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Looking at Wang Wei flying in the air, Natasha could only nod.

Now I got on the thief’s ship and couldn’t get off.

I can only bite the bullet and dry it!

While thinking, Natasha directly stretched out her hand and summoned a gunship!

“Watt? Unmanned? ”

When Natasha stepped inside the gunship, Natasha’s whole body almost bit off her tongue!

The inside of this gunship is empty!

There is no one on the ride position!

“Miss Commander, hello! I am a member of Wuzhi No. 213! I’ll take you into the battlefield! ”

Natasha, who had just sat on Wu Zhi, almost jumped down!

“What are you? Don’t tell me you’re controlled by a super-intelligent AI! ”

Natasha, who was puzzled, directly began to think in the direction of Tony’s unmanned armor!

“I’m sorry, Miss Commander, I’m not controlled by a super-intelligent AI! I am a silicon-based lifeform, a member of Wuzhi No. 213! ”

While flying, this Wu Zhi explained to Natasha!

Behind Natasha was an armed group belonging to the members of Wuzhi 213!

“How long will you have to lie down?”

Looking at the American team Stephen who was constantly depressed on the ground, Wang Wei’s brows were directly wrinkled together!

This guy won’t be beaten by himself, right?

Although I don’t like the idea of World War II dedication of the American team!

In general, for the American team, Wang Wei does not like to come, and he can’t talk about much disgust!

But now this feeling of a little glass heart makes Wang Weizhi frown!

“What are you doing here?”

After thinking for a while, Stephen slowly stood up!

“I’m just looking to see if you’re dead, and there’s a task you need to do!”

While speaking, Wang Wei threw a headset on the ground!

“Not dead, what mission?”

Glancing at this headset on the ground, the American team looked up at Wang Wei, who was slowly flying away in the air, and asked directly!

“Enough time to wait! Next, it’s up to you, the hero, to inspire the citizens and rescue them! ”

“Natasha and the Wuzhi Legion under her command will help you save people!”

While flying upwards, Wang Wei dropped such a sentence!

Get up close and personal with these citizens?

Don’t even think about it!

Wang Wei can’t do this!

However, if Wang Wei does not contact, someone must always make contact!

The Avengers always need a Kanban character!

Wang Wei still prefers to engage in logistics in the back, bringing a legion or something!

Scenery things, very disliked!

“Maybe I’m wrong! The ideas of World War II are indeed unfit for generation! ”

Tiffin, who bent down to pick up the headset on the ground, looked at Wang Wei, who was getting farther and farther away, and muttered to himself!

The biggest difference between people in World War II and now is selfishness!

For selfish people, it is necessary to be more cold-blooded to be able to control!

“Hey, where are you all?”

I think back to this continuous training for more than a month, and the contact with this era.

Team America finally understood!

It’s not that these people are wrong, but he, Stephen, is wrong!

As the saying goes, admit what you are wrong with, and stand up when you are beaten!

After realizing his mistake, our classmate Stephen went straight to the remedy!

The simplest and most straightforward manifestation is that Stephen accepted Wang Wei’s leadership and arrangement!

“Captain, where are you now?”

Hear this somewhat unexpected sound in the headset!

Although everyone was a little surprised, they still nodded slightly!

I don’t know how Wang Wei got it, since the American team has temporarily returned to this group, it means that Wang Wei once again recognizes the American team, which can be regarded as accepting the American team!

Hawkeye Patton on top of a tall building can put away his bow and arrow as he pleases!

Every shot, it is always a coincidence to detonate several Zitaguri air motorcycles on the spot!

“I’m on this fourth street!”

While running, the American team that cleaned up some miscellaneous soldiers gasped into the headset and said!

“Got it!”

“In front of you is a group of about dozens of Chitaguri, who are suspected of preparing to collectively blast the citizens. Not far from your neighborhood are five members of the Horse Legion! ”

Hawkeye, who has very good eyesight, looked around!

A little bit directly in this headset!

“Got it!”

Hearing this, the American team nodded directly and ran in the direction designated by Hawkeye!

And the five special combatants of the Horse Riding Legion in this vicinity also ran in this direction!

Didi, beep!


In the stars responsible for the coordination of big data, they directly gave the five special combat members of the Horse Riding Legion to the captain’s headset!

“I’m attacking directly ahead, attracting the firepower of the Zitaguri, and a few of you will enter the underground garage from the side and rescue those citizens!”

I heard a new voice coming from the headset.

Stephen knew that these people were members of the Horse Riding Legion, and did not hesitate in the slightest!

Directly took over the task of attracting firepower!

“Understood! Good luck, Captain! ”

As the voice of this cavalry legion group finished speaking, the American team directly began to rampage in the main entrance of this underground garage!

With the entry of the American team.

The Zitaguri who were on guard around here opened fire one after another!

One laser after another was shot straight at the captain’s shield!

And on the other side.

These five members of the Horse Riding Legion flew low and flew directly in from within the skylight on one side!


The member of the Horse Legion who landed directly erected the miniature barrel on his arm!

With the shaking of these miniature barrels!

One after another energy beams were shot out directly!

The brief battle soon ended.

Under the astonished gazes of dozens of citizens in these underground garages.

The members of these Horse Riding Legions are even more like the wind!

“Who are these guys?”

“I don’t know! But it seems to be someone who came to save us, right? ”

“Did you just spot the emblem on those Men of Steel?”

“Sign, what sign?”

“I would love to see the Umbrella Group logo…”

With the rapid departure of these horse legions, these citizens also followed closely and talked about it!

However, although there is a lot of discussion, the escape speed of these people is simply a little embarrassing!

【Poof!!! I think too highly of myself! Upset stomach! Aaaaaah! It’s so uncomfortable. After writing this chapter with difficulty, I sent it! Continue to update tomorrow. Sister Qi Feng calculated a little today! It was updated with 30,000 words! Incredible! Finally, kneel for support! 】_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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