After all, in this case, you can only vent all your anger on that Loki!

“You have the most ideas in this, you say!” At this moment, Stephen, the American team who has no interest in raising the bar with Tony, is carefully holding this collection card.

This collection card contains too many emotions for the American team!

“First of all, according to Loki’s flamboyant personality, no matter what he wants to do!”

“There’s always one thing you can’t get rid of! That’s like the world announcing his achievements! ”

“Moreover, the kind of element he took away, plus the Cosmic Cube! Well, I might have a clue, if Wang Wei and Dr. Banner are there, then we can analyze what this guy wants to do! ”

“You mean this guy needs a big stage?”

Stephen, who looked up, asked directly!

“Yes, that’s right, this guy needs a big stage, a stage where he can show his abilities to the world!”

Tony, who nodded, was not the slightest surprise at Stephen’s statement!

“Don’t think about it, the largest stage location in the world is the City of the Altar!”

“And the landmark building of the City of the Altar is your Stark Industries Group Building!”

“My Umbrella Group Building can’t be used as a performance stage!”

While speaking, Wang Wei took off the mask on his face, pushed open the door of this conference room and walked in directly!

“Wang Wei, how is Coulson?”

As soon as they saw Wang Wei, the team who had just taken off their surgical gown, everyone’s eyes were focused on Wang Wei’s body!

No way, Wang Wei is the guy who can really dominate everyone’s lives now!

“It’s hard to say, but there’s little hope! After all, half of this guy’s Hungarian cavity is gone! ”

“I reluctantly cleaned up, whether he survives depends on his own creation!”

Wang Wei, who shook his head slightly, directly told his truth!

After all, Coulson was indeed miserable enough, and was directly broken by the assault rifle by half of the Hungarian cavity!

Fortunately, some unimportant muscle tissue, most of the important organs are still there!

Otherwise, if he wants to save Coulson, Wang Wei can only choose to undergo a living transplant.


Hearing what Wang Wei said was hopeless, Stephen of the American team contained a deep anger in his heart.

An indescribable rage!

For the anger of the American team afterwards, Wang Wei directly chose to ignore it.

Sure enough, this super boy club or something, I still don’t like it very much!

While thinking so, Wang Wei began to think that his various legions also needed to start to emerge!

This world, here I come!

I will show you the power that belongs to me!

“Damn it!”

Natasha, who has worked with Coulson for so long, is even more angry and wants to vent everywhere!

“I’ll definitely unscrew Loki’s head!”

His face sank slightly, and Hawkeye Barton, who installed the arrow in his hand, muttered to himself!

“So, I don’t care what kind of anger you have, it’s best to hurry to the City of the Altar!”

“In particular, my Umbrella Group headquarters is still in the City of the Altar! If it is wantonly destroyed by Loki! Then I absolutely peeled Loki’s skin! ”

While speaking, Wang Wei threw the plastic gloves on his hand directly on the table!

“Go, use the Kun-style fighter!”

While speaking, Natasha ran directly with everyone in the direction of the Kun fighter!

With four or five people, the Kun-type fighter can still be moved!


“What a wonderful world!”

“I’m coming! Numerous lambs! You must pray to be shepherded by the gods! ”

The third princess with a face of two illnesses stood at the top of the Stark Building, with a look of excitement and wanton!

This feeling, really good!

Look, Father. I must be better than my brother!

I am the one who can inherit the throne!


Glancing at the doctor who was tinkering with the equipment, the third princess Loki directly turned back and asked!

“Totally ready!”

The doctor who nodded said affirmatively to Loki!

A place that can be used to build a stage and a place that can provide a lot of energy, except for this Stark Building, this Doctor really can’t find anywhere else!

“Then let’s get started!”

As Loki’s voice fell!

A pillar of heavenly light began to shoot directly into the air!

At an altitude of thousands of meters, in a position that can connect space wormholes!

A small dark wormhole was slowly opened!

The citizens of the Altar City, at this moment, were a little panicked!

“Alarm, alarm, supernatural force detected happening!”

“Alarm, alarm, detection of a space wormhole!”

Wang Yuyan and the others, who were working in the umbrella building, were suddenly stimulated by the part of the star system stored inside the umbrella building, and all of them fidgeted!

This alarm directly alarmed all the secretaries!

“What’s going on?”

“I don’t know!”

“What happened?”

“Silence!” Wang Yuyan, who saw this scene, directly ordered these female secretaries to calm down, and at the same time directly found Xu Mu, who is now the head of the security department of the headquarters of Umbrella Group!

As for the previous head of the security department, Alice, was transferred by Wang Wei to the Red Police Planet to command the tyrant army!

“What’s going on?”

“I don’t know, but I personally suggest that all the employees go home on vacation!” At the same time, the people of the security department are all combat-ready! ”

Looking at the black wormhole that gradually formed outside the window, Xu Mu felt a little worried in his heart!

This feeling is a little bad!

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