“Bucky understands, boss!”

Bucky, who nodded, instantly understood what Wang Wei meant!

Collect those villains and whatnot, generally do not move, once you do, it is an opponent who clears everything for Umbrella!

“Well, just understand! Go back and get ready! When the time comes, ask Wang Yuyan for some help! This is the first and last boost! ”

Wang Wei, who nodded, walked directly into this biochemical base without saying anything.

For Wang Wei, this decision to release Bucky is also for a reason!

After all, not everything can be solved by Umbrella!

Some dirty work also needs to be done!

More importantly, Wang Wei wanted to see how the American team, who was the embodiment of justice, would react when he saw Bucky leading a group of villains lawless?

Continue to forgive Bucky?


As Wang Wei walked in, Dr. Lizardman and Dr. Octopus, who were brought over by Wang Wei, were a little excited at this moment!

For these two guys.

Especially Dr. Lizardman, this biochemical island is simply a place tailored for him!

In the eyes of Dr. Octopus, Wang Wei, who can unreservedly support his research, is the biggest good person!

It is the one who gives his allegiance himself!

“Tell me about some of your improvements!”

Nodding slightly, Wang Wei asked directly to these two guys!

“Boss, the licker is really a very good creature. However, after I added the Lizardman gene, some of these abilities have been continuously enhanced! ”

“However, in the midst of this, I still need a lot of experimental subjects! But boss, don’t worry. I’m sure to improve a licker that will satisfy you! ”

While speaking, Dr. Lizardman, who was afraid that his plan to fuse the Lizardman gene with the licker would be rejected, quickly assured!

After all, in Dr. Lizardman’s heart, Lizardman’s genetic technology has always been a product of his own pride!

He doesn’t want to die here!

“I satisfy you!”

For this request of Dr. Lizardman. Wang Wei said that there is no problem!

This is not the time of resource scarcity as a few months ago.

After Zhang Ya, Zhang Yu and others led a group of powerful Gonghui soldiers to fight dozens and nearly a hundred primitive tribes.

The experimental products on this biochemical island have long been abundant!

And those people in the Marvel world were directly abandoned by Wang Wei!

Special lady’s, biochemical experiments still need these strong primitive talents.

Although there are not many brains. But just be in good health!

Under this factor, with the tacit consent of Wang Wei!

Zhang Ya, Zhang Yu even played with breeding primitive people…


That’s pretty much what it means!

“boss。 The strength of the tyrant has increased! However, the control of this biochemical chip has a great load! ”

Dr. Octopus, who came to Wang Wei, shook his head slightly!

Dr. Octopus, who developed octopus tentacles, also valued this opportunity given by Wang Wei very much!

However, although the tyrant has more than doubled his strength under the enhancement of the octopus tentacles.

However, it produces a great load on the biochemical chip.

“That means those biochemical chips from before are completely incompetent?”

“Yes, boss!”

Octopus tentacles, which were originally able to help humans move, were transplanted into the human spine.

However, it is precisely because of this that the tyrant, who needs biochemical chips to control, has to have an extra part of the operation to run the octopus tentacles.

This is equivalent to your 2G network playing king. Don’t drop until you crash. Count me as losing!

“I see. How many tyrants have been reformed now? ”

“There are only more than thirty. There are also nearly three hundred tyrants in the waiting transformation sequence! “、

“Octopus tentacles hurry up and install! After that, put it all into a deep sleep! The problem with biochemical chips. I’ll fix it on my side! ”

Wang Wei, who shook his head slightly, continued to walk directly inside!

The Nemesis who made Wang Wei’s heart the most is still Wang Wei’s focus now!

But even if Wang Wei walked into it, this Nemesis biochemical project had nearly ten biological, biochemical and other engineers involved together!

In this regard, although Wang Wei, who has no low knowledge, can only choose to listen silently.

After all, these experiments, but I did not track the whole process, and some of the points in them are not very clear!

“Commander, commander!”

“Who are we going to hit, you say?”

Tanya, who was excited, looked directly at Wang Wei who was about to leave the Red Police Planet, and directly dragged him and asked!

After Tanya, she was shocked by the data of Zhang Ya and Zhang Yu!

Tanya’s whole body became excited.

Psychic Soldiers, Blade Armor Legion, Transformers Legion!

The appearance of these three things directly made Tanya’s little heart plop with excitement!

“Hit whom? Now you are honest here! The battle may not be long coming! ”

“That’s right. I’ll give you part of the permission! ”

Wang Wei, who had a lingering thought, directly gave this Tanya most of the construction permission!

After all, Wang Wei himself didn’t have that much time to continue to stay on this Red Alert Planet!

I don’t know why, Wang Wei always feels that the city of the altar has a feeling that the storm is about to come!

“This is leaving?”

Seeing that Wang Wei did not have the slightest hesitation, Tanya, who left this red alert planet directly, couldn’t help but hang her head a little!

When this military force is in hand, it cannot be used to wage war.

It’s really a shame!


When Wang Wei gave most of the authority to the Gonghui base to Tanya.

Zhang Ya Zhang Yu, this is the real recognition of Tanya as a general!

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