A large ship dismantling plant on the coast of Africa.

Inside the hold of the scrapped maritime cargo ship CHURCHILL.

An arms dealer with the Wakanda brand of ‘thief’ on his neck.

Ulysses Crow, expressing his strong dissatisfaction to the buyer on the other end of the phone

“Don’t tell me you were deceived by my men. I gave you six short-range thermal missiles.”

“And you gave me a boatload of junk scrap metal! Now you have to compensate me, otherwise, I will send you another missile and fly it to you.”

After that, Ulysses Crow, who was pacing in the captain’s cabin that he had modified, walked slowly to the phone and hung up the call.

After hanging up the call, Ulysses Crow Crow pressed the speakerphone again and answered the call from another phone.

“Okay, General, what were we talking about?……”

Before there was a sound from the other end of the phone, there was a sudden ‘boom’ in the cabin and the generator set stalled.

It was pitch black in an instant, and all the workers outside were panicked because of the power outage. At this time, the foremen in the crowd turned on the high-power flashlights they carried with them, and began to comfort the workers.

Compared to the commotion outside, Ulysses Crow, who was alone in a room feeling quiet, suddenly became aware of the danger.

He looked out the door nervously, and quietly touched the pistol on the table with his right hand.

Crow slowly picked up the gun and turned on the safety. With the gun in his hand, Crowe suddenly felt a little stronger.

He didn’t go out stupidly, but tentatively fired a shot into the darkness outside the door.

There was a bang, but the bullet hit nothing. Instead, two black shadows as fast as lightning flashed in from the door.

Crow, who didn’t even react, suddenly fell into his chair.

The continuous tinkling sound next to his ears caught Crow’s attention. He turned his head subconsciously and saw a still shaking warhead placed on the table. The caliber was obviously the one he had just shot. bullet!

“Yo, Crow”


Suddenly he heard someone greeting him, and Crowe immediately cast his gaze over.

At some point, two men with cold temperament appeared in his office.

They were both very tall, one had a handsome face, and was wearing tights. One has a hard face and is wearing a fur coat.

The first impression of these two people is like that of ninjas from an island country, especially their eyes, which are indifferent to all life and make people feel cold when they look at them.

“It’s me, Eric, Eric Stevens.”

As a black man who introduced himself came in from the door, Crowe’s heart, which had been hanging, was immediately relieved.

Seeing an acquaintance coming, Crowe stood up in a hurry and started to get close to Eric.

“Ha ha! It’s been so long, Eric!”

“You too, long time no see, Crow. Crow hugged Eric, turned around, picked up the candy plate on the table, and greeted him warmly:”Eric, would you like to have two?” What about these two?”

Eric patted Crow’s hand and was about to grab a handful from the candy dish, but accidentally, the candy dish was spilled.

At this time, the two people moved!

There was a gust of wind, and Crow followed When Eric came back to his senses, he discovered that the candy plate without spilling any candy was placed safely on Crow’s desk. The two incredibly fast men made Crow I couldn’t help but ask:”Are these two……”

“Bodyguards sent by my allies to protect me.”

Sit down on Crow’s chair, Eric put his feet up comfortably.

He reached out and grabbed a candy from the candy dish, tore off the wrapping paper and threw the candy into his mouth:”I’m here to see you today. Not for anything else, just for one thing”

“Have a big business? Crow found an RPG ammunition box and sat on it. He also moved his butt to make himself more comfortable.

Eric raised a finger and shook it, and said softly:”It’s not business, it’s the future.””

“future? What’s the meaning?”

“Quite simply, your future, and the future of the world, changes right now.”

Spreading his hands, Eric made a lifting motion:”Wakanda has been hidden for too long. It’s time to step onto the world stage. I want to go back and get back what I lost!”

“What! ?

Crowe was shocked by Eric’s speech. He said,”You want me to help you return to Wakanda?””

“That’s right!”Eric put down his arm and stared at Crowe with sharp eyes:”T’Chaka is dead and the throne is vacant now, so I want to go back! This is the best opportunity!”

“……To be honest, I don’t really want to help you. Crow

, who pondered for a moment, said something that Eric didn’t like.

Knowing that his words would lead to death, Crow immediately changed the subject and said,”But I am a businessman after all.” Man, as long as you have the money, whether you want tanks, artillery or aircraft missiles, I can get them for you.”

Claude rubbed his fingers, completely revealing his traitorous temperament.

Eric, who combed his dreadlocks back with his hands, remained silent and gave a look. To the man with a handsome face.

Wind, who received the hint from his eyes, reached out and took out a weird cell from the pocket on his back and threw it to Eric.

Eric, who caught the weird cell, changed his hand and threw the cell away. Lost to Crowe

“Ugh ~ what is this? So disgusting”

“Hey! This thing is so precious”

“What? Is this thing precious?”

Claw held up the weird cell in his hand with a look of disbelief.

In response, Eric did not say anything, but reached out to borrow his gun from Crow

“Take a good look.”

Eric pointed the gun at his chest, and with Crowe’s confused expression, he pulled the trigger.

Bang bang bang…

When the bullets ran out, Eric’s bloody chest felt strange, and Crow immediately Lao was shocked.

The skin and flesh were actually healing quickly! Even the bullets that had entered the body were being squeezed out one by one by the muscles. The bullets clinking on the ground woke up Crowe

“you! Could it be that you……”

“That’s right, I am no longer an ordinary person, I am now a weirdo! Eric put down the gun, slowly stood up from the chair, and then revealed his weird form to Crow’s horrified expression.

After revealing his identity to Crow, Eric returned to his human body and bent down from Pick up the weird cell that Crow dropped on the ground in fear.

“Eat it and you’ll have the same power as me”

“Really? Really?”

After listening to Eric’s words, Crowe took the disgusting weirdo cell from the opponent’s hand again and swallowed his saliva.

At this moment, the two identities of human and weirdo were constantly fighting in Crowe’s mind.

In the end, the human identity was defeated by the weird identity. Crow, who couldn’t bear the impulse, opened his mouth and was about to swallow the weird cell, but Eric stopped him.……

“Don’t worry, I don’t think you need to remind you of the rules of business.”

Claude, who was interrupted by Eric, was not annoyed or angry, but showed a scared look, and his whole body was sweating profusely.

He stood up, and with trembling hands, he put the weird cells into an iron box on the desk.���Zili

“I know, I know the rules.

Holding the iron box containing the weirdo cells, Crowe wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said,”It’s not easy to go to Wakanda. It’s closed and barbaric there. Do you see this shameful scar? It’s them.” It was branded on me in the first place.”

Claude opened his collar and showed Eric the ‘thief’ mark on his neck.

“That’s enough, I don’t care what they left in you, what I need now is how to get into Wakanda!”


Seeing Eric showing signs of anger, Crowe immediately comforted him:”There is a way, there is a way! Come with me……”

Leaving the office, Crowe took Eric to a container containing toxic waste in the cabin.

Crowe waved away the men who followed behind him, and then pulled a fuck pole next to the container.

The next second, the cargo platform elevator inside the container began to rotate.

Soon, the dirty and rusty cargo platform disappeared.

A shelf full of futuristic technology appeared.

Crowe carefully took out a long tube from the shelf and said:”This can let you in!”_

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