Not to mention nuclear bomb wells. Although a single nuclear bomb well only costs three billion! But a nuclear bomb costs ten billion!

Blood cries!

After hearing this data.

Wang Weina really cried in blood.

Whether there are tens of billions of nuclear bombs made by big hooligans, Wang Wei does not know. But Wang Wei knew that he built a nuclear bomb, but it really cost tens of billions of units of resources!

“What do you say about combining scientific magic with a space-time teleportation device?”

While thinking about whether his Transformers Legion and the Tyrant Legion could show their majesty when the Third Princess led the Zitaguri to kill them, Wang Wei directly put forward such an idea!

“Scientific magic? I don’t know much about this, but give it a try! ”

These engineers, who are also scientific madmen, directly accepted Wang Wei’s proposal!

Although Wang Wei has only one engineer on time-space teleportation!

But it doesn’t hinder Wang Wei from doing things at all!

“Try it!”

Wang Wei, who also flashed a trace of excitement in his eyes, directly followed this engineer to make trouble!

“According to the scientific magic I have called, there are not no scientific magic arrays that can perform cross-star teleportation!”

“There are many kinds, among them. That’s the only one I can figure out! After all, the others are some rare materials. I can’t get it! ”

While speaking, Wang Wei generally displayed the scientific magic teleportation array map that he had extracted from the treasure house of knowledge in a three-dimensional way!

A six-pointed star array that appears on top of this virtual projection!

However, if it is the umbrella building as the eye. Then Wang Wei needs to buy several nearby buildings!

“Wang Yuyan!”

Thinking of this, without saying a word, Wang Wei directly called the CEO of Umbrella!

“Young Master, what’s wrong?”

Wang Yuyan, who had not contacted Wang Wei for a long time, suddenly indirectly received Wang Wei’s call, and was a little puzzled!

“I’ll send you a document in a moment. Buy me all the buildings, companies, and companies involved in this! ”

“In what name? Master! ”

“The group grows and separates some institutions that can be separated!”

“Okay young master!”

At the same time that Wang Wei hung up the phone, news suddenly came from Taihu Lake, who was Wang Wei’s faithful research assistant!

“Sir. The reception downstairs said that the ancient mage came over! ”

“Ancient One Mage? Did this guy keep an eye on me the whole time? ”

Wang Wei, who had a dark face, directly let the people below let the ancient mage go!

Not only that, but a soldier of Gonghui specially brought it to Wang Wei’s research room!

“In other words, are you specifically staring at me?”

Looking at the smiling look on the face of the ancient mage, Wang Wei really had a feeling that he couldn’t fight anywhere!

How every time, after encountering this magic problem.

This ancient mage can appear properly?

“I’m looking at the future timeline, not staring at you all the time!”

For the deeply misunderstood meaning of Wang Wei’s words, Master Gu Yi explained with a smile!

After all, every time I come, I come when people have problems!

“Okay. You have the final say! But what are you prepared to say this time?”

Wang Wei, who was speechless, had nothing to say about this act of the ancient mage!

After all, the ancient mage held the Time Gem in his hand!

According to legend, it was precisely by borrowing the power of the Time Gem that the Ancient One Mage was able to draw a large amount of power from the dark dimension to fight against the monarch of the dark dimension, Dormammu!

And he knocked it back several times.

“I have nothing to say. I’m just here to witness the possibilities of mortals working wonders! ”

While speaking, Gu Yi Mage smiled and told Wang Wei!

“The possibility of mortals creating miracles?”

“Yes, the possibility of mortals creating miracles! Magic teleportation array, this kind of thing exists. But again, it is not something that mortals can master! ”

“If you want to master the magic teleportation array, the first point is that you need to have magic power in your body, and you don’t!”

“This is still the most basic principle of the magic teleportation array on the surface of the planet!”

“I want to build a magic teleportation array across the star field. So far, as far as I know. On this blue star, no one except me can do it! ”

Gu Yi Mage, who shook his head slightly, sat on the bamboo and rattan chair and explained with a smile in front of Wang Wei!

“No one can do the magic teleportation array across the star domain? Why? ”

Saying this, Wang Wei was really curious!

Marvel Universe is not awesome? Awesome!

But the Marvel World is also the last place many traversers want to come, and there is no one!

If the film and television version of the Marvel world is good, at least it can survive until the Avengers kill the purple potato essence!

But what if it’s a comic book version?


Everyone in the comic book version has a parallel universe world of his own. And everyone’s parallel universe world has countless branches.

To put it mildly, pull out the Eastern mythological system in the Marvel world, the Heavenly Court. It’s not a difficult thing.

This is the comic book version.

Kill Wang Wei and don’t believe that this Marvel of his is a comic book version!

“Because of the energy!”

“The code of energy is constant! You have to pay what you want, and what you give, you get! ”

“And the cultivation of magic often relies on talent and the energy that wanders between heaven and earth!”

“But now there is less of this energy! There are fewer people who can become magicians! ”

“So, I’m curious, will you directly do the miracle of a magician as a mortal?”

The curious Ancient One Mage looked at Wang Wei with some waves.

“Who knows!”

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