel that my face is feverish, scalding hot. Super uncomfortable! Groggily sent the tenth more up! 】_

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