“Yu Yan, soak two cups of good Longjing!”

“Yes, young master!”

After ordering two words to the button on his desk, Wang Wei directly smiled at Wilerson Fisk and said!

“Forgive me, the group is newly opened, and many of these things are not fully stocked, so there is only a little tea to entertain you!”

While laughing, Wang Wei leaned on the sofa and looked at Wilerson Fisk, who sat directly on the sofa opposite him!

“Hahaha, where did Mr. Wang say, this Asian tea, I also like it!” After all, how do you say a word? Drinking tea is health! Yes, that’s it, drinking tea is health! ”

While responding to Wang Wei with a smile, Wilson Fisk smiled kindly at Wang Wei like a humble middle-aged uncle and touched his brain!

“Tea, please!”

The action was fast, and Wang Yuyan, who was dressed in a pure secretary uniform, walked directly in with a few cups of Longjing tea. Very obediently put the tea in front of everyone’s eyes, and retreated later!

“I wonder why Mr. Fisk came to me with this Umbrella? Or, what advice? ”

Wang Wei, who raised his hand to signal Jin and drank tea, gently took a sip of West Lake Longjing tea, slowly turned to Jin and asked!

There may be questions in these words, and there may also be questions!

After all, being able to kill directly on the day of the new opening of this company is not good!

Mr. Wang was polite. In addition to thanking Mr. Wang, I came to talk about a business with Mr. Wang! ”

While speaking, the bullseye standing behind Jin He directly took out a contract from the briefcase in his arms and quietly placed it on the table!



Hearing these four words, Wang Wei’s eyebrows couldn’t help but raise slightly!

What does that mean?

Although this Umbrella company has been in this world for more than three months, he has no intersection with this gold!

“Hahahaha, Mr. Wang is really a nobleman who forgets things! Perhaps for Mr. Wang, the previous selection of clinical trial personnel is just a demonstration of your strength! ”

“But for me, it was a lifesaver! If it weren’t for this clinical trial of yours, my lover would have really left me! ”

Saying this, Wilson Fisk’s eyes flashed with a hint of happiness!

If he hadn’t chosen this clinical trial, then his lover Vanessa might really have returned to God’s embrace?

“God bless!”

Although I don’t understand that the medical clinical trial that Wilson said is specifically the clinical trial, since this Vierson who has a vicious mind and a ruthless maniac came to thank him, then he can’t be guilty of being the biggest rat under such a council city!

What about Wilson’s many crimes? What’s the matter with yourself?

In this Marvel world, there is no absolute justice and no absolute evil!

Although Wei Erson is vicious, the crimes he committed are enough to be shot hundreds of times! But, so what?

If Vierson can bring benefits to itself!

Wang Wei doesn’t mind cooperating with Wilson!

After all, the biochemical experiments in the hive base need real native experimental bodies! Not those cyborgs!

Human trafficking? Hehe, Wang Wei doesn’t mind a dirty deal with Wilson!

“God forbid? Hum! ”

At the mention of these words of God blessing, a trace of disdain flashed in Wei Erson’s eyes!

If God really exists, Wilson wouldn’t mind pinching God’s head! I have begged you so many times, but you have not been able to save my dear Vanessa’s life.

“Well, this is a meeting of fates, I’m afraid that without this medical clinical trial, then you and I would not be sitting here so calmly discussing things!”

“Tell me, dear Mr. Fisk, what business are you going to talk to me about?”

For the kindness shown by this Weierson, Wang Wei directly chose to ignore it!

Vierson’s kindness is not so easy to get! Since you got it, it is definitely not so simple to be able to pay back!

If Wang Wei is not mistaken, in the comics, Wilson is the ruthless man who killed his wife! But now looking at Wilson’s soft expression of missing his wife, Wang Wei knows that this Wilson is definitely not the Vierson in the comics!

“As far as I know, Mr. Wang, your Ambraka Group can be regarded as a medical group! So Mr. Wang, you know what? You’re digging into the corners of those parliamentarians! You are digging their graves! ”

Without any hidden words, Wei Erson directly and seriously told Wang Wei seriously!

“Digging into the wall? Digging graves? Hahahaha! Interesting, really interesting! ”

Wang Wei, who heard such words, couldn’t help but burst into laughter!

“You should know what is the most profitable in this world, arms, drugs, smuggling, these are three things in secret, the obvious ones are education, officials, and medical care!”

“And, in the city of the forum, there are many parliamentarians involved in the medical industry! The five drugs you have developed can save many lives and make a fortune! ”

“But when they lose their profits and don’t share any money, they will snipe at you and then take away your company, research institute, and everything!”

“Greed has become the most typical synonym in their eyes!”

“Unless, your group can grow into a giant like Stark Industries!”

Speaking of this, Wilson did not say any more!

Before coming, Wilson did some research on this Umbrella!

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