“First meeting! I’m Agent Coulson for the Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Agency! ”

Coulson, who was refined and smiled kindly, walked up to Wang Wei and stretched out one of his hands!

“Chairman of Umbrella Corporation! Wang wei! ”

With a slight raised eyebrow, Wang Wei also showed a kind smile one after another and stretched out one of his hands.

“I don’t know, why did Agent Coulson come? I thought, I, Umbrella Company, don’t break the law, right? ”

Wang Wei, who was sitting on the sofa and gently took a sip of the good Longjing tea, was directly puzzled!

“Hahaha, Mr. Wang is really a joker! I’m not here because Umbrella broke any laws! Similarly, if it is a small problem, my country’s Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Bureau can still help you, Mr. Wang! ”

Slightly stunned, Coulson couldn’t help but show a kind smile and explained to Wang Wei seriously!

He came this time, not to investigate, arrest or the like!

“Oh? So I wonder what problem Agent Coulson can help me solve? ”

Hear Coulson say that S.H.I.E.L.D. can help solve its own problems! Although Wang Wei showed a smile on the surface!

But deep down, I am deeply wary!

S.H.I.E.L.D., how many people can really be considered S.H.I.E.L.D.

Tell a joke! The world’s most powerful and powerful institution aims to capture the largest and most evil force, Hydra!

However, in this S.H.I.E.L.D., there are more than five or six percent of them who are lurking undercover agents of Hydra!

What’s more, the former director of S.H.I.E.L.D. is the largest undercover head of Hydra lurking inside S.H.I.E.L.D.!

This kind of exciting thing, Wang Wei said that he can’t play!

“Like a certain underground rat, or something! Who knows! As long as Umbrella doesn’t touch the laws of the Eagle Sauce family, I don’t think anyone would want a company like Umbrella to save the world to fall! ”

Shrugging his shoulders gently, Coulson very comfortably said to Wang Wei the purpose of his trip!

“Hahahaha! Underground rats! Did Agent Coulson read it wrong! I don’t have any underground rats here, even if they do! It’s also a group of hyenas trying to divide up my Umbrella, may I ask Agent Coulson, do you beat the dogs? ”

Wang Wei, who laughed a lot, asked without hesitation!

Do you beat the dogs?

Coulson was silent.

Hit the dog? What this dog refers to, Coulson knows very well! Those councillors of the Eagle Sauce family!

For these greedy parliamentarians, Coulson did not have a trace of good feelings in his heart!

Similarly, S.H.I.E.L.D. is a special institution directly under the jurisdiction of the five rogue associations outside the Eagle Sauce family!

This, dog, is really not good to fight!

Thinking of this, Coulson had a slight toothache!

“Don’t mind, don’t mind! Some hyenas, I can’t see them yet! But I guess Coulson isn’t just here to catch mice, right?”

Waving his hand slightly, Wang Wei directly signaled Coulson not to continue thinking about it!

“Mr. Wang is right, I have two missions this time! One is to invite your Umbrella people to participate in a medical study! The second is to give us some sales quota! ”

While speaking, Coulson said his plans to Wang Wei!

Hearing Coulson’s words, Wang Wei was silent!

Does Umbrella have a great reputation?

Resounding! In just two months, Umbrella has gained a certain reputation all over the world!

But the same Umbrella does not have much fame!

Just because Umbrella is researching some cancer-causing drugs! The reputation is not a half cut off from the world-famous Stark Group! It’s grandparents and grandchildren!

It was precisely because of this that Wang Wei became silent!

Umbrella, in terms of ability, is just a small medical research and production company! What is worth the personal presence of senior agents of the largest violent agency?

On potential? Hehe, in the Marvel world of various black technology groups, Umbrella is a ball?

“I think, with the reputation, ability, potential of my Umbrella company. It’s nothing to you guys, is it? So, I’m confused! What is it worth that you, the Umbrella Company, value me? ”

did not respond to Coulson’s words, and Wang Wei, who was leaning on the sofa, asked directly to Coulson!

The importance of S.H.I.E.L.D. is not a good thing! At least before he doesn’t have enough strength!

“Two reasons! One, because you have a clean foundation! Two, because of the command from above! ”

After a pause, this Coulson directly said to Wang Wei what he could reveal!

“Orders from above?”

Wang Wei, who was chanting these words in his mouth, began to think!

Is this command inside S.H.I.E.L.D.? Or the top boss of S.H.I.E.L.D., the Big Five Rogue Association?

“Hahahaha! Since Agent Coulson has this sincerity, if I don’t accept it, then I’m not lifting! Don’t know what medical program Agent Coulson is talking about? And what is the sales quota required? ”

Wang Wei, who threw this thought to the back of his mind, smiled directly at Coulson!

What about the inside of S.H.I.E.L.D.? What about the top five rogue associations of S.H.I.E.L.D.’s top boss?

Soldiers will block the water and cover the soil!

It doesn’t matter what kind of hydra or dog claw or something, come one and I’ll chop off one, come two and I’ll go down the pot together!

Don’t make a mistake, I just make money!

“This is what I call a medical project! But it’s the Eastern Country, which was given by the rabbit! Plus, this sales quota is not for me, but for those above! Worldwide, each of them takes a portion of their sales quota! Correspondingly, they will support you in every way! “。

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