It was as if inside Jin He’s body lurked a fierce hungry beast!


Wang Wei, who was sitting on the sofa, stared at the high-rise building outside the floor-to-ceiling window, not knowing what was going on in his heart!

“What does it feel?”

Jin He, who returned to the exclusive car, closed his eyes and thought slightly for a while, and directly opened his eyes to the bullseye and asked!

At this moment, Wei Ersun no longer had that kind face, and some of them were all the calm looks of the underground emperor of the Altar City!

“Very strong. But I’m sure to kill it! ”

The bullseye Lester on the co-pilot was slightly silent and responded seriously to Wilson!

“Mutants? Or mutants? ”

For this reply of the bullseye, Wilson did not show any dissatisfaction!

“It feels like a mutant!”

After thinking a little, this Lester said his guess to the bullseye!

“Really? Let’s go! ”

The corner of his mouth slightly raised an unknown smile, and Wei Ersun directly and quietly leaned on the back of this driver! Mutants? You Umbrella company is really interesting!

The bullseye that received the order directly caused the convoy to drive directly in the direction of Queens!


S.H.I.E.L.D., inside the Trident Headquarters building!

“Well, well, I see! Good work! ”

At this time, a man in a white suit who was in charge of monitoring and reporting transcription tasks nodded repeatedly at the situation on the phone.

While nodding, write on this side of the paper!

A moment later, looking at this information on the surveillance mission that was marked as A-level, the man in the white suit did not have the slightest hesitation.

Directly took such a folder and walked to the office of a ninth-level agent on this floor!

Knock knock!

“Please come in!”

Coulson, who was bowing down to handle the case, responded directly to the knock on the door!

“Sir, this is the surveillance situation you want! There was a little surprise! ”

While speaking, the man in a white suit put the document in his hand directly on the desk and withdrew!

About a moment later, Coulson, after the file at hand was processed, opened it directly and watched it!

“How did this Umbrella get involved with Wilson? Is this being targeted? ”

Looking at the news that Wilson went to Umbrella Company, Coulson was slightly puzzled!

For Umbrella, Coulson also conducted a survey! After all, companies that can develop five special drugs, which can block and even treat cancer to death, cannot be taken seriously by S.H.I.E.L.D.

After all, this is a capability that can benefit the whole world! Umbrella has a great affinity with organizations that are harmful to the world!

Companies like this deserve to be protected secretly!

“Alas, I hope this underground emperor does not make some headache decisions!”

While thinking so, Coulson stood up and walked directly towards Nick Fury’s office!

After all, this Umbrella company was personally ordered by Nick Fury to monitor!

“Sir, that little mouse underground may have made some small moves in Umbrella Company!”

While speaking, Coulson handed the information in his hand to Nick Fury, who was troubled by the disappearance of Mr. Tony, the eldest son of the Stark Group!

“Umbrella Corporation? This seems to be the drug pharmaceutical company we talked about before? ”

Eyebrows raised slightly, glanced at Coulson’s Nick Fury directly opened this surveillance report and quickly browsed it!

“This Umbrella Company, you go and get in touch! If necessary, give the underground mouse a warning! ”

“By the way, call Natasha and Barton in by the way!”

After a little thought, Nick Fury directly canceled Barton’s vacation. Take a vacation, take a hammer! Tony Stark is missing and on vacation! Hurry back and do coolies!

“Yes, sir!”

As soon as he heard that he didn’t have to go to the Middle East to wind and sun, and enjoy the baptism of sandstorms, Coulson couldn’t help but breathe a slight sigh of relief!

Speaking of which, this Coulson left here directly and quickly, and it is one thing to contact this Umbrella company! Another yard is also a warning to some organizations with ulterior motives!

Umbrella, they are covered by S.H.I.E.L.D. Companies that can produce and produce five drugs that treat cancer and other death-threatening diseases, even the World Security Council will choose to cover them! And even more so this special body of theirs is subordinate to the World Security Council?


“Parliamentarians, what a bunch of greedy hyenas!”

Sitting on the sofa, Wang Wei looked at the blue sky and white clouds outside the window, and couldn’t help but mutter!

“But if these councilors can hold it, then in this Eagle Sauce family, it is almost equivalent to having the final say!”

Wang Wei, who was thinking slightly in his eyes, began to think about how to hold the councilors of this Eagle Sauce family in his hands!

A hyena that cannot be used for oneself is not a good hunting dog!

“Young Master! There is a situation! ”

While Wang Wei was thinking, Alice, who was standing quietly in the corner on one side, suddenly became on guard!

“What’s wrong? Alice. ”

Hearing Alice’s words, Wang Wei also came back to his senses from his own thinking world!

But when he came back to his senses, Wang Wei saw very directly and clearly that not far from him, several armed helicopters were hovering above a street away!

Look at that situation, it’s like some kind of movie scene!


Alice, who was standing beside Wang Wei, slowly pointed to a green humanoid monster running on the street below!

This humanoid monster is not clear in the eyes of ordinary people on the twenty-eighth floor, but it can be seen clearly in Alice’s eyes!

“This is…. Hulk? ”

Picking up the binoculars on one side and looking at the group of humanoid monsters not far from this street, the corners of Wang Wei’s mouth couldn’t help but start muttering!

Is this the beginning of the plot?

[Flowers, tickets, tips, comments, all seem to be nag! ] What to do! Little brothers than hearts! 】

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