Martial Tomb

Chapter 870

Martial Tomb Chapter 870


"Go, go, get out of here, the value of this Chaos Strange Treasure is so great that it will tempt countless people , this is a truly immeasurable treasure, even the Great Emperor will be tempted, the crystal Black Tortoise's carapace, even the Great Emperor can't break the defense, the Supreme will be eclipsed, that is the truly terrifying ultimate defensive power, offensive and defensive integration , is rare in the world. Now that it is revealed, I am afraid that countless people will be jealous, and I don’t know how many people will secretly snatch it.”

This treasure is really too precious, precious enough for countless powerhouses to directly kill and steal.

Now, some people have begun to have bad intentions.

Little Fatty has an amazing experience, and naturally knows what's going on here. It can be seen at a glance that many people have already made other plans, and will never let go of this crystal Black Tortoise shield easily.

A piece of Chaos Strange Treasure so powerful, no one is impossible.

"Crystal Black Tortoise Shield, contains 6 Layers Chaos God Forbidden, with God Forbidden - Crystal Black Tortoise Indestructible Mirror Anti-Profound Light Forbidden!! What a powerful Chaos Strange Treasure. Such a shield, even if Even Emperor Artifact can never break through its defenses. Integrating it into the sky boat is enough to make the sky boat's defensive power skyrocket countless times in an instant, reaching a level that is rare in the world."

Wu Mu said Quickly put Divine Sense into the shield, and quickly spy on the mystery.

This Chaos Strange Treasure was born directly in the edge stone. It did not recognize anyone as the master. It can be said that it was born for the first time. The will of Artifact Spirit in it is still very simple and naive, like a child. , and felt the breath and will emanating from Wu Mu, and revealed his own information without much resistance.

The newly born Chaos Strange Treasure is always the easiest to recognize Master.

Although there is no recognizing Master yet, a little bit of information can still be detected.

This crystal Black Tortoise shield is a rare treasure, and it has the Supreme potential to continue to transform. If it merges with the sky boat, it is equivalent to becoming a part of the Eternal Heaven boat. At that time, with the evolution and promotion of Tianzhou, these eternal units will also transform. Even if it is not Chaos Strange Treasure originally, Chaos God Forbidden will be derived. Become a Chaos Strange Treasure general presence.

This is the magical power of the eternal Dao Rhyme.

"I just fell asleep when I met the pillow. The sky boat is missing a Peak's defense Supreme Treasure, and now this crystal Black Tortoise shield. It can just make up for a big vacancy in the sky boat. Tianzhou has a strong defensive power, and this weak spot can be compensated. The battle strength of Tianzhou can skyrocket exponentially. How can such rare treasure be handed over.”

The rays in Wu Mu’s eyes of light flashes. Also found harboring malicious intentions all around some people's eyes. I know, someone must have secretly given birth to evil intentions.

"Don't worry, it's hard to come to the black market, you have to take a good stroll, but this crystal Black Tortoise shield is still safer to send back to Tianzhou."

"Linglong, integrate it into an eternal unit. When we return to Tianzhou, we must completely integrate it. Next. I'm afraid there will be a tragic fight." Wu Mu thought about moving, the crystal Black Tortoise shield in his hand has been was sent directly into the sky boat.

"Very good, with this crystal Black Tortoise shield, our heavenly boat's defensive power will surely surpass the sky, and it will be as difficult as heavenly ascension to break our defense. The battle strength can increase dozens of times. When the time comes, see who dares to offend us. Kill them all." Linglong received the crystal Black Tortoise shield and immediately felt the magical power in it. said confidently.

Just fuse the Crystal Black Tortoise Shield. On the boat that day, whether it is attack or defense, it can be completely perfected, and there are no obvious weak spots. It is hundreds of times more difficult to break the boat than before.

Only if there is no obvious weak spot, Tianzhou can really have the basis for survival and even rise in All Heavens and Myriad Realms.

Otherwise, who knows when it will be hit hard.

"Linglong, you first fuse this shield, and I will continue to stroll around this black market. Be on alert all around, and all weapon units will be on alert for me. If there is any trouble, you are welcome. Kill me directly."

Wu Mu with murderous aura's instructed.

"Yes, Master!!"

Linglong Man is baleful aura's promise.

"Come on, let's go in and have a stroll."

Wu Mu glanced at the all around cultivator with a faint glare like a tiger watching his prey, and said lightly to the all around girls with a smile, gave a wink of reassurance, the women saw it and didn't say much, knowing that Wu Mu should have arranged these things. Without too much worry, I continued to stroll around the market.

From time to time, the women also picked one or two edge stones.

The price is not too expensive, and Wu Mu didn't interfere. Let them choose, Wu Mu also bought a few edge stones. Almost all of them are seven orifices edge stones, such edge stones cannot see through the treasure light in the inner, and can only rely on their own luck.

Myriad Treasures House is indeed extremely enduring, and Wu Mu did not stop him from buying the edge stones because he cut out a Chaos Strange Treasure. All the edge stones are clearly marked. Moreover, Wu Mu also selected some edge stones in the market that can see the treasure light. The richer the treasure light, it means that the treasure inside is more precious.

It's just that, this time, Wu Mu didn't cut stones on site.

As soon as you buy it, it will be sent back to the sky boat immediately.

If you are cutting out any treasure, I am afraid that the cultivators all around will eat him on the spot.

Not long after, I had already left Yoshifang City, wandering around the black market at will, buying some Heaven and Earth Treasure, spiritual medicine seeds and so on from time to time. As long as you don't own it, once you see it, you will buy it without the slightest hesitation.

Right now.

In a remote and hidden meteorite area outside Moyun Black Market, there is a huge meteorite, on which a huge interstellar port is built. On the meteorites all around, there is a ferocious railgun, which is aimed directly at all around. Once any foreign enemy invades, it can immediately erupt with powerful destructive power. In an instant, a huge battle strength will be exerted.

all around, there are many shadows hidden in every meteorite.

Respond quickly to any bells and whistles.

This meteorite belt was completely transformed into a terrifying war fortress.

is a sleeping ominous beast that, once awakened, will have terrifying consequences.

And on the meteorite in the middle, there are various buildings, even entertainment and training equipment, and entertainment venues such as hotels, it is even more lively, shouting, and even more endless, every sound. They all seemed extremely rude. As if a group of thieves and murderers gathered together.

And here, there is a palace.

The gold and jade in glorious splendor built by the palace, at first glance, gives people a feeling of splendorous and majestic, however, it is not noble, but has an aura like explosive wealth. Makes people feel disgusted.

On the palace, there is a plaque, which is inscribed with several ancient seals - the palace of the thieves! !

If someone comes to see it, I'm afraid they will be shocked on the spot.

If the name is said, it will definitely make the child stop crying on the spot.

The demon thief palace, startled heavenly demon thief palace! !

Among the interstellar pirates, the real Peak pirate group, Ranked 9th among the top ten pirate groups. Among them, the creator's name is - Pirate Demon Venerable! ! With a battle strength, it oppresses the Quartet, and its appearance, appears and disappears unpredictably, almost no one can know its true identity and whereabouts. With a strength, it is extremely terrifying, and it is ranked in the forefront of the Investiture of the Gods.

No one knows where the headquarters of the Palace of Thieves is, but its branches are located in all corners of All Heavens and Myriad Realms, Universe Starry Sky, and every place is extremely hidden. , it will immediately hide, making it difficult to find. Even the method of deduction cannot deduce their whereabouts. The shot is very brutal. Once it is shot, almost no armor is left, and all lives are killed. Leave no leeway. Since ancient times, no one has escaped from the hands of heavenly demon thieves.

It can be imagined how amazing its strength is, ranking ninth among the top ten pirate groups.

The Devil's Palace on the meteorite belt is a branch hall, not the headquarters. Even so, the arrangement here is not only hidden, but also the defenses set up are even more amazing.

The Palace Lord in this palace of thieves is named - Gambit! !

is a thorough Peak Sovereign. He has battle strength and is very terrifying. It is said that he once fought with the Great Emperor and escaped calmly. It can be seen that his battle strength is against the sky.

In the Palace of Thieves.

At the very top is a golden throne. On the throne, a man wearing a yellow robe has a strange golden mask on his face. Like the king and the king in poker. Gives a weird feeling.

At the bottom, the four seats are arranged left and right in sequence, and they are arranged at the front of the bottom.

And on these four seats, there are also four powerhouses.

Leading on the left, is a woman, a plump, graceful, lordotic, sexy peerless beauty, with female beauty captivating even the birds and beasts. But in his eyes, there are flashes of wise rays of light from time to time.

Clearly, this is a very smart woman.

Below her is a big one-eyed man with a full beard, exuding a fierce air. On the right, one has a scarred face, and the other looks like a fisherman. He held a net in his hand, and from time to time he took out strange silk threads and weaved them into the net. Make the network more dense. It seems that the entire Heaven and Earth can be netted in it at any time.

No one can break free.

Gambit sat on it, glanced at the four of them, and said, "Wuyan, let me tell you about the information you just received." His gaze, looked towards the only woman, obviously, was said to her.

"Yes, Palace Lord."

After Liu Wuyan stood up, he said, "I just received a report that in the black market of Moyun, someone cut a piece out of the edge stone. Chaos Strange Treasure, moreover, is not an ordinary Chaos Strange Treasure, it is a Supreme shield evolved from the crystal Black Tortoise tortoise. ^~)

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