As a good old man, Dr. Banner went straight to the field to persuade!

After all, in this case, who else will persuade except Dr. Banner to persuade!

“You shut up, you monster!”

Looking at the American team that is not pleasing to anyone, Stephen really can’t see this kind of unorganized and undisciplined organization!

Although it took less than a month to transform the mind.

But unfortunately, the ideas of World War II are still firmly in the minds of the American team.

If you want to erase it, it’s still a lot worse!

“Hey, he’s going to be angry when you say that!”

Tony Stark, who had some affection for Dr. Banner, said directly to the American team with a look of contempt.

This spirit of selfless dedication?

Sorry, he Tony can’t do it!

“Look at you, you who have monsters in your body, they accept you there?”

Looking at Dr. Banner, who was a little displeased, Thor, who had a dispute with the American team, also had a look of disdain.

A monster, do you really think these people will care about you?

“It’s going to be bad now!” Wang Wei, who saw this scene, took the document very quickly, took a cursory glance, and said a little speechlessly!

Thor and Team America are constantly at Dr. Zabanna’s little heart!

“That guy inside me said something right to you, and he’s angry!”

Dr. Banner, who was slightly moved, slowly responded to Team America and Thor with a heavy expression!

“It’s a bit bad!”

“Dr. Banner, if you can, bring that bracelet I gave you!”

Tony, who was a little timid in his heart, slowly fell backwards!

And looking at Dr. Banner’s feeling of imminent anger.

Whether it was Team America or Thor Thor, they all began to retreat slightly!

“Bring it? I’m sorry, I don’t know what you’re going to do to me when you bring this up, but the guy inside me is very disgusted with this thing! ”

Look at the suppression bracelet placed next to the table.

Dr. Banner’s increasingly angry face was replaced by a touch of disdain.

At this moment, Dr. Banner, the Hulk in his body is about to gush out!


When the document was finished, Wang Wei put down the teacup in his hand and gently clicked the bracelet on his left hand!


At this moment, a big explosion broke out directly outside the space carrier!

This explosion directly destroyed one of the four anti-gravity propellers of this Kangtian mothership!

“What’s going on? Where did the problem go? ”

At this moment, Hill, who was coordinating the overall situation in the command center of the space carrier, felt the shaking of the space carrier!

Hurriedly asked everyone in the control center!

“Report! Discover an intruder! ”

“Alert, the intruder is extremely familiar with the interior of the space carrier, has evaded several protective forces, and disarmed two security defense systems.”

“It’s not good, it’s my own people! Barton! With a turn of his eyes, Hill directly understood who this intruder was!

“Do you want to catch the Hulk too?”

As Dr. Banner’s voice slowly fell, a thick layer of green appeared on the skin!


With an angry Hulk roared.

The Hulk, who turned into the Hulk, smashed directly towards Thor, the god of thunder, and Stephen of the American team!

Hulk is a very simple guy.

Similarly, in Hulk’s mind, who is good and who is bad can be clearly distinguished!

With an angry look, Hulk directly smashed Team America and Thor to the ground madly!

And that Tony, long ago did not know where to run!

Before the steel suit, Tony was a weak chicken.

“Damn it! This is bad! ”

Nick Fury, who reached out to support the table on this side, looked slightly ugly!

“Chief, Barton may have killed him and wants to save Loki!”

Listen to the rushing sound inside the headset.

Nick Fury was a little anxious.

Save Loki?

No, this kind of thing is definitely not allowed!

“Natasha, Barton is back, now it’s just you, go stop Barton!”

After glancing around, he found that both Team America and Thor were fighting with the Hulk and didn’t know where to go!

And Tony looks like he’s going to put on his suit.

As for the biggest problem figure, Wang Wei? It disappeared without a trace!

There is only one character that can be used now, and that is Natasha!

“I see!” Hear about Hawkeye Patton returning with a group of mercenaries to rescue Loki.

Natasha nodded slightly.

For her comrades, Natasha still cares a little.

Under this thought, Natasha did not hesitate to directly accept the action to block Hawkeye!

“Coulson, someone may have to rescue Loki, you get ready!”

While walking towards the control center of the route carrier, Nick Fury hurriedly ordered!

“I see, sir!”

Coulson, who nodded, walked directly towards the cell where Na Loki was holding some agents behind him!

“Mortal, what are you here for?”

In this cell, he glanced at Wang Wei, who was standing in front of him smiling.

Loki was a little puzzled.

But which kind of vibration just now, Loki still clearly felt it.

Hawkeye Patton, bring someone to rescue him!

“Nothing, just want to see the legendary gods!”

Looking at Loki’s cell, Wang Wei had a slight toothache.

Laser cells, not a problem.

The Prism Tower and the Prism Tank in the Symmetry are both modes.

However, between the light prism and the laser, it is half a pound and eight taels, each has its own advantages and disadvantages!

What makes Wang Wei have some toothache is that this laser cell cannot be touched!

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