Martial Tomb

Chapter 890

Martial Tomb Chapter 890


[Yesterday there was a sudden power outage, unable to update, too late to ask for leave, sorry here. Happy Children's Day. ]

Azure Dragon pool.

Two silhouettes of white flowers lie quietly in the water, hugging each other tightly, seeming to be enjoying the afterglow after a good time.

It took a long time before they gradually separated.

"Dead ghost!!" Yue Changqing smashed Wu Mu's chest with his pink fist, and said coquettishly: "You don't even know how to pity, you almost killed your concubine just now. You are just a stallion. , how can it be so strong." Between the eyebrows, there was still a hint of spring. A touch of flushing still did not dissipate on the carcass. The battle just now was too intense.

Wu Mu said a little aggrievedly when he heard it: "Changqing, just now you kept wrapping your hands and feet around me, and you kept shouting don't stop, but I did as you asked. , As for which aspect is too strong, I can't help it. After all, I am a martial cultivator, and the fleshy body is strong. The Azure Lotus battle body contains good fortune. In the world, anyone who can compare with it is just can be counted on one's fingers. Besides, I'm strong, and you're comfortable."

Wu Mu couldn't help but feel a burst of pride and joy in his heart when he heard the woman he loved saying he was strong.

You must know that the Azure Lotus battle body he tempered has a strong fleshy body, which is rare in the world. Moreover, he has absorbed the essence of many Peak body refinement methods and integrated them into it. Even "Nine Revolutions Profound" Art "essence are included in it, containing many origins of Heaven and Earth. As long as he is willing, even if he does it for three days and three nights in a row, it is nothing but simple and easy. No pressure at all.

Ye Yuqiannu are all idle.

The cost of the crotch is not generally strong. The average woman simply can't bear it.

Only a cultivator like Yue Changqing, or a martial cultivator, can bear it. Even so, after several hours in a row, the more Changqing felt that his whole body was about to fall apart. The same, even the bones are crispy. In the end, it was really unbearable.

Wu Mu's strength, what golden spear does not fall, Ye Yuqiannu. None of the Dual Cultivation feats can match it.

The cost is beyond measure.

"You said, if it weren't for you, would I do that?" Yue Changqing heard. With a shy look on his face, he slapped Wu Mu's chest with all his strength. A look of anger.


Wu Mu didn't say much, just stretched out his hand and hugged the perfect carcass into his arms. Feeling the softness of the twin peaks on the chest, a warm color appeared on his face, and he sighed softly: "It's great to have you here!!"

Even if it is strong and powerful outside, family, wife . Always the sweetest harbor.

It is a kind of spiritual haven. Here, never worry too much. Can completely relax the body and mind. Don't be on guard for anything.

Yue Changqing also moved his body lazily, snuggling his body into Wu Mu's arms, as if looking for a comfortable position, looked up at Wu Mu and said, "By the way, Husband. , Sister Xian'er, you should also find a time to collect it. Otherwise, people will follow you unclearly. It's not good for her. I can see that she has a very deep affection for you, and her heart is already attached. It's on you."

"Why do you suddenly mention Xian'er, don't you get jealous." Wu Mu glanced at Yue Changqing in surprise. Although the two women usually get along very well, but , I can still see that there is a trace of grudges and scruples. didn't expect to come forward at this moment. This is a very unusual thing.

"hmph, it's not you, a lecher, a concubine can't handle you alone. How can you not find a sister." Yue Changqing glanced angrily. said with a cold laugh.

"Ma'am, I think you're almost recovered, why don't we continue."

Wu Mu smiled indifferently, and glanced at Changqing.

Immediately, he got on his horse and went to the killing field with his sword.


In a rapid moan, the water waves all around violently swayed again. Constantly splashing bursts of water.

On the second day, in Yangxin Garden.

In a gazebo.

Kong Rong sat in the first place, with He Xian'er standing next to him, quietly brewing a pot of spirit tea, next to Xiao Nan Nan sitting quietly on Kong Rong's legs, looking at He Xian'er with serious eyes During each step of brewing tea, I saw the spiritual mist filled the teacup, and a little water droplets dripped from the mist, like a misty drizzle falling over the teacup.

It looks very gorgeous and dreamy.

This is the latest cloud tea planted. It is a spirit tea filled with Spiritual Qi. Once the brewed tea is poured out, a cloud will naturally form over the tea cup. The rain falls and falls into the tea cup, which is the essence of the essence. Each drop contains strong Spiritual Qi and unique Dao Rhyme, which is of great benefit to the cultivator of the cultivation technique. It can not only increase the cultivation base, but also make people feel the Dao Rhyme of water, and comprehend the Great Dao Law. .

If you drink it often, the speed of cultivation base will be faster.

Moreover, it has great benefits for washing one's own bloodline and fleshy body, and even has the effect of healing and healing internal injuries in the body. This is a very precious spirit tea, which was still in the black market before. The obtained ones were planted in the Shen Pesticide Shop. Now, it is the first time to pick them up, bake them into tea leaves, and brew them.

It is said that this spirit tea has an excellent taste and is one of the favorite spirit teas of many cultivators.

"Pray for my mother."

Wu Mu and Yue Changqing walked into the pavilion hand in hand, looked at Kong Rong, and bowed to greet him.

"You are here." Kong Rong looked at Wu Mu and the two with a charming look in her eyes, a smile on her lips, but she was like a mirror in her heart. Qing's radiant expression has already seen a lot of things, how could he not know what happened to them.

However, it was not broken, but the heart was filled with joy.

While following the sky boat during this period of time, how could I not know that Wu Mu and Yue Changqing have not been together for a long time, but they did not say anything. After all, there are too many things that happened during this time, and it has not been stabilized simply. Now that the two are in harmony, that heart can be completely put down.

"That's right, Xian'er." Kong Rong suddenly turned her head and looked towards He Xian'er.

"Mother, is something wrong?" He Xian'er responded in surprise.

"Changqing and Mu'er held a wedding, made a betrothal, and obtained the consent of their parents. They are considered to have completed various rituals of marriage, and they are regarded as formal husband and wife. It seems that the children have not yet obtained the title."

"Now Mu'er's father is not here, and I don't know where he is, so today, it is up to the mother to choose a zodiac. On an auspicious day, let's have a meal together, and you can consummate the marriage. As for the status, we don't pay much attention to it here. We are all the same. Changqing is the eldest sister, and you are the younger sister. "

Kong Rong said slowly, her eyes looked towards He Xian'er, her eyes were full of softness.

He Xian'er's body shook, and a red cloud flew up on her face.

Full of shyness.

Glancing at Wu Mu and Yue Changqing, he couldn't help lowering his head and said in a low voice, "It's all up to my mother!!"

Although this voice was small, it could be heard in the audience. Yes, almost all of them are martial cultivators, and their ears are not generally strong, even if they are as small as a mosquito, they can clearly detect her answer, and naturally fall into everyone's ears.

"Sister Xian'er, let's talk over there."

Yue Changqing smiled indifferently, stepped forward, took the initiative to pull up He Xian'er's jade arm, and said gently .

Step aside together, talking softly.

"Very good, so Xinlian has two sister-in-laws." Wu Xinlian also showed a sweet smile. One more sister-in-law, but one more person to love. So many benefits.

"Mu'er, Changqing and Xian'er are both good girls, you must not let them down, otherwise, the mother can't be relied upon, when the time comes, don't blame me for punishing you heavily ." Kong Rong did not forget to mention Wu Mu, and said with a stern look.

"I will, mother."

Wu Mu indifferently smiled, nodded nodded, and answered directly.

"That's good, you have a good life, and your mother will be happy." Kong Rong nodded nodded, as a parent, who doesn't want their children to have a good life, that is the greatest happiness.

"Yes, mother."

Wu Mu smiled nodded, glanced at Kong Rong, a strange light flashed in his eyes, and suddenly said: "Mother, your cultivation base It seems to be about to break through."

Kong Rong's realm is a real king, the king of Paradise Realm, Celestial Grotto has already been developed in her body, and she is extremely talented, and she has also obtained many precious items on the Longevity Island. Resources, cultivation speed is naturally not slow, and there are not many battles at all. In Paradise Realm, it is also a powerhouse. Now, on the sky boat, you are nourished by Innate vitality, and there are various spiritual medicines and a large number of medicines in the god pesticide garden. Pill, Spirit Fruit, etc., come together and become the foundation.

It makes cultivation base advanced by leaps and bounds.

The breath that is exuding now, vaguely, seems a little unstable, and this instability seems to be in a state of being promoted.

"This is a small breakthrough. It will take some time to advance from Paradise Realm to Star Realm. Mother's current background is not enough." Kong Rong shook her head slightly, said with a smile.

This breakthrough is only to reach the Paradise Realm Peak, and the transformation is promoted to the last small realm of Paradise Realm.

However, the star realm is still a little worse.

After all, in order to take care of Wu Mu's two siblings, Kong Rong directly sealed the cultivation base and lived in the secular world for more than ten years, delaying a lot of time. These times are enough to open up part of the gap.

Now that there are huge resources to make up for it, it is not easy to catch up.

"Well, after going through the war this time, I gained a huge fortune, and I also got some fairy tales, so that we can breed Celestial Grotto on our heavenly boat, and there are everywhere for you. Taking it, it will definitely accumulate the foundation quickly. It is not difficult to break through to the star realm."

"After this time, the child also intends to continue to deduce and create some new spirit wines to try whether they can be brewed. Spiritual wine at Paradise Realm level, when the time comes, consumption of spirit wine will definitely enhance the foundation faster and complete the accumulation."

After Wu Mu hesitated slightly, he said slowly.

A gleam of light flashed in his eyes. (To be continued~^~)

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