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As Wang Wei’s words fell!

Alice, who was standing closely beside Wang Wei, had an unpretending luster in her eyes!

“It seems that things are not going to be done!”

The armor on Tony’s face who saw this scene was directly brought up!

And the Hulk, who has not yet recovered Dr. Banner’s state, is even more active!

As for the thunder god Thor on one side and the three princesses who exude some light in their eyes, it is even more of a look of watching a play!

“Are you sure you won’t hand it over?”

Looking at the bald agent around him, he held the pistol in his hand with both hands, pointed directly at Wang Wei and swallowed his saliva and said carefully!

“I said, who gave you the courage to provoke me again and again?”

“Also, who gave you the confidence to put a gun at my head?”

Accompanied by Wang Wei’s roar!


A surging force directly blew out all these agents present!

With this force of power!

These agents fell to the ground one by one!

“Wang Wei!”

“Trouble, this is really trouble!”

“There’s really something wrong now!”

At this moment, the classmates of Team America, as well as Hawkeye Barton and Natasha, their entire faces turned livid!

But these three people are still a little more sane!

Hands not done at all!

If they wanted to go up and block, under the threat of the many members of the Horse Legion who entered this hall, no one dared to move!

The strength around Wang Wei was enough for Wang Wei to knock them all to the ground!

“Who is it, giving you confidence? Is it Hydra? Or Alexandre Pies? ”

Wang Wei, who walked up slowly, slowly said these names while walking slowly!


Stephen, who is extremely sensitive to this name, directly contracted his pupils!

If the name Hydra is not clear, what about Hydra?

In World War II, Stephen, who fought with Hydra, can be said to hate him very much!

His dearest best friend, Bucky’s little friend was given by these people….

Under such a mood, historiography is also slightly hostile to these agents on the ground!

“Former chief? Hydra? ”

“It might really be numb now.”

Under Natasha’s nagging, and Hawkeye Patton’s premonition!

Wang Wei walked slowly to this bald agent who was spitting blood on the ground!

Wang Wei, who slowly squatted down, directly pushed the magic pistol in his hand up!

“You think no one knows what you do, do you?”

“You think what you’re doing is seamless, don’t you?”

“You think I’m not going to investigate, do you?”

“I’ve been investigating you since you sent that person to attack me a few months ago!”

“Finally, I discovered a more interesting thing, that is, as a remnant of World War II, you are actually mixed in with the most upright S.H.I.E.L.D.!”

“This is not ironic!”

Wang Wei, who was slowly speaking, coldly fixed the head of this bald guy with the magic pistol in his hand!

“Ahem, long live Hydra!”

This bald agent, who spat out a mouthful of blood again, shouted this Hydra’s slogan directly at Wang Wei!

However, the hand that held the grenade tightly, no matter how hard it was pressed, could not pinch it!

As Wang Wei’s most loyal personal guard. Alice directly used her mind power to give this guy an internal bleeding!

That grenade rolled directly to the ground!

“After you go back, you’d better do a thorough investigation of S.H.I.E.L.D. with Nick Fury!”

Looking at the bald agent who died, Wang Wei said coldly to Natasha, Barton, and Stephen without a trace of emotion!

“In the end, I’ll make these hydras pay!”

“Come and assassinate me again and again! It’s really bile! ”

Wang Wei, who had a cold face, walked directly out of the top of this building!

“By the way, Tony, you’ll be at the party in the evening, I’ll attend! But wait until I’m done with things! ”

After Wang Wei dropped such a sentence, he left Tony’s office at the top of this building!

“It’s really Hydra’s people!”

With the departure of Wang Wei, and the departure of those horse legions who were on guard around!

Natasha directly pulled these agents down!

With the clothes on the body being ripped off!

On the bodies of these people, without exception, a touch of pattern appeared!

Hydra Mark!

Seeing this mark, Natasha knew that this time things really happened!

“Hydra actually infiltrated S.H.I.E.L.D.?”

Stephen, who was a little unacceptable to this result, had an indescribable anger on his face!

After all, S.H.I.E.L.D. is the result of his old lover, Agent Katy and several people!

But it was such a product that was tried by Stephen to be the crystallization of Agent Kat, and so many Hydra people infiltrated it!

Does that mean that S.H.I.E.L.D. is already riddled with holes?

“That former chief….”

Hawkeye Barton, who saw this scene, couldn’t help but fall silent!

Nothing is more real than the tattoos on the back of these guys!

If it was Wang Wei who wanted to covet the Cosmic Cube and fight against them S.H.I.E.L.D. in the first place!

Then this time, Wang Wei took away the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube, and the three people present all chose to support!

Put the Cosmic Cube in S.H.I.E.L.D., which does not know how many Hydra members there are, it is better to put it in Wang Wei’s hands!

At least they fought side by side with each other!

“Okay, so are you still at the evening party?”

As if aware of the major problems within S.H.I.E.L.D., Tony asked softly to the three friends!

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